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ALARMING DATA: MICROPLASTICS in your BODY #science #microplastics #plastic #technology


team of scientists in Italy collected samples from patients that had plaque removed from the carotid artery. So a total of 304 patients agreed to have the plaque that was removed from their artery submitted for analysis. And then what this team did is they took that plaque and they studied it to see how much plastic was found in that plaque microplastics or nanoplastics remember are less than five millimeters in size with a mean level of 21 micrograms per milligram of plaque roughly one per 50 is the ratio of plastic to plaque that they found which is really incredible, incredible good or incredible bad, incredible bad that these microplastics are accumulating in the human body.

Now here's the scary part. They then did a follow up 34 months later, the patients that had plastic in their blood had a four and a half times higher ratio or likelihood of having a heart attack, stroke or death from any cause. So all of these major health effects were four and a half times elevated in patients that had plastic in their blood.