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Jesus’s Aggressive, Relentless, Surgical Love


The following clip is taken from John Piper's sermon, "The Tragic Cost of Her Cavernous Thirst," preached on June 21st, 2009, a sermon on the text where Jesus meets the woman at the well in John 4, verses 16 to 26. Here's what Pastor John had to say. "Some kind of bondage and slavery that drives her.

Now she is locked and he's gonna move in. He can move in by showing her, 'You are thirsty. You are so thirsty. Wake up! Wake up! You think it's all about men. You think it's all about romance. You think it's all about being embraced and held. You think it's all about having security.

It's not about any of that. It's about me. It's about water and not sexually with me. Me, Messiah, Savior, Prophet, water. Your soul, your soul is made to drink deep, deep, deep satisfaction from Jesus. And if you're not, I know what you're doing. You're into a serial routine. Probably for most of you it's not sex.

Some of you it is for sure. Just jumping from bed to bed. Think that's it? It goes so deep, just in the moment it's so, it's so water, so lye, and you know it the next morning. And you get harder and harder. We're learning about Jesus here. Compassion, aggressive, surgical, relentless love, knows everything about us.

Isn't it good to be known? Painful as all get-out and good to be known by somebody. This kind of person anyway. He knows everything about you. Absolutely everything. Kinky stuff, he knows. Hidden stuff from your youth, he knows. Financial stuff, he knows. Thoughts, he knows. Feelings, he knows. Midnight stuff, he knows.

He knows you completely. And he's the most important person in the universe. Do you know yourself? You're meeting yourself in this woman. The thirsts. One of the evidences that we are not drinking Jesus, either because you're an unbeliever and you've never even tasted, or because you're a believer and something has begun to lure you to another fountain, starting to go there, or you've just blocked him out because you've got some hidden thing you want to keep doing or whatever.

One of the evidences of not drinking deeply from Jesus is the instability of constantly moving from one thing to the next, seeking to fill the void. You may be going through sexual partners. You may be going through friends. You may be going through jobs. You may be going through churches.

Just one after the other. You may be going through hobbies, internet stuff, hobbies, games. You may be going through hairstyles. You may be going through wardrobes. You may be going through cars. You may be going through locations of where you live because there's no deeply contented identity in Christ.

Deeply contented. Deeply satisfied. That's what water means. Living water is your soul is a cavern of desire. And I offer myself to you, Jesus says, as water that lives. It becomes a well. It just satisfies day after day. You get up with hungers and longings and soul achings in the morning.

Come to me and you'll find stability of contented identity. And then you don't move around so much. Jump in here, jump in there, jump in here, jump in there. Crave, crave, crave, crave, crave, crave. Nothing's working. Oh, don't you love people who are so deep with Jesus they know where it's at.

The water. They live by the fountain. They never go anywhere. They just live there. They're not jumping from job to job and wife to wife and girlfriend to girlfriend and car to car and hairstyle to hairstyle. They are so there. Here's the interesting thing about that. That sounds static, doesn't it?

Baloney! It isn't static. Believe me, it isn't static. I don't mean that the Christian life with that kind of centered, deep, satisfied identity by the fountain, satisfied day after day, freshly with new water coming up from this friendship and this relationship, I do not mean this is static. There is a difference between confident movement of faith and craving movement of frustration.

You got that? There is a difference between confident movement in faith and craving movement of frustration. "Got to move because this is not working. Here, move, move, move." Or, "This is so working, I'm taking it. I got a plan. I'm making something of my life. I'm not wasting it.

I am moving to China. I'm moving to Ukraine. I'm moving to Southeast Asia. I am on the way because I got my feet on a rock and there's a fountain coming up out of this rock and it goes with me everywhere. It's Jesus, not any geographical location. So don't don't hear me say that the movement in life, you know, job to job and hairstyle to hairstyle and wife to wife and sex to sex and TV program to TV program, that the alternative is frozen.

I got the fountain. You know that's not what I'm talking about. This fountain is really a moving fountain. It's like a waterfall. I've used that analogy before. Stay under it, it moves. Oh Jesus is a mover. He's gonna reach the nations. The fountain's on its way to the nations.

You want to get drink deepest, go with him to the nations or the neighborhood. Magnificent, rich truth. That clip was taken from John Piper's sermon, "The Tragic Cost of Her Cavernous Thirst," which was preached on June 21st 2009. You can download the entire thing at This clip was sent in to us by podcast listener Aaron Probonik.

Thank you Aaron. Like Aaron, if you have a favorite John Piper sermon clip, please email us the name of the sermon and if possible the timestamp of when and where the clip occurs in the audio. Please put the phrase "sermon clip" in the subject line of an email and send it to us at

We return on Monday and we welcome guest Francis Chan to the podcast. He will be joining me from San Francisco to answer a list of random questions on everything from seeking joy in Christ, to leadership, to marriage, parenting, and even dating. Should be fun. I'm your host Tony Reinke.

Thanks for listening to the Ask Pastor John podcast.