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OpenAI CTO SLIPS UP on TRAINING DATA? #ai #openai #technology #allinpodcast #investing #chatgpt


- Did OpenAI just get caught with their hand in the cookie jar or the training data cookie jar? OpenAI's CTO was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal this week. - What data was used to train Sora? - We used publicly available data and licensed data. - So videos on YouTube?

- I'm actually not sure about that. - You got to think the CTO of an organization whose job it is to build models based on training data knows where the training data is from. My interpretation of that answer is that she is hesitating 'cause she doesn't want to make a statement against interest.

I don't know if I would say that she's lying per se, but I think she's probably concerned that if she comes right out and answers the question as directly as she could, that it could be a problem for them in all these lawsuits that they're now facing.