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Alexander Strauch - Author of Biblical Eldership


- Tell that guy to be quiet. - Hi, I'm here with my brother Alex. Alex, can you just introduce yourself? - Yes, I'm Alexander Strauch, and I'm a good friend of Gary Kim, who's an amazing man, and he's got a tremendous product. - Wow, and Alex, currently where are you serving at?

- I'm at Littleton Bible Chapel in Littleton, Colorado. I've been there 54 years, and we have a marvelous congregation. In 60 years, we've never had a split, and I think the reason is everyone's committed to the Jesus principles of humility, servanthood, brotherhood, and Christ-like love. We're totally committed to that.

- And is it true? I heard there is an update to your book, Biblical Eldership. - Yes, a complete update. It's 35 years of age. It needed to be updated. It's a textbook, and if you have a textbook, you've gotta keep it up to date. Plus, I've learned a lot over the years talking to people, and so I think it's a much better book than what you have in your hands.

- Okay, and I just had a question, Alex, about Bible translations. Why is it important to just have a good Bible translate? - Well, you know, in the English-speaking world, we have so many Bibles. It's actually gotten to the point of being ridiculous. A serious Bible student wants a serious Bible.

A serious Bible student wants a Bible that respects the original languages and wants to carry over the meaning of the original text. The problem with the many dynamic translations, which has certain advantages, is that they try to smooth out the Greek. They try to put in words like friendship instead of saints, which are very important words.

And here's a real problem, Gary. Translations wanted to read nicely, and so they remove the little words for, therefore. In the Greek language, these are so important for development of thought. So I don't want a Bible that's gonna remove these important particles, transitional words. I once asked Dr. S.

Lewis Johnson, one of the great Greek scholars of America, taught at Dallas Seminary many, many years. I said to him, "Dr. Johnson, what do you want to tell "a young man like me starting out?" He said, "Look for those little particles, "those little transitional words. "Then you learn to follow the logic of the apostles.

"You have an accurate translation." So that's the kind of Bible I want. - Oh, awesome, thank you. And you know, Alex, you've been in ministry for many, many years. What kind of encouragement would you give believers today after all these years of ministry? - I would say be in a good church, have good Christian friends.

We're in a hostile environment that I have never seen in my lifetime. The new secularism hates us, wants to put us out of business. Our children are in trouble. You need good, solid churches, not sleepy churches, not churches trying to conform, accommodate themselves to society, and you need good Christian friends that together you're sharing the things of God, upholding one another.

- Alex, thank you, brother. I love you. Thanks for being my friend. - Thank you, dear Gary.