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E57: Understanding Omicron, tech stocks plummet, VC's great resignation, Jack Dorsey's departure


0:0 Bestie Intro: Miami talk, gambling stories, Nancy Pelosi's retirement plans
12:30 Understanding the Omicron variant
24:49 Tech stocks plummet: why the selloff?
33:44 Inflation: here to stay? What's the 10-year outlook?
44:57 Anticipating a "Great Resignation" of successful VCs
54:45 Tech people ruining Art Basel, comparing Bay Area / South Florida immigrant communities in terms of political activity, success of Indian-Americans in tech
62:8 Mike Bloomberg donates $750M to charter schools
67:52 Jack Dorsey's departure from Twitter, what it means for free speech


Yeah, Chamath goes to those sorts of events and they all pick some endangered animal and then they skin it and they make a sweater out of it for him. That's that Illuminati shit. Illuminati. So this is Kashmir. It's lower Piana. The lining is chinchilla. Oh, chinchilla. I knew it.

Jeez. I knew it. Some poor animal. It is so phenomenal. Some poor animal. Probably nicer than a dog. It's so warm. Probably sweeter than any dog you've ever met if you actually played with a chinchilla. It's so warm. It's so... Oh, I'm just rubbing it. PETA is boycotting the show right now.

Who? Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Hey, everybody. Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the... Illuminati podcast. We took Thanksgiving off, but the Illuminati is back to tell you what's going on in the star chamber. David Freeburg, the sultan of science, queen of quinoa, back with us. Sultan of science.

Super thin, looking svelte. David Sachs at his fighting weight, 168 to 172 pounds in the red corner and with a Kashmir chinchilla sweater. Chinchilla. The Urkel from... From Sri Lanka at 142 pounds. Shabbat. Pali. Hapa. Tia. And I'm, of course, J-Cal. I'm at my... I'm at my... Not peak weight, but in my 20s and 30s, I was like 172 pounds.

Well, you're six foot, right? So that's... Six two. So I'm currently 166. What? Wow. Wow. And you... And you are wearing a shirt. Wow, that's incredible. If I was 166, I would... I did my... I did my body... I did my body scan. I was... Percentage body fat is what?

14%? 11.1%. What? You're going into elite athlete slash castaway territory. I've been there. I've been there for that. And Sachs... Lean body mass was 152.8 pounds. Unbelievable. My basal metabolic rate was 1,868 calories. Okay. So I was... Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, this was with my jeans on. Sorry.

And this was midday, so I had breakfast. So it was 171.9. So 172. So minus the clothes in the morning, I think I'm 167. Less eating. Amazing. Wow. Yeah, body... Yeah. 11.1% body fat. My BMI was 22.7. That's incredible. Wow. Congratulations. All right. So we took Thanksgiving off, but we're back.

And of course, it's been a bit of a crazy run. Sachs and I are in Miami for Web 3.0. You would be delighted to know that there is no COVID in Florida. They've solved the COVID problem, but... I miss you guys. I miss you guys. It's tough to take a week off.

That was a mistake. We should have done a Thanksgiving episode. Yeah. It's lame to take a week off because I miss everybody. Yeah, I agree. Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? I took my kids to Vegas. You did? Really? The older three. Me and... And Nat's dad. We took the older three to Vegas.

We took them to like Blue Man Group to... You saw a good show. Lion Safari. Although Blue Man is a little loud actually, to be honest. I don't think it's really appropriate for kids to... Hey, I almost had a seizure, so I don't like it. Yeah. But I think like Beatles...

Did you teach your kids how to play craps? I like that Beatles Cirque du Soleil show. Beatles love. Yeah, that would have been a better choice in the end. What else did we do? We took them to the Adventure Dome, which is like an indoor amusement park. What did you eat?

Any good food? We ate at Cipriani. One night and Carbone the next night. I was about to say, man, those are those two places. Oh, my God. Carbone with that vodka sauce. I was talking to Jade about the Carbone rigatoni with vodka sauce, and she started making it for me.

Delicious. The recipe online is unbelievable. It's so funny you mentioned it, but both me and Popsi got it. And we were both like, this is freaking awesome. Spicy rigatoni. It's so delicious. I mean, you can make it at home and it's pretty amazing. Saks, what was yours? I'm sure that you came to Miami for Thanksgiving.

I take it. Oh, wait, wait. So the best part is, and I won 100 dimes, played craps for a little bit. Bop, bop. Beep, beep. Bink. OK, so that pays for half the trip. What did you play? You played Encore? I stayed at the Encore. I spiked the wind for 100 dimes in about two hours.

That's a nice little thing. Right at the bottom of the towers at that little VIP area down there. And here's the best thing. I mean, look, when you go to a casino, the best thing is you put the dice in the hands of the person that's never rolled. I said to Sergio.

I said, "Bopsy, just go there. You're going to start rolling. I'm not going to talk to you. I'm not ignoring you, so please don't misinterpret this, but I'm just going to let you be in your little zone." He hit everything. Wow. Everything for 30 minutes. And you got up.

You left a winner. It's always about-- I've been up and left since I've done it. It's all about when you get up. Speaking about when you get up, I have been with Saks. You want to talk about Rain Man? Literally, when David Saks-- Oh, my god. Saks went off one night.

Do you remember that night he went off? No, no, no. I was about to bring it up, but here's something with Saks. he won. No, no, no. No, no, no. How much did you-- The ice-tore ballpark. That's not correct. That's not correct. Beep it out. But I will say-- How much was that ?

No. Beep it out, Nick. No. Beep it out. What is-- what was the number? All right, well, anyway, let me just tell you. When Saks and I go to Vegas and he plays blackjack, it's literally like the two of us coming down the escalator, like Tom Cruise and Rain Man.

We're wearing the same suit. Wait, who's Tom Cruise? I'm Tom Cruise, and he's the Rain Man. And literally, he's got his head tilted. He's like, blackjack. Yeah, we're going to play three hands of concurrent blackjack with J-Cal. Of course, we're counting cards at the Aria, at the high roller.

And so we start high rolling. And I swear to God, this guy goes down a model X, goes up a plat. But he never gives up. He never gives up. And we're supposed to go to LA. And I have a benefit dinner I bought a table for. And he's like, I'm sorry, Jake.

I can't leave. So I show up for the benefit dinner three hours late. They're closing the place down. They're like, oh, thanks for showing up, J-Cal. And it was all because he had to come back up. But I've seen him come back from some gnarly defeats. What is the secret, Saks?

Well, I saw Phil, your friend Phil Helmuth, and Brandon Cantu the other night here in Miami. And they reminded me of that legendary run, where basically, I think I bought in for like $100, and I was down $100. And I was playing two hands, and I was down to my last five.

And I'd been on a horrible losing streak. And the hand came along where the dealer had a five showing. And basically, I doubled down for my last bets. And then the dealer misdealed. She did the cards out of order. And Phil made her rewind the cards and have them go back to where they were supposed to go instead of declaring they had a missed deal, because I had doubled down with the five showing.

So anyway. And the pit boss came over. They ended up listening to Phil. And I won those two hands. And then from there, I went on a run. Oh, I love it. I love it. And so Cantu actually remembers the stats. He's like, you won 85% of the hands in the next two shoes.

Shoes. Yeah, you won like 35 hands in a row. He's like, it was unbelievable. And yeah, it was crazy. Did you tip Phil at the end of the night? He was there playing with me. It was him, me, and then Cantu was there. It was like kind of the real bird.

And it was bonkers. These pro poker players, they are kind of savants for these kinds of things. They remember every hand. Everything. They could go back years. Phil talked about some random hands. Yeah. Every flop turn river. It's really incredible. They're gambling TiVos. They're gambling TiVos. It's a DVR in their brains.

But Brandon wasn't even playing. It was basically Phil was there, and then I was playing two hands. And then Brandon was just hanging with us. And he remembers all the stats of what happened for that whatever half hour. It's bonkers. OK. Well, since we took a week off, we apologize for taking the week off.

We regret it. A couple of things have happened. I don't know if you guys look at the stats, but I couldn't believe it. But we were the 41st most popular episode two episodes ago in the world. So the pod has reached some sort of tipping point. I don't know if you're having this experience in Miami, David, but is everybody stopping you to say they love All In?

And did you see all the Spotify love of people who watched like 3000 minutes of All In? That was a viral feature. That Spotify came up with was a way to basically it generates a list of what your top shows were for the year based on listening minutes. So it's like actually mathematical.

And then you can basically retweet that. So yeah, I've seen a lot of tweets of people saying that we were number one or top five. I had one guy stop me at Art Basel. I don't get stopped that much, but there is a little bit more of that. Yeah, I'm getting stopped constantly.

And it was just a flood. So thank you to everybody who shared that and for tuning in. And we apologize for taking weeks off. We're going to have it no weeks off rule going forward. That's absolutely necessary. But last week, we had a new variant come out. We've been talking about it a whole bunch.

We're going to talk about Miami. How was Miami? You've been having a good time? Well, I got to tell a story about Miami. So okay. All right. So I mean, I think this place is paradise. You know, first of all, the weather is just perfect. This time of year, San Francisco is miserable.

It was like rainy and cold. We come here and it's like mid 70s all week. And of course, you're not stepping over hypodermic needles or feces. Or you're not worried about being randomly assaulted by a homeless drug addict having a psychotic break. Just for starters, right? So you know, we've been like talking all week.

We've been talking all week. And that's just in your house. Right. That's just in the mausoleum before you get out. That's just going to Starbucks. Yeah, that's just going to Starbucks. Exactly. Yeah. So anyway, we're having this conversation about should we just move here full time? And you know, it's like, it's, you know, it's a heart wrenching or gut wrenching decision.

And I think that's what we're talking about. And I think that's what we're talking about. And I think that's what we're talking about. And I think that's what we're talking about. Because the kids have schools and friends, we've been in California a long time. And so here we are wringing our hands about whether to make this move.

And all of a sudden, I read online that Nancy Pelosi just spent 25 million buying her retirement house for when she loses the house in 2022. Presumably, she'll retire as speaker, you know, in January 23, when she's not speaking to her parents. She's gonna move. We're gonna move to Santa Barbara.

So she's moving to Florida. She bought a place in Jupiter. It wasn't true. It was Yeah, I know. I know. It turned out to be fake news. Well, I question that I think it was true. And then she didn't like the bad press. So they bailed out of that deal.

Well, we won't really know what's true until January of 2023, where we see where she retires to. But even so, I'm reading this article, and it says she's buying a house. It's where Tiger Woods lives. And actually, it's like half an hour. It's half an hour for Donald Trump is.

So here she is buying this house probably with ill gotten insider trading profits. And she's gonna live. She's the best trader in the unbelievable trader in the world in the world. All of our government officials, she's got the best inside information. She's planning to retire to a community of people she's demonized.

I mean, starting with like Trump and then Tiger Woods. And so she's gonna be living in this community of people who she's been moralizing against a demonizing against as the Speaker of the House. And meanwhile, the rest of us are. So we're wringing our hands about whether we should stay in San Francisco, the city, the dystopian city that she's the political boss of that her political machine has run to the ground.

And I'm looking at this going like, Oh, no, you don't. You're not leaving me holding the bag for this. If you're if you're going to Florida, I'm definitely going to Florida. You can turn the lights out, Sax. Just leave me holding the bag. I'm like the last one in San Francisco.

I'll be turning out the lights. So did that tip the scale for you? I'm like, I'm definitely out of here. I'm like, if the boss of San Francisco is out of here. I'm definitely out of here. But I have some people, some other people to convince. In fairness to Nancy Pelosi, she's sitting on a ton of equities and she doesn't want to pay cap gains in California.

You got to be fair to her. It's not like she wants to pay for the ridiculous spending in California when she does, you know, cash out all those chips. I guess, Freiburg, let's go to you to talk about the new variant. Maybe you could tell us how to pronounce it, because there seems to be some debate about the pronunciation of this.

And what's your take on it? Were you in a frat? In college? You have to remember, I went to school at night. So I didn't write a college experience. Yeah. I think it's Omicron. But that's the Omicron. Omicron. And it's right again, Jake. Last time. Last time. There's no end Omicron.

Let's monetize the Greek alphabet. Megatron. It's not a transformer, Jake. It's a neutron. I missed you, Sax. Wait, how many miles away from here? Let's go get a Cuban sandwich after this. Yeah, come over here. Why aren't you guys together right now? I don't get it. I thought you guys would be in the same room.

Let's go to the Cuban deli and play, I don't know, Cuban sandwich chicken. Yes. Who could eat less bites as we lose our weight? I have the place. I got the sandwich place over in Little Havana. That's unbelievable. But anyway, continue. Tell us if it's the end of the world or no worry.

No, I mean, it's at this point, there's three things that scientists are looking at. One is the fact that the world is changing. The other is the fact that the world is changing. So, there's three things that scientists are looking out for data on. One is kind of the innate transmissibility of this variant.

The second is, which is like, you know, the R naught in an unvaccinated population. The second is immune evasion, meaning it can get around antibodies or get around people that are vaccinated or have the virus. And then third is kind of the severity, right? Which is like how many people translate into hospitalized cases.

So, every day, there's, you know, varying data and information coming out, there's an incredible spike in South African surveillance data and testing data. Right now, as of today, I think 25% of people getting tested in South Africa are testing positive. Okay, wow, that's stunning. And yeah, and only about a quarter of the population is vaccinated there.

So this will be pretty telling pretty quickly on if hospitalization start to climb and if the disease severity in an unvaccinated population kind of matches or mimics what we've seen with other variants. This variant is quite different. So, there's like 30 mutations on the spike protein here. Normally you'll see an evolution where one mutation leads to another variant leads to another variant and you know, they call it a new variant when there's enough kind of differential behavior of the virus.

So, there's always mutations happening. But once a mutation causes a change in behavior, they know that normally you see kind of an evolutionary track where there's like one mutation and another than another, and so on. In this case, this mutation set is so far away from anything else that exists.

There's like 30 new mutations that pop up. So, there's a lot of new mutations that pop up on this protein, on this sequence that sequences for this protein that it's like such a different virus. This is a major upgrade. Yeah. When did they... It's so different. It's almost like...

It's like a new virus altogether. It's almost like it's not a naturally occurring virus that behaves like other viruses do. Okay. So, cutting the conspiracy... When did you try to upgrade the virus? Let me cut the conspiracy theory for a second and just say what the kind of current consensus thinking is of what...

What may have caused this incredible change. One is that someone or some people that have a severe immune compromised systems had a virus in them that did not kill them, but just kept circulating in their bodies for months and months and months and mutated so much that it got to the point...

And this is what's really interesting. It got to the point that it mutated such that it can now transmit amongst a vaccinated population. So, think about the virus finally found a way out of the floodgates and the floodgates are blocked in by vaccinated people. And so, that's kind of one...

One reasonable explanation. The other one is that South Africa is just a monitoring station, right? There's a whole big chunk of Africa where we have no surveillance going on. There's no genetic sequencing going on. And there could have been anywhere in Southern Africa or even in Central Africa that these viruses could have been circulating amongst populations for the last year and a half with no surveillance or testing or sequencing.

And all of a sudden, one person travels to South Africa and boom, this thing pops up on the radar and everyone's like, "Oh, wow. Look at what we just stumbled into." So look, one thing that seems pretty certain. This variant is going to be everywhere fast. Like it is so transmissible by some estimates and you can read Trevor Bedford or there's a bunch of great folks on Twitter.

You can kind of follow their writings on this. But Trevor's done a great job. The R naught on this could be as high as 40, which is, you know, measles by comparison is 12 to 13. Now, it's more likely that the R naught is somewhere between 7 and 20.

But regardless, it seems to be that high in the presence of an immune... Immunized population, meaning it's got incredibly good evasiveness around people that have the vaccine or have had the virus. So it's going to spread like crazy. I think this whole thing is a complete fucking nothing burger.

Yeah. And so that's the other side. It's like maybe it's just not a big deal and it ends up being like Delta and it sort of spreads around. A lot of people don't know they have it. And then all of a sudden, we all wake up. It's even more impotent than Delta.

So that is definitely something that people are saying because there's not a lot of new hospitalizations. We're not seeing the spike in South Africa. We're not seeing severe cases of all these people. You know, 25% of people are testing positive. They're showing mild to no symptoms. And that's anecdotal right now.

So we'll know in the next two weeks of whether this actually changes hospitalizations. To me, this is more of an example of yet again, how unreliable our institutions are than anything else. We knew nothing about this. We had a couple of cases and the mainstream media literally in a moment where there was, you know, a lot of news.

Slowest news day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving for people. This is when it broke Friday after Thanksgiving. Exactly. Essentially manufactured this histrionic reaction to something where we didn't know anything about it. We didn't know how important it was. We didn't know how bad it was. We didn't know anything.

And then what happened was then the financial media took that and then ran with it basically trying to whip up even more histrionics but within the financial markets which then feed the mainstream news. And then the mainstream media started to get really angry. And then the mainstream media started to get really angry.

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