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MIND-BLOWING Sora demo | OpenAI's newest model #ai #openai


What's amazing about this model, this model on its own has rendered physics. If you look at some of the other demos on this tool, you can actually see fluid moving. Those are like physics models that would typically be deterministically written, meaning that a programmer, an engineer writes the physics, and then the unreal engine renders the physics.

In this case, the model figured out the physics and the model probably did it in such a reduced way that you could use a reduced amount of compute to generate something that would otherwise take a ton of compute time. And I think it really speaks to what's so incredible right now, which is that software is writing itself, and it's replacing a lot of human determinism.

The way that humans think about constructing software is being completely redone with these learn models. This is incredible because Pixar spent years, maybe a decade trying to figure out hair. I remember talking to Ed Catmull and he told me hair was just so hard to get right with wind and lighting.

They literally built the physics engine for years to make hair across the uncanny valley. What you're saying here, Friedberg, is somehow this language model, this image model just outputs it.