The only way to get really good at something is to actually be focused. Use the word prioritization. If you have more than three priorities, you have zero. Very few companies go on to become excellent, great. Even very few companies go on to keep existing. Even really, really good companies that we think are good right now are not gonna exist in five or 10 years.
Good will stop existing, just remember that. Good is gonna stop existing, it's gonna fail. Good will fail, only the great can even have a shot at succeeding, let alone continuing to exist. I'm just talking business, but this also fits with life. So the companies that become great let go of everything that is merely good.
They are hyper-focused. And so you don't need to think about your future self in like 50 different factors. It's actually just two or three, right? Like you've got two or three areas of life that you're massively going to focus on, invest in, and honestly, quote unquote, take 10X, like take to a totally different level.
You know, there's a great quote that says, "It's better to be a meaningful specific "than a wandering generality." So like when it comes to your future self, be specific, highly specific, and it can't be specific in 50 ways. maybe specific in three.