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Jerry Wragg - Pastor at Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, Florida


All right, I'm here at SHEPCON 2024. Can you introduce yourself? Hi, my name is Jerry Regg, and I am a pastor at Grace Emanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, Florida, and the president of the Expositor Seminary, and I'm here with Gary Kim, one of my dear friends. And Jerry, you also served here at Grace Church, right?

I did. I was on staff here for 10 years some time ago, and then in 2001 went out to Florida. And Jerry, you've been reading the LSB for a bit. What do you think? No, I love it. First of all, I want to say that with regard to trusting translations, I don't think I've had a greater level of confidence than I do now in a translation, because I know that the LSB grew out of the heart of expositors, particularly Dr.

MacArthur, over years and years of study. Now, I'm an expositor, and I'm a pastor, so I see translations. I see them come and go. I study when I study for sermons. I'm looking through all of the translations, but I know a translation that was made because the heart and soul of an expositor and his team wanted it to be accurate.

Well, I can open that thing, and the clarity from the translation and the confidence with that clarity that goes with it, that is a thrill to an expositor. And so I love it already just because of where it came from and its roots. But then as I work through the text, it's so obvious that in those previously ambiguous places, or places where other translations tried to get fancy and clever, the LSB is just right at it, straightforward, and I love that.

Thanks, Jerry. Thanks for taking the time.