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How David Goggins Studies & Learns | David Goggins & Dr. Andrew Huberman


Well, most people just look at me as the guy that runs and yells as he's running. And while I do that, you know, to motivate people, but people don't understand that my day is broken up into segments. I work out, I eat, I sleep, but I spend most of my time studying.

So like I'm in the medical world, I'm a paramedic in Canada, but I spend a lot of my time trying to nuke every single thing about it, because I'm not trying to just be a paramedic, learn about veins and arteries and how the heart pumps and stuff like that.

I'm trying to learn to the point where I can save someone's life. And even though paramedics are doing that all over the world, I'm trying to be that paramedic that can really dissect exactly what's going on and figure out, you know, what medication goes where, just trying to, you know, just trying to learn, you know, the algorithm of what's going on, man.

So I spend a lot of time with it. I love the word algorithm, because when I teach biology or try and learn anything that's related to biology, especially the human body, I need to know the nouns, but it's the verbs that matter. And that's really what you're talking about.

Like, like just saying that, that sits there, that brain part there doesn't tell you how it all works together. So what is your process for studying look like? Like if we dropped a camera in the room, but a microphone into that, into your inner dialogue, right? Gosh, wouldn't, wouldn't we all love that.

But if we dropped a microphone into your inner dialogue, are you waking up looking at the books and going, yeah, fresh day, let's learn, or is some of the same resistance that you've talked about coming up around physical work? Is that coming up from time to time? You know what?

I was nervous at first. I'm gonna keep the mother, I'm gonna keep it real, I'm gonna keep it real. So I'm not a real smart guy. And what I mean by that is I was born with ADD, ADHD, like my brain cannot retain information. I'm not some genetic freak when it comes to running, when it comes to lifting weights, I am absolutely the bottom of the barrel.

And people will never believe me. And they can just, you know, whatever, believe what you want to believe. So when you asked me this question about what does studying look like for me, I have to go over the same page over and over and over and over again. While Jennifer can look at that page while she's, you know, quizzing me, she'll learn it right then as she's chilling on anything about it.

She will quiz herself or quiz me and learn it as she's quizzing me. It's the most frustrating thing in the world how my brain works. So what I do is I literally sit there with a pen and paper, and I have my books, and I go through and have to write everything down every single day.

I will study the same page until it's photographic memory from writing the same thing down. And then from there, I'll go back through and relearn again. So I'll learn the bulk of it, but then I'll go through and learn the small things within that. So if it's a medication, I'll learn what the medication does.

Sometimes I'll learn how to even say the medication, because these medications aren't like, you know, like albuterol. No, it's very big words. So I'll go through and learn how to say the name, and I'll go through, learn what the dose is. Then I'll go through, and this is like every single day, it's not like, "Oh, I got it.

Let's just go through." No, nothing is, "I got it." Every single thing, so I can't wait to get in this conversation because everything I do in life, it sucks. Everything I do in life, it sucks. That's why when I was 300 pounds and 24 years old, it wasn't like I had some big epiphany of, "Let's just go be a Navy SEAL and let's lose some weight." No, I knew my entire life was going to be a struggle, which is why I just ignored it.

And I said, "I'm not even trying to jump off into this shit and learn how to read, how to write, how to memorize, how to become something I am not." But through that process, something happened to me, and I realized, this is why I feel sorry for no one.

In this podcast, they're going to really not like me because people are going to think that I am maybe lying or maybe fibbing or exaggerating. No, I am literally, I was the lowest form on earth, no talent, no ability to learn, and I literally know what it is to be rock bottom and to build that up.

So that question about learning, it's a pain in my ass, and I don't have to do it. So think about it, I'm 49 years old and I'm a multimillionaire. I don't have to do anything. So all I thought about when I was growing up is, "Man, I can't wait to one day get to the point where I no longer have to do this stuff." But what happens, I got older, it became a way of living.

So how I do every day is how I do every day. It's a discipline. It's a regimen. It was a choice I made. And the choice I made was, what are you willing to sacrifice, and what are you willing to give up to find every bit of who you are as a human being?

And I was willing to give up everything to do that. So studying is no joke. - I love that you're studying. And I recall a few years ago, I heard some interview or podcast with you, and you just threw out like, "I don't know what I'll do next. Maybe I'll be a scientist." And I went, "Yeah." I was like, 'cause I knew, 'cause I know you a bit, and I see your work out there, but we'd met before, that if you decided that, you were gonna do it.

And learning medicine, which is what you're doing, learning human physiology is so detailed. And people out there have to understand, when you look at a textbook and you see the veins and the capillaries, different colors, when the body's open, they're not different colors. So I mean, some things have different color contrast, but it's not like it's all labeled when you pop it open.

And so the process of writing things down by hand is important for you. So you go back and read those notes. Do you think about that stuff on your runs too? Are you segmenting your day? Like when you're done studying, are you heading out for a run and thinking about other things, or are you still rehearsing the material in your head?

So when I write it down, I write it down and I'm able to, I'm actually looking down at this table right now, 'cause I'm back to writing. So I'm actually there right now as I'm speaking to you. I write it down in a way that I'm memorizing page 69.

So I'm writing it down, so then writing it down in that page synced together in my brain. So I'm looking at the book in my brain right now. So that's just how it works for me, and I have to do it over and over again. So that page is stuck in my mind.

So I'm literally flipping through pages as I'm taking these tests, and I'm taking these national tests to become a paramedic or become a advanced EMT or whatever. I'm literally, as I'm taking that test, I'm going through and I'm flipping pages in my head of where that page was, and how I do that is just from how I write it and how it's on the page.

When I run, I can't recall any of it. I cannot bring any of that because I'm running. How my mind is wired now is that everything I do is what I do, because the focus it takes for me to, like right now, I'm running. I'm not like a great runner.

I'm not like injury-free. So my first 20 minutes of the run, I'm limping. I'm literally limping because I've had several knee surgeries, and my body was twisted, and so now it's untwisting. So people look at me, "Oh, it looks like he's limping when he runs." I am limping when I run.

My body's jacked up, so I'm focusing on how to get the best out of a broken body. So everything I do is a total focus on what I'm doing at that point in my life. So it seems like you've really trained away or somehow gotten away from the ADD that you mentioned, because what you described is like a deep trench, like a V-shaped trench.

I'm imagining like there's a ball bearing, and it's like, and it can only go forward in that trench or back, and it goes forward. It's not like sliding around at the concave at the bottom, like a tension. So it's like you've trained that up. Is there a similar feeling when you're in the full focus of running versus full focus of studying?

Is it kind of feel like, "Oh yeah, that's the same groove, but different thing," or is it just completely different world? It's a completely different world. It's just both of them for me, it's suffering, but it's suffering a whole different way. Like when I was going through school, I'll never forget, I think I was in third grade.

And back then, ADD, ADHD, wasn't like, "Here's this medicine or here's this thing." They want to put you in a special school. So for me, I was so far behind in learning that their big thing was, "Let's just put him in a special school because he'll never learn." And through that process of like, "I don't want to be in a special school.

I don't want to be treated any differently." It really, like I never took medication, I've never taken medication for this. That's why right now you see me looking right in your eyes, what the hell is human saying right now? And that's why I don't feel bad for people who have ADHD, who have learning disabilities.

And some are impossible because you just can't, but a lot of them you can. And but people don't want to go through the process of focus, of teaching yourself how to truly focus. This is where my message gets lost. It gets lost because I may say, you know, MF or F, you know, I may be because that's the passion that comes out of me because that's, it takes everything for me to learn a sentence.

So when I speak about David Goggins, I can't speak about David Goggins in a way that's just calm and cool. Because when I wake up, I know the journey that it takes for me to find my greatness. And it's hard, every, nothing is easy. Nothing just like, oh, I wake up and I just do this or I do that, or it just, you know, I watch people every day go through life and it's so easy.

For me to be where I'm at today, it takes every bit of me. So when I speak about it, and as I get going here, you'll start seeing me, the temple will rise, the passion will come out because I'm back there. I'm doing what I do every day to become a human being.

And so nothing is easy. Like running is running, it sucks, but you have a choice to make. Do you want to sit down and go back to that guy you once were? No. So this is what it takes. It takes that misunderstanding of people and they'll never get it because they were never David Goggins.

So that is what it takes for me to do what I do. It may take you something differently. So for me, everything has to be in the study. Everything has to be into this. It has to be in everywhere I am, it has to be there. Me, focus where I am.

That's why you're my second podcast I've done since Rogan, since the book came out. I don't have time for that shit because if I want to be great, I'm not trying to maximize money or maximize people knowing me. I do these things because maybe someone out there will understand me and get it and say, I can grow from this guy and others just won't.