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Kai-Fu Lee: Autonomous Vehicle Infrastructure | AI Podcast Clips


(gentle music) - Do you think on the autonomous vehicle space, it's possible to solve the problem of full autonomy without significant investment in infrastructure? - Well, that's really hard to speculate. I think it's not a yes, no question, but how long does it take question? 15 years, 30 years, 45 years.

Clearly with infrastructure augmentation, whether it's road, city, or whole city planning, building a new city, I'm sure that will accelerate the day of the L5. I'm not knowledgeable enough, and it's hard to predict even when we're knowledgeable because a lot of it is speculative. But in the US, I don't think people would consider building a new city the size of Chicago to make it the AI/autonomous city.

There are smaller ones being built, I'm aware of that. But is infrastructure spend really impossible for US or Western countries? I don't think so. The US highway system was built. Was that during President Eisenhower or Kennedy? Eisenhower, yeah. So maybe historians can study how did President Eisenhower get the resources to build this massive infrastructure that surely gave US a tremendous amount of prosperity over the next decade, if not century.

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