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A Hackers' Guide to Language Models


0:0 Introduction & Basic Ideas of Language Models
18:5 Limitations & Capabilities of GPT-4
31:28 AI Applications in Code Writing, Data Analysis & OCR
38:50 Practical Tips on Using OpenAI API
46:36 Creating a Code Interpreter with Function Calling
51:57 Using Local Language Models & GPU Options
59:33 Fine-Tuning Models & Decoding Tokens
65:37 Testing & Optimizing Models
70:32 Retrieval Augmented Generation
80:8 Fine-Tuning Models
86:0 Running Models on Macs
87:42 Llama.cpp & Its Cross-Platform Abilities


Hi, I am Jeremy Howard from and this is a hacker's guide to language models. When I say a hacker's guide, what we're going to be looking at is a code first approach to understanding how to use language models in practice. So before we get started, we should probably talk about what is a language model.

I would say that this is going to make more sense if you know the kind of basics of deep learning. If you don't, I think you'll still get plenty out of it and there'll be plenty of things you can do. But if you do have a chance, I would recommend checking out, which is a free course and specifically if you could at least kind of watch, if not work through the first five lessons that would get you to a point where you understand all the basic fundamentals of deep learning that will make this lesson tutorial make even more sense.

Maybe I shouldn't call this a tutorial, it's more of a quick run-through, so I'm going to try to run through all the basic ideas of language models, how to use them, both open source ones and open AI-based ones. And it's all going to be based using code as much as possible.

So let's start by talking about what a language model is. And so as you might have heard before, a language model is something that knows how to predict the next word of a sentence or knows how to fill in the missing words of a sentence. And we can look at an example of one, open AI has a language model, text DaVinci003, and we can play with it by passing in some words and ask it to predict what the next words might be.

So if we pass in, "When I arrived back at the panda breeding facility after the extraordinary reign of live frogs, I couldn't believe what I saw." I just came up with that yesterday and I thought what might happen next. So kind of fun for creative brainstorming. There's a nice site called lets us play with a variety of language models, and here I've selected text DaVinci003, and I'll hit submit, and it starts printing stuff out. The pandas were happily playing and eating the frogs that had fallen from the sky. It was an amazing sight to see these animals taking advantage of such unique opportunity.

So quick measures to ensure the safety of the pandas and the frogs. So there you go. That's what happened after the extraordinary reign of live frogs at the panda breeding facility. You'll see here that I've enabled show probabilities, which is a thing in where it shows, well, let's take a look.

It's pretty likely the next word here is going to be "the," and after "the," since we're talking about a panda breeding facility, it's going to be "panda's were," and what were they doing? Well, they could have been doing a few things. They could have been doing something happily, or the pandas were having, the pandas were out, the pandas were playing.

So it picked the most likely. It thought it was 20% likely it's going to be happily, and what were they happily doing? Could have been playing, hopping, eating, and so forth. So they're eating the frogs that, and then had almost certainly. So you can see what it's doing at each point is it's predicting the probability of a variety of possible next words.

And depending on how you set it up, it will either pick the most likely one every time, or you can change, muck around with things like p-values and temperatures to change what comes up. So at each time, then it'll give us a different result, and this is kind of fun.

Frogs perched on the heads of some of the pandas, it was an amazing sight, et cetera, et cetera. So that's what a language model does. Now you might notice here it hasn't predicted pandas, it's predicted panned. And then separately, us. Okay after panned it's going to be us. So it's not always a whole word.

Here it's an, and then harmed. Oh, actually it's an, ha, mud. So you can see that it's not always predicting words, specifically what it's doing is predicting tokens. Tokens are either whole words or subword units, pieces of a word, or it could even be punctuation or numbers or so forth.

So let's have a look at how that works. So for example, we can use the actual, it's called tokenization to create tokens from a string. We can use the same tokenizer that GPT uses by using tick token, and we can specifically say we want to use the same tokenizer that that model text eventually 003 uses.

And so for example, when I earlier tried this, it talked about the frog splashing. And so I thought, well, we'll encode they are splashing. And the result is a bunch of numbers. And what those numbers are, they're basically just lookups into a vocabulary that OpenAI in this case created.

And if you train your own models, you'll be automatically creating or your code will create. And if I then decode those, it says, oh, these numbers are they space are space spool, ashing. And so put that all together, they are splashing. So you can see that the start of a word is the space before it is also being encoded here.

So these language models are quite neat, that they can work at all, but they're not of themselves really designed to do anything. Let me explain. The basic idea of what chat GPT, GPT-4, BART, et cetera, are doing comes from a paper which describes an algorithm that I created back in 2017 called ULMFit.

And Sebastian Ruder and I wrote a paper up describing the ULMFit approach, which was the one that basically laid out what everybody's doing, how this system works. And the system has three steps. Step one is language model training, but you'll see this is actually from the paper. We actually described it as pre-training.

Now what language model pre-training does is this is the thing which predicts the next word of a sentence. And so in the original ULMFit paper, so the algorithm I developed in 2017, then Sebastian Ruder and I wrote it up in 2018, early 2018. What I originally did was I trained this language model on Wikipedia.

Now what that meant is I took a neural network and a neural network is just a function. If you don't know what it is, it's just a mathematical function that's extremely flexible and it's got lots and lots of parameters. And initially it can't do anything, but using stochastic gradient descent or SGD, you can teach it to do almost anything if you give it examples.

And so I gave it lots of examples of sentences from Wikipedia. So for example, from the Wikipedia article for the birds, the birds is a 1963 American natural horror thriller film produced and directed by Alfred, and then it would stop. And so then the model would have to guess what the next word is.

And if it guessed Hitchcock, it would be rewarded. And if it guessed something else, it would be penalized. And effectively, basically it's trying to maximize those rewards. It's trying to find a set of weights for this function that makes it more likely that it would predict Hitchcock. And then later on in this article, it reads from Wikipedia, "Any previously dated Mitch but ended it due to Mitch's cold, overbearing mother Lydia, who dislikes any woman in Mitch's..." Now you can see that filling this in actually requires being pretty thoughtful because there's a bunch of things that like kind of logically could go there.

Like a woman could be in Mitch's closet, could be in Mitch's house. And so, you know, you could probably guess in the Wikipedia article describing the plot of the birds is actually any woman in Mitch's life. Now to do a good job of solving this problem as well as possible of guessing the next word of sentences, the neural network is gonna have to learn a lot of stuff about the world.

It's gonna learn that there are things called objects, that there's a thing called time, that objects react to each other over time, that there are things called movies, that movies have directors, that there are people, that people have names and so forth, and that a movie director is Alfred Hitchcock and he directed horror films and so on and so forth.

It's gonna have to learn extraordinary amount if it's gonna do a really good job of predicting the next word of sentences. Now these neural networks specifically are deep neural networks, this is deep learning, and in these deep neural networks which have, when I created this, I think it had like a hundred million parameters, nowadays they have billions of parameters, it's got the ability to create a rich hierarchy of abstractions and representations which it can build on.

And so this is really the key idea behind neural networks and language models, is that if it's gonna do a good job of being able to predict the next word of any sentence in any situation, it's gonna have to know an awful lot about the world, it's gonna have to know about how to solve math questions or figure out the next move in a chess game or recognise poetry and so on and so forth.

Now nobody says it's gonna do a good job of that, so it's a lot of work to create and train a model that is good at that, but if you can create one that's good at that, it's gonna have a lot of capabilities internally that it would have to be drawing on to be able to do this effectively.

So the key idea here for me is that this is a form of compression, and this idea of the relationship between compression and intelligence goes back many, many decades, and the basic idea is that yeah, if you can guess what words are coming up next, then effectively you're compressing all that information down into a neural network.

Now I said this is not useful of itself, well why do we do it? Well we do it because we want to pull out those capabilities, and the way we pull out those capabilities is we take two more steps. The second step is we do something called language model fine-tuning, and in language model fine-tuning we are no longer just giving it all of Wikipedia or nowadays we don't just give it all of Wikipedia, but in fact a large chunk of the internet is fed to pre-training these models.

In the fine-tuning stage we feed it a set of documents a lot closer to the final task that we want the model to do, but it's still the same basic idea, it's still trying to predict the next word of a sentence. After that we then do a final classifier fine-tuning, and in the classifier fine-tuning this is the kind of end task we're trying to get it to do.

Nowadays these two steps are very specific approaches are taken. For the step two, the step B, the language model fine-tuning, people nowadays do a particular kind called instruction tuning. The idea is that the task we want most of the time to achieve is solve problems, answer questions, and so in the instruction tuning phase we use datasets like this one.

This is a great dataset called OpenOrca created by a fantastic open source group, and it's built on top of something called the flan collection. You can see that basically there's all kinds of different questions in here, so there's four gigabytes of questions and context and so forth. Each one generally has a question or an instruction or a request and then a response.

Here are some examples of instructions. I think this is from the flan dataset if I meant correctly. So for instance it could be does the sentence in the iron age answer the question the period of time from 1200 to 1000 BCE is known as what, choice is one, yes or no, and then the language model is meant to write one or two as appropriate for yes or no, or it could be things about I think this is from a music video who is the girl in more than you know answer and then it would have to write the correct name of the remember model or dancer or whatever from from that music video and so forth.

So it's still doing language modeling so fine-tuning and pre-training are kind of the same thing but this is more targeted now not just to be able to fill in the missing parts of any document from the internet but to fill in the words necessary to answer questions to do useful things.

Okay so that's instruction tuning and then step three which is the classifier fine-tuning nowadays there's generally various approaches such as reinforcement learning from human feedback and others which are basically giving humans or sometimes more advanced models multiple answers to a question such as here are some from a reinforcement learning from human feedback paper I can't remember which one I got it from, list five ideas for how to regain enthusiasm for my career and so the model will spit out two possible answers or it will have a less good model and a more good model and then a human or a better model will pick which is best and so that's used for the final fine-tuning stage.

So all of that is to say although you can download pure language models from the internet they're not generally that useful on their own until you've fine-tuned them now you don't necessarily need step C nowadays actually people are discovering that maybe just step B might be enough it's still a bit controversial.

Okay so when we talk about a language model where we could be talking about something that's just been pre-trained something that's been fine-tuned or something that's gone through something like RLHF all of those things are generally described nowadays as language models. So my view is that if you are going to be good at language modeling in any way then you need to start by being a really effective user of language models and to be a really effective user of language models you've got to use the best one that there is and currently so what are we up to September 2023 the best one is by far GPT-4 this might change sometime in the not-too-distant future but this is right now GPT-4 is the recommendation strong strong recommendation now you can use GPT-4 by paying 20 bucks a month to open AI and then you can use it a whole lot it's very hard to to run out of credits I find.

Now what can GPT-2 it's interesting and instructive in my opinion to start with the very common views you see on the internet or even in academia about what it can't do. So for example there was this paper you might have seen GPT-4 can't reason which describes a number of empirical analysis done of 25 diverse reasoning problems and found that it was not able to solve them it's utterly incapable of reasoning.

So I always find you got to be a bit careful about reading stuff like this because I just took the first three that I came across in that paper and I gave them to GPT-4 and by the way something very useful in GPT-4 is you can click on the share button and you'll get something that looks like this and this is really handy.

So here's an example of something from the paper that said GPT-4 can't do this Mabel's heart rate at 9am was 75 beats per minute her blood pressure at 7pm was 120 over 80 she died 11pm was she alive at noon it's of course you're human we know obviously she must be and GPT-4 says hmm this appears to be a riddle not a real inquiry into medical conditions here's a summary of the information and yeah sounds like Mabel was alive at noon so that's correct this was the second one I tried from the paper that says GPT-4 can't do this and I found actually GPT-4 can do this and it said that GPT-4 can't do this and I found GPT-4 can do this now I mentioned this to say GPT-4 is probably a lot better than you would expect if you've read all this stuff on the internet about all the dumb things that it does almost every time I see on the internet saying something that GPT-4 can't do I check it and it turns out it does this one was just last week Sally a girl has three brothers each brother has two sisters how many sisters does Sally have so have a think about it and so GPT-4 says okay Sally is counted as one sister by each of her brothers if each brother has two sisters that means there's another sister in the picture apart from Sally so Sally has one sister correct and then this one I got saw just like three or four days ago this is a common view that language models can't track things like this there is the riddle I'm in my house on top of my chair in the living room is a coffee cup inside the coffee cup is a thimble inside the thimble is a diamond I move the chair to the bedroom I put the coffee cup on the bed I turn the cup upside down then I return it up say up place the coffee cup on the counter in the kitchen where's my diamond and so GPT-4 says yeah okay you turn it upside down so probably the diamond fell out so therefore the diamonds in the bedroom where it fell out again correct why is it that people are claiming that GPT-4 can't do these things and it can well the reason is because I think on the whole they are not aware of how GPT-4 was trained GPT-4 was not trained at any point to give correct answers GPT-4 was trained initially to give most likely next words and there's an awful lot of stuff on the internet where the most rare documents are not describing things that are true they could be fiction they could be jokes it could be just stupid people don't say dumb stuff so this first stage does not necessarily give you correct answers the second stage with the induction tuning also like it's it's it's trying to give correct answers but part of the problem is that then in the stage where you start asking people which answer do they like better people tended to say in these in these things that they prefer more confident answers and they often were not people who were trained well enough to recognize wrong answers so there's lots of reasons that the that the SGD weight updates from this process for stuff like GPT-4 don't particularly or don't entirely reward correct answers but you can help it want to give you correct answers if you think about the LM pre-training what are the kinds of things in a document that would suggest oh this is going to be high quality information and so you can actually prime GPT-4 to give you high quality information by giving it custom instructions and what this does is this is basically text that is prepended to all of your queries and so you say like oh you're brilliant at reasoning so like okay that's obviously you're to prime it to give good answers and then try to work against the fact that the RLHF folks preferred confidence just tell it no tell me if there might not be a correct answer also the way that the text is generated is it literally generates the next word and then it puts all that whole lot back into the model and generates the next next word puts that all back in the model generates the next next next word and so forth that means the more words it generates the more computation it can do and so I literally I tell it that right and so I say first spend a few sentences explaining background context etc so this custom instruction allows it to solve more challenging problems and you can see the difference here's what it looks like for example if I say how do I get a count of rows grouped by value in pandas and it just gives me a whole lot of information which is actually it thinking so I just skip over it and then it gives me the answer and actually in my custom instructions I actually say if the request begins with VV actually make it as concise as possible and so it kind of goes into brief mode and here is brief mode how do I get the group this is the same thing but with VV at the start and it just spits it out now in this case it's a really simple question so I didn't need time to think so hopefully that gives you a sense of how to get language models to give good answers you have to help them and if you it if it's not working it might be user error basically but having said that there's plenty of stuff that language models like GPT-4 can't do one thing to think carefully about is does it know about itself can you ask it what is your context length how were you trained what transformer architecture you're based on at any one of these stages did it have the opportunity to learn any of those things well obviously not at the pre-training stage nothing on the internet existed during GPT-4's training saying how GPT-4 was trained right probably Ditto in the instruction tuning probably Ditto in the RLHF so in general you can't ask for example a language model about itself now again because of the RLHF it'll want to make you happy by giving you opinionated answers so it'll just spit out the most likely thing it thinks with great confidence this is just a general kind of hallucination right so hallucinations is just this idea that the language model wants to complete the sentence and it wants to do it in an opinionated way that's likely to make people happy it doesn't know anything about URLs it really hasn't seen many at all I think a lot of them if not all of them you pretty much were stripped out so if you ask it anything about like what's at this web page again it'll generally just make it up and it doesn't know at least GPT-4 doesn't know anything after September 2021 because the information it was pre-trained on was from that time period September 2021 and before called the knowledge cutoff so here's some things it can't do Steve Newman sent me this good example of something that it can't do here is a logic puzzle I need to carry a cabbage a goat and a wolf across a river I can only carry one item at a time I can't leave the goat with a cabbage I can't leave the cabbage with the wolf how do I get everything across to the other side now the problem is this looks a lot like something called the classic river crossing puzzle so classic in fact that it has a whole Wikipedia page about it and in the classic puzzle the wolf will eat the goat or the goat will eat the cabbage now in in Steve's version he changed it the goat would eat the cabbage and the wolf would eat the cabbage but the wolf won't eat the goat so what happens well very interestingly GPT-4 here is entirely overwhelmed by the language model training it's seen this puzzle so many times it knows what word comes next so it says oh yeah I take the goat across the road across the river and leave it on the other side leaving the wolf with a cabbage but we're just told you can't leave the wolf with a cabbage so it gets it wrong now the thing is though you can encourage GPT-4 or any of these language models to try again so during the instruction tuning and RLHF they're actually fine-tuned with multi-stage conversations so you can give it a multi-stage conversation repeat back to me the constraints I listed what happened after step one is a constraint violated oh yeah yeah yeah I made a mistake okay my new attempt instead of taking the goat across the river and leaving it on the other side is I'll take the goat across the river and leave it on the other side it's done the same thing oh yeah I did do the same thing okay I'll take the wolf across well now the goats with a cabbage that still doesn't work oh yeah that didn't work either sorry about that instead of taking the goat across the other side I'll take the goat across the other side okay what's going on here right this is terrible well one of the problems here is that not only is on the internet it's so common to see this particular goat puzzle that it's so confident it knows what the next word is also on the internet when you see stuff which is stupid on a web page it's really likely to be followed up with more stuff that is stupid once GPT-4 starts being wrong it tends to be more and more wrong it's very hard to turn it around to start it making it be right so you actually have to go back and there's actually an edit button on these chats and so what you generally want to do is if it's made a mistake is don't say oh here's more information to help you fix it but instead go back and click the edit and change it here and so this time it's not going to get confused so in this case actually fixing Steve's example takes quite a lot of effort but I think I've managed to get it to work eventually and I actually said oh sometimes people read things too quickly they don't notice things it can trick them up then they apply some pattern get the wrong answer you do the same thing by the way so I'm going to trick you so before you about to get tricked make sure you don't get tricked here's the tricky puzzle and then also with my custom instructions it takes time discussing it and this time it gets it correct it takes the cabbage across first so it took a lot of effort to get to a point where it could actually solve this because yeah when it's you know for things where it's been primed to answer a certain way again and again and again it's very hard for it to not do that okay now something else super helpful that you can use is what they call advanced data analysis in advanced data analysis you can ask it to basically write code for you and we're going to look at how to implement this from scratch ourself quite soon but first of all let's learn how to use it so I was trying to build something that split into markdown headings a document on third level markdown headings so that's three hashes at the start of a line and I was doing it on the whole of Wikipedia so using regular expressions was really slow so I said oh I want to speed this up and it said okay here's some code which is great because then I can say okay test it and include edge cases and so it then puts in the code creates extra cases tests it and it says yep it's working however I just covered it's not I notice it's actually removing the carriage return at the end of each sentence so I said I'll fix that and update your tests so it said okay so now it's changed the test update the test cases to run them and oh it's not working so it says oh yeah fix the issue in the test cases no it didn't work and you can see it's quite clever the way it's trying to fix it by looking at the results and but as you can see it's not every one of these is another attempt another attempt another attempt until eventually I gave up waiting and it's so funny each time it's like debugging again okay this time I got to handle it properly and I gave up at the point where it's like oh one more attempt so it didn't solve it interestingly enough and you know I again it's it it's there's some limits to the amount of kind of logic that it can do this is really a very simple question I asked it to do for me and so hopefully you can see you can't expect even GPT for code interpreter or advanced data analysis is now called to make it so you don't have to write code anymore you know it's not a substitute for having programmers so but it can you know it can often do a lot as I'll show you in a moment so for example actually OCR like this is something I thought was really cool you can just paste and so you paste your upload so GPT for you can upload an image the stater analysis yeah you can upload an image here and then I wanted to basically grab some text out of an image somebody had got a screenshot with their screen and I wanted to add it which was something saying oh this language model can't do this and I wanted to try it as well so rather than retyping it I just uploaded that image my screenshot and said can you extract the text from this image and it said oh yeah I could do that I could use OCR and like so it literally wrote at OCR script and there it is just took a few seconds so the difference here is it didn't really require to think of much logic it could just use a very very familiar pattern that it would have seen many times so this is generally where I find language models excel is where it doesn't have to think too far outside the box I mean it's great on kind of creativity tasks but for like reasoning and logic tasks that are outside the box I find it not great but yeah it's great at doing code for a whole wide variety of different libraries and languages having said that by the way Google also has a language model called bard it's way less good than GPT for most of the time but there is a nice thing that you can literally paste an image straight into the prompt and I just typed OCR this and it didn't even have to go through code interpreter or whatever it just said oh sure I've done it and there's the result of the OCR and then it even commented on what it just does yard which I thought was cute and oh even more interestingly it even figured out where the OCR text came from and gave me a link to it so I thought that was pretty cool okay so there's an example of it doing well I'll show you one for this talk I found really helpful I wanted to show you guys how much it costs to use the open AI API but unfortunately when I went to the open AI web page it was like all over the place the pricing information was on all separate tables and it was kind of a bit of a mess so I wanted to create a table with all of the information combined like this and here's how I did it I went to the open AI page I hit Apple a to select all and then I said in chat GPT create a table with the pricing information rows no summarization no information not in this page every row should appear as a separate row in your output and I hit paste now that was not very helpful to it because hitting paste it's got the navbar it's got lots of extra information at the bottom it's got all of its footer etc but it's really good at this stuff it did it first time so there was the markdown table so I copied and pasted that into Jupiter and I got my markdown table and so now you can see at a glance the cost of GPT for 3.5 etc but then what I really wanted to do or show you that as a picture so I just said oh chart the input row from this table just pasted the table back and I did so that's pretty amazing now so let's talk about this pricing so so far we've used chat GPT which cost 20 bucks a month and there's no like per token cost or anything but if you want to use the API from Python or whatever you have to pay per token which is approximately per word maybe it's about one and a third tokens per word on average unfortunately in the chart it did not include these headers GPT for GPT 3.5 so these first two ones are GPT 4 and these two are GPT 3.5 so you can see the GPT 3.5 is way way cheaper and you can see it here it's 0.03 versus 0.0015 so it's so cheap you can really play around with it not worry and I want to give you a sense of what that looks like okay so why would you use the open AI API rather than chat GPT because you can do it programmatically so you can you know you can analyze data sets you can do repetitive stuff it's kind of like a different way of programming you know it's it's things that you can think of describing but let's just look at the most simple example of what that looks like so if you pip install open AI then you can import chat completion and then you can say okay chat completion dot create using GPT 3.5 turbo and then you can pass in a system message this is basically the same as custom instructions so okay you're an Aussie LLM that uses Aussie slang and analogies wherever possible okay and so you can see I'm passing in an array here of messages so the first is the system message and then the user message which is what is money okay so GPT 3.5 returns a big embedded dictionary and the message content is well my money is like the oil that keeps the machinery of our economy running smoothly there you go just like a koala loves its eucalyptus leaves we humans can't survive without this stuff so there's the Aussie LLMs view of what is money so the really the main ones I pretty much always use GPT 4 and GPT 3.5 GPT 4 is just so so much better at anything remotely challenging but obviously it's much more expensive so rule of thumb you know maybe try 3.5 turbo first see how it goes if you're happy with the results then great if you're not pointing out for the more expensive one okay so I just created a little function here called response that will print out this nested thing and so now oh and so then the other thing to point out here is that the result of this also has a usage field which contains how many tokens was it so it's about 150 tokens so at point zero zero two dollars per thousand tokens for 150 tokens means we just paid point zero three cents point zero zero zero three dollars to get that done so as you can see the cost is insignificant if we were using GPT 4 it would be point zero three per thousand so it would be half a cent so unless you're doing many thousands of GPT 4 you're not going to be even up into the dollars and GPT 3.5 even more than that but you know keep an eye on it open AI has a usage page and you can track your usage now what happens when we are this is really important to understand when we have a follow-up in the same conversation how does that work so we just asked what goat means so for example Michael Jordan is often referred to as the goat for his exceptional skills and accomplishments and Elvis and the Beatles referred to as goat due to their profound influence and achievement so I could say what profound influence and achievements are you referring to okay well I meant Elvis Presley and the Beatles did all these things now how does that work how does this follow-up work well what happens is the entire conversation is passed back and so we can actually do that here so here is the same system prompt here is the same question right and then the answer comes back with role assistant and I'm going to do something pretty cheeky I'm going to pretend that it didn't say money is like oil I'm gonna say oh you actually said money is like kangaroos I thought what it's gonna do okay so you can like literally invent a conversation in which the language model said something different because this is actually how it's done in a multi-stage conversation there's no state right there's nothing stored on the server you're passing back the entire conversation again and telling it what it told you right so I'm going to tell it it's it told me that money is like kangaroos and then I'll ask the user oh really in what way it's just kind of cool because you can like see how it convinces you of of something I just invented oh let me break it down for you cover just like kangaroos hop around and carry their joeys in their pouch money is a means of carrying value around so there you go it's uh make your own analogy cool so I'll create a little function here that just puts these things together for us system message if there is one the user message and returns their completion and so now we can ask it what's the meaning of life passing in the Aussie system prompt the meaning of life is like trying to catch a wave on a sunny day at Bondi Beach okay there you go so um what do you need to be aware of well as I said one thing is keep an eye on your usage if you're doing it you know hundreds or thousands of times in a loop keep an eye on not spending too much money but also if you're doing it too fast particularly the first day or two you've got an account you're likely to hit the limits for the API and so the limits initially are pretty low as you can see three requests per minute that's for free users page users first 48 hours and after that it starts going up and you can always ask for more I just mentioned this because you're going to want to have a function that keeps an eye on that and so what I did is I actually just went to Bing which has a somewhat crappy version of gpt4 nowadays but it can still do basic stuff for free and I said please show me python code to call the openai API and handle rate limits and it wrote this code it's got a try checks your rate limit errors grabs the retry after sleeps for that long and calls itself and so now we can use that to ask for example what's the world's funniest joke and there we go is the world's funniest joke so there's like the basic stuff you need to get started using the openai LLMs and yeah it's definitely suggest spending plenty of time with that so that you feel like you're really a LLM using expert so what else can we do well let's create our own code interpreter that runs inside Jupiter and so to do this we're going to take advantage of a really nifty thing called function calling which is provided by the openai API and in function calling when we call our ask gpt function is this little one here we had room to pass in some keyword arguments that will be just passed along to check completion dot create and one of those keyword arguments you can pass is functions what on earth is that functions tells openai about tools that you have about functions that you have so for example I created a really simple function called sums and it adds two things in fact it adds two ints and I'm going to pass that function to check completion dot create now you can't pass a Python function directly you actually have to pass what's called the JSON schema so you have to pass the schema for the function so I created this nifty little function that you're welcome to borrow which uses pedantic and also Python's inspect module to automatically take a Python function and return the schema for it and so this is actually what's going to get passed to openai that's going to know that there's a function called sums it's going to know what it does and it's going to know what parameters it takes what the defaults are and what's required so this is like when I first heard about this I found this a bit mind bending because this is so different to how we normally program computers where the key thing for programming the computer here actually is the doc string this is the thing that gpt4 will look at and say oh what does this function do so it's critical that this describes exactly what the function does and so if I then say what is six plus three right now just I really wanted to make sure it actually did it here so I gave it lots of prompts to say because obviously it knows how to do it itself without calling sums so it'll only use your functions if it feels it needs to which is a weird concept I mean I guess feels is not a great word to use but you kind of have to anthropomorphize these things a little bit because they don't behave like normal computer programs so if I if I ask gpt what is six plus three and tell it that there's a function called sums then it does not actually return the number nine instead it returns something saying please call a function call this function and pass it these arguments so if I print it out there's the arguments so I created a little function called call function and it goes into the result of open AI grabs the function call checks that the name is something that it's allowed to do grabs it from the global system table and calls it passing in the parameters and so if I now say okay call the function that we got back we finally get nine so this is a very simple example it's not really doing anything that useful but what we could do now is we can create a much more powerful function called Python and the Python function creates code using Python and returns the result now of course I didn't want my computer to run arbitrary Python code that gpt4 told it to without checking so I just got it to check first so say I'm sure you want to do this so now I can say ask gpt what is 12 factorial system prompt you can use Python for any required computations and say okay here's a function you've got available it's the Python function so if I now call this it will pass me back again a completion object and here it's going to say okay I want you to call Python passing in this argument and when I do it's going to go import math result equals blah and then return result do I want to do that yes I do and there it is now there's one more step which we can optionally do I mean we've got the answer we wanted but often we want the answer in more of a chat format and so the way to do that is to again repeat everything that you've passed into so far but then instead of adding an assistant role response we have to provide a function role response and simply put in here the result we got back from the function and if we do that we now get the pros response 12 factorial is equal to four hundred seven in a million one thousand six hundred now functions like Python you can still ask it about non-python things and it just ignores it if you don't need it right so you can have a whole bunch of functions available that you've built to do whatever you need for the stuff which the language model isn't familiar with and it'll still solve whatever it can on its own and use your tools use your functions where possible okay so we have built our own code interpreter from scratch I think that's pretty amazing so that is what you can do with or some of the stuff you can do with open AI what about stuff that you can do on your own computer well to use a language model on your own computer you're going to need to use a GPU so I guess the first thing to think about is like do you want this does it make sense to do stuff on your own computer what are the benefits there are not any open source models that are as good yet as GPT for and I would have to say also like actually open AI's pricing is really pretty good so it's it's not immediately obvious that you definitely want to kind of go in house but there's lots of reasons you might want to and we'll look at some examples of them today one example you might want to go in house is that you want to be able to ask questions about your proprietary documents or about information after September 2021 the the knowledge cutoff or you might want to create your own model that's particularly good at solving the kinds of problems that you need to solve using fine-tuning and these are all things that you absolutely can get better than GPT for performance at work or at home without too much without too much money or trouble so these are the situations in which you might want to go down this path and so you don't necessarily have to buy a GPU on Kaggle they will give you a notebook with two quite old GPUs attached and very little RAM but it's something or you can use CoLab and on CoLab you can get much better GPUs than Kaggle has and more RAM particularly if you pay a monthly subscription fee so those are some options for free or low-cost you can also of course go to one of the many kind of GPU server providers and they change all the time as to what's good or what's not.

RunPod is one example and you can see you know if you want the biggest and best machine you're talking $34 an hour so it gets pretty expensive but you can certainly get things a lot cheaper 80 cents an hour. Lambda Labs is often pretty good you know it's really hard at the moment to actually find let's see pricing to actually find people that have them available so they've got lots listed here but they often have none or very few available there's also something pretty interesting called vast AI which basically lets you use other people's computers when they're not using them and as you can see you know they tend to be much cheaper than other folks and then they tend to have better availability as well but of course for sensitive stuff you don't want to be running it on some randos computer so anyway so there's a few options for renting stuff you know I think if you can it's worth buying something and definitely the one to buy at the moment is the GTX 3090 used you can generally get them from eBay for like 700 bucks or so.

A 4090 isn't really better for language models even though it's a newer GPU the reason for that is that language models are all about memory speed how quickly can you get in and stuff in and out of memory rather than how fast is the processor and that hasn't really improved a whole lot.

So the 2000 bucks the other thing as well as memory speed is memory size 24 gigs it doesn't quite cut it for a lot of things so you'd probably want to get two of these GPUs so you're talking like $1500 or so or you can get a 48 gig RAM GPU it's called an A6000 but this is going to cost you more like 5 grand so again getting two of these is going to be a better deal and this is not going to be faster than these either.

Or funnily enough you could just get a Mac with a lot of RAM particularly if you get an M2 Ultra Macs have particularly the M2 Ultra has pretty fast memory it's still going to be way slower than using an Nvidia card but it's going to be like you're going to be able to get you know like I think 192 gig or something so it's not a terrible option particularly if you're not training models you just wanting to use other existing trained models.

So anyway most people who do this stuff seriously almost everybody has Nvidia cards. So then what we're going to be using is a library called transformers from Hugging Face and the reason for that is that basically people upload lots of pre-trained models or fine-tuned models up to the Hugging Face hub and in fact there's even a leaderboard where you can see which are the best models.

Now this is a really fraught area to at the moment this one is meant to be the best model it has the highest average score and maybe it is good I haven't actually used a particular model or maybe it's not I actually have no idea because the problem is these metrics are not particularly well aligned with real life usage for all kinds of reasons and also sometimes you get something called leakage which means that sometimes some of the questions from these things actually leaks through to some of the training sets.

So you can get as a rule of thumb what to use from here but you should always try things and you can also say you know these ones are all this 70 B here that tells you how big it is so this is a 70 billion parameter model. So generally speaking for the kinds of GPUs you we're talking about you'll be wanting no bigger than 13 B and quite often 7B.

So let's see if we can find here's a 13 B model for example. All right so you can find models to try out from things like this leaderboard and there's also a really great leaderboard called fast eval which I like a lot because it focuses on some more sophisticated evaluation methods such as this chain of thought evaluation method.

So I kind of trust these a little bit more and these are also you know GSM 8K is a difficult math benchmark big bench hard so forth. So yeah so you know stable beluga 2 wizard math 13 B dolphin llama 13 B etc these would all be good options.

Yeah so you need to pick a model and at the moment nearly all the good models are based on matters llama 2. So when I say based on what does that mean well what that means is this model here llama 2 7B so it's a llama model that's that's just the name meta call it this is their version 2 of llama this is their 7 billion size one it's the smallest one that they make and specifically these weights have been created for hugging face so you can load it with the hugging face transformers and this model has only got as far as here it's done the language model for pre-training it's done none of the instruction tuning and none of the RLHF so we would need to fine tune it to really get it to do much useful.

So we can just say okay create a automatically create the appropriate model for language model so causal LM is basically refers to that ULM fit stage one process or stage two in fact so get the pre-trained model from this name meta llama llama 2 blah blah. Okay now generally speaking we use 16-bit floating point numbers nowadays but if you think about it 16-bit is two bytes so 7B times two it's going to be 14 gigabytes just to load in the weights so you've got to have a decent model to be able to do that perhaps surprisingly you can actually just cast it to 8-bit and it still works pretty well thanks to something called discretization.

So let's try that so remember this is just a language model it can only complete sentences we can't ask it a question and expect a great answer so let's just give it the start of a sentence Jeremy how it is are and so we need the right tokenizer so this will automatically create the right kind of tokenizer for this model we can grab the tokens as PyTorch here they are and just to confirm if we decode them back again we get back the original plus a special token to say this is the start of a document and so we can now call generate so generate will auto-regressively so call the model again and again passing its previous result back as the next as the next input and I'm just going to do that 15 times so this is you can you can write this for loop yourself this isn't doing anything fancy in fact I would recommend writing this yourself to make sure that you know how that it all works okay we have to put those tokens on the GPU and at the end I recommend putting them back onto the CPU the result and here are the tokens not very interesting so we have to decode them using the tokenizer and so the first 25 so first 15 tokens are Jeremy Howard is a 28 year old Australian AI researcher and entrepreneur okay well 28 years old is not exactly correct but we'll call it close enough I like that thank you very much llama 7b so okay so we've got a language model completing sentences it took one and a third seconds and that's a bit slower than it could be because we used 8-bit if we use 16-bit there's a special thing called B float 16 which is a really great 16-bit floating point format that's use usable on any somewhat recent GP Nvidia GPU now if we use it it's going to take twice as much RAM as we discussed but look at the time it's come down to 390 milliseconds now there is a better option still than even that there's a different kind of discretization called GPTQ where a model is carefully optimized to work with 4 or 8 or other you know lower precision data automatically and this particular person known as the bloke is fantastic at taking popular models running that optimization process and then uploading the results back to hacking phase so we can use this GPTQ version and internally this is actually going to use I'm not sure exactly how many bits this particular one is I think it's probably going to be four bits but it's going to be much more optimized and so look at this 270 milliseconds it's actually faster than 16-bit even though internally it's actually casting it up to 16-bit each layer to do it that's because there's a lot less memory moving around and to confirm in fact what we could even do now is we got to 13B easy and in fact it's still faster than the 7B now that we're using the GPTQ version so this is a really helpful tip so let's put all those things together the tokenizer that generate the batch decode we'll call this gen for generate and so we can now use the 13B GPTQ model and let's try this Jeremy Howard is a so it's got to 50 tokens so fast 16-year veteran of Silicon Valley co-founder of Kaggle a marketplace a predictive model his company has become to data science competitions what I don't know what I was going to say but anyway it's on the right track I was actually there for 10 years not 16 but that's all right okay so this is looking good but probably a lot of the time we're going to be interested in you know asking questions or using instructions so stability AI has this nice series called stable beluga including a small 7B one and other bigger ones and these are all based on llama too but these have been instruction tuned they might even have been RLHDF I can't remember now so we can create a stable beluga model and now something really important that I keep forgetting everybody keeps forgetting is during the instruction tuning process during the instruction tuning process the instructions that are passed in actually are they don't just appear like this they actually always are in a particular format and the format believe it or not changes quite a bit from from fine tune to fine tune and so you have to go to the webpage for the model and scroll down to find out what the prompt format is so here's the prompt format so I generally just copy it and then I paste it into python which I did here and created a function called make prompt that use the exact same format that it said to use and so now if I want to say who is Jeremy Howard I can call gen again that was that function I created up here and make the correct prompt from that question and then it returns back okay so you can see here all this prefix this is a system instruction this is my question and then the assistant says Jeremy Howard is an Australian entrepreneur computer scientist co-founder of machine learning and deep learning company fasted AI okay this one's actually all correct so it's getting better by using an actual instruction tuned model and so we could then start to scale up so we could use the 13b and in fact we looked briefly at this open orca data set earlier so llama 2 has been fine tuned on open orca and then also fine tuned on another really great data set called platypus and so the whole thing together is the open orca platypus and then this is going to be the bigger 13b gptq means it's going to be quantized so that's got a different format okay a different prompt format so again we can scroll down and see what the prompt format is there it is okay and so we can create a function called make open orca prompt that has that prompt format and so now we can say okay who is Jeremy Howard and now I've become British which is kind of true I was born in England but I moved to Australia a professional poker player definitely not that co-founding several companies including fasted AI also Kaggle okay so not bad it was acquired by Google was it 2017 probably something around there okay so you can see we've got our own models giving us some pretty good information um how do we make it even better you know because it's it's it's still hallucinating you know um and you know llama 2 I think has been trained with more up-to-date information than gpt4 it doesn't have the September 2021 cutoff um but it you know it's still got a knowledge cutoff you know we would like to go to use the most up-to-date information we want to use the right information to answer these questions as well as possible so to do this we can use something called retrieval augmented generation so what happens with retrieval augmented generation is when we take the question we've been asked like um who is Jeremy Howard and then we say okay let's try and search for documents that may help us answer that question um so obviously we would expect for example wikipedia to be useful and then what we do is we say okay with that information um let's now see if we can tell the language model about what we found and then have it answer the question um so let me show you so let's actually grab a wikipedia um python package we will scrape wikipedia grabbing the Jeremy Howard web page and so here's the start of the Jeremy Howard wikipedia page it has 613 words now generally speaking these open source models will have a context length of about 2 000 or 4 000 so the context length is how many tokens can it handle so that's fine it'll be able to handle this web page and what we're going to do is we're going to ask it the question so we're going to have here question and with a question but before it we're going to say answer the question with the help of the context we're going to provide this to the language model and we're going to say context and they're going to have the whole web page so suddenly now our question is going to be a lot bigger their prompt right so our prompt now contains the entire web page the whole wikipedia page followed by our question and so now it says Jeremy Howard is an Australian data scientist, entrepreneur and educator known for his work in deep learning, co-founder of fastai teaches courses, develops software, conducts research, used to be yeah okay it's perfect right so it's actually done a really good job like if somebody asked me to send them a you know 100 word bio uh that would actually probably be better than i would have written myself and you'll see even though i asked for 300 tokens it actually got sent back the end of stream token and so it knows to stop at this point um well that's all very well but how do we know to pass in the Jeremy Howard wikipedia page well the way we know which wikipedia page to pass in is that we can use another model to tell us which web page or which document is the most useful for answering a question and the way we do that is we we can use something called sentence transformer and we can use a special kind of model that's specifically designed to take a document and turn it into a bunch of activations where two documents that are similar will have similar activations so let me just let me show you what i mean what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab just the first paragraph of my wikipedia page and i'm going to grab the first paragraph of Tony Blair's wikipedia page okay so we're pretty different people right this is just like a really simple small example and i'm going to then call this model i'm going to say encode and i'm going to encode my wikipedia first paragraph tony blair's first paragraph and the question which was um who is Jeremy Howard and it's going to pass back a 384 long vector of embeddings for the question for me and for tony blair and what i can now do is i can calculate the similarity between the question and the Jeremy Howard wikipedia page and i can also do it for the question versus the tony blair wikipedia page and as you can see it's higher for me and so that tells you that if you're trying to figure out what document to use to help you answer this question better off using the Jeremy Howard wikipedia page than the tony blair wikipedia page so if you had a few hundred documents you were thinking of using to give back to the model as context to help it answer a question you could literally just pass them all through to encode go through each one one at a time and see which is closest when you've got thousands or millions of documents you can use something called a vector database where basically as a one-off thing you go through and you encode all of your documents and so in fact um there's there's lots of pre-built systems for this um here's an example of one called h2ogpt and this is just something that i've got that i've got running here on my computer it's just an open source thing written in python sitting here running on port 7860 and so i've just gone to localhost 7860 and what i did was i just uh uploaded i just clicked upload and i just uploaded a bunch of papers in fact i might be able to see it better yeah here we go a bunch of papers and so you know we could look at uh can we search yeah i can so for example we can look at the ulm fit paper that uh said breeder and i did and you can see it's turned taken the pdf and turned it into slightly crappily a text format and then it's created an embedding for each you know each section so i could then ask it you know what is ulm fit and i'll hit enter and you can see here it's now actually saying based on the information provided in the context so it's showing us it's been given some context what context did it get so here are the things that it found right so it's being sent this context so this is kind of citations uh goal of ulm fit proves the performance by leveraging the knowledge and adapting it to the specific task at hand um how what techniques be more specific does ulm fit uh let's see how it goes okay there we go so here's the three steps pre-trained fine tune fine tune cool um so you can see it's not bad right um it's not amazing like you know the context in this particular case is pretty small um and it's and in particular if you think about how that embedding thing worked you can't really use like the normal kind of follow-up so for example um if i say it says fine tuning a classifier so i could say what classifier is used now the problem is that there's no context here being sent to the embedding model so it's actually going to have no idea i'm talking about ulm fit so generally speaking it's going to do a terrible job yeah see it says used as a reberta model but it's not but if i look at the sources it's no longer actually referring to howard and ruder so anyway you can see the basic idea this is called retrieval augmented generation RAG and it's a it's a nifty approach but you have to do it with with some care um and so there are lots of these uh private gpt things out there um actually the h2o gpt webpage does a fantastic job of listing lots of them and comparing um so as you can see if you want to run a private gpt there's no shortage of options um and you can have your retrieval augmented generation i haven't tried i've only tried this one h2o gpt i don't love it it's all right so finally i want to talk about what's perhaps the most interesting um uh option we have which is to do our own fine tuning and fine tuning is cool because rather than just retrieving documents which might have useful context we can actually change our model to behave based on the documents that we have available and i'm going to show you a really interesting example of fine tuning here what we're going to do is we're going to fine tune using this um no sql data set and it's got examples of like a a schema for a table in a database a question and then the answer is the correct sql to solve that question using that database schema and so i'm hoping we could use this to create a um you know a kind of it could be a handy use a handy tool for for business users where they type some english question and sql generated uh for them automatically don't know if it actually work in practice or not but this is just a little fun idea i thought we'd try out i know there's lots of uh startups and stuff out there trying to do this more seriously but this is this is quite cool because it actually got it working today in just a couple of hours so what we do is we use the hugging face datasets library and what that does just like the hugging face hub has lots of models stored on it hugging face datasets has lots of datasets stored on it and so instead of using transformers which is what we use to grab models we use datasets and we just pass in the name of the person and the name of their repo and it grabs the dataset and so we can take a look at it and it just has a training set with features and so then i can have a look at the training set so here's an example which looks a bit like what we've just seen so what we do now is we want to fine tune a model now we can do that in in a notebook from scratch takes i don't know 100 or so lines of code it's not too much but given the time constraints here um and also like i thought why not why don't we just use something that's ready to go so for example there's something called axolotl which is quite nice in my opinion here it is here lovely another very nice open source piece of software and again you can just pip install it and it's got things like gptq and 16 bit and so forth ready to go and so what i did was i um it basically has a whole bunch of examples of things that it already knows how to do it's got llama 2 example so i copied the llama 2 example and i created a sql example so basically just told it this is the path to the dataset that i want this is the type um and everything else pretty much i left the same uh and then i just ran this command which is from their readme accelerate launch axolotl passed in my yaml and that took about an hour um on my gpu and at the end of the hour it had created a q laura out directory uh q stands for quantize that's because i was creating a smaller quantized model uh laura i'm not going to talk about today but laura is a very cool thing that basically another thing that makes your models smaller and also handles um uh can use bigger models on smaller gpu for training um so uh i trained it and then i thought okay let's uh create our own one so we're going to have this context and um this question get the count of competition hosts by theme and i'm not going to pass it an answer so i'll just ignore that um so again i found out what prompt uh they were using um and created a sql prompt function and so here's what i'm going to do use the following contextual information to answer the question uh context create table says the context question list all competition hosts ordered in ascending order and then i tokenized that called generate and the answer was select count hosts comma theme from farm competition group by theme that is correct so i think that's pretty remarkable we have just built you know so it took me like an hour to figure out how to do it and then an hour to actually do the training um and at the end of that we've actually got something which which is converting um pros into sql based on our schema so i think that's that's a really exciting idea um the only other thing i do want to briefly mention is um is doing stuff on max um if you've got a mac uh you there's a couple of really good options um the options are mlc and llama.cpp currently uh mlc in particular i think it's kind of underappreciated it's a um you know really nice project um uh where you can run language models on literally iphone android web browsers everything uh it's really cool and and so i'm now actually on my mac here and i've got a um tiny little python program called chat and it's going to import chat module and it's going to import a discretized 7b um and it's going to ask the question what is the meaning of life so let's try it python again i just installed this earlier today i haven't done that much stuff on macs before but i was pretty impressed to see that it is doing a good job here what is the meaning of life is complex and philosophical some people might find meaning in their relationships with others their impact in the world etc etc okay and it's doing 9.6 tokens per second so there you go so there is running um a model on a mac and then another option that you've probably heard about is llama.cpp uh llama.cpp uh runs on lots of different things as well including macs and also on cuda um it uses a different format called gguf and you can again you can use it from python even though it's a cpp thing it's got a python wrapper so you can just download again from hugging face a gguf uh file so you can just go through and there's lots of different ones they're all documented as to what's what you can pick how big a file you want you can download it and then you just say okay llama model path equals pass in that gguf file it spits out lots and lots and lots of gunk and then you can say okay so if i called that llm you can then say llm question name the planets of the solar system 32 tokens and there we are one Pluto no longer considered a planet two Mercury three Venus four Earth Mars six oh never had other tokens um so again you know it's um just to show you here there are all these different options um uh you know i would say you know if you've got a nvidia graphics card and you're a reasonably capable python programmer you'd probably be one of you use pytorch and the hugging face ecosystem um but uh you know i think you know these things might change over time as well and certainly a lot of stuff is coming into llama pretty quickly now and it's developing very fast as you can see um there's a lot of stuff that you can do right now with language models um particularly if you if you're pretty comfortable as a python programmer um i think it's a really exciting time to get involved in some ways it's a frustrating time to get involved because um you know it's very early and a lot of stuff has weird little edge cases and it's tricky to install and stuff like that um there's a lot of great discord channels however fastai i have our own discord channel so feel free to just google for fastai discord and and drop in we've got a channel called generative um you feel free to ask any questions or tell us about what you're finding um yeah it's definitely something where you want to be getting help from other people on this journey because it is very early days and you know people are still figuring things out as we go but i think it's an exciting time to be doing this stuff and i'm yeah i'm really enjoying it and i hope that this has given some of you a useful starting point on your own journey so i hope you found this useful thanks for listening bye