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Lex Fridman speaks to Palestinians in the West Bank


0:0 Interview 1: No Water
2:35 Introduction by Lex
3:26 Interview 2: Palestinian Christian
5:16 Interview 3: Nothing Lasts Forever
6:56 Interview 4: In the end, we're all human
8:13 Lex drinks tea


Listen, you have to know something. Everybody here, any human being in this area, in all the world, is not against peace. Everybody likes life. Even Hamas in Gaza, they like life, they like peace. But peace is not like what you want. If I want to buy something from you, if I agree for your price, and I am happy for your things, I will buy it.

So our situation here, what's going on with the Israelis, we are not against Israel as people, Jews. We are against occupation. You remember what's happening with Russia and Ukraine. Look, one year Russia, they have a problem. They are afraid from NATO, come close to, they are going inside Ukraine.

All the world, and all the arming of the world against Russia. I am a refugee in my land. Why I lost my house? Did I make something for Israel? Did my, Hitler was my cousin. Did I make anything for the Jews in the world? Me and my family and the Palestinians.

Do you have hope for peace? My age is 50 years. I have seven kids. No hope. If I told I have hope, I am a joke. And if you want to say the truth, there is no justice in the world. If you are strong, everybody afraid from you. If you are not, everybody kill you.

They make you like this by your foot. That's what's happening. There is no peace, my friend. If you want to see the peace, come to our camp where I live. You will cry. You will cry, you see our peace. What are the conditions like in the camp? My friend, they waiting for water, water, you know what's mean water?

In Europe, the dog, he live in good condition. Dog, animals. How come a human being don't have water, water to drink? I asked you about anger. What about love? You got love in your heart? Well, I love everybody. Even the Jews, they kill us. They destroyed our houses. I'm not look to fight.

I'm not look to kill. I am against violence. We love your kids to live in good condition. The Israeli side and the Palestinian. We are against violence. We don't want to see more blood. We want to destroy this wall. You come to me, I come to you. That's it.

That's my hope. Thank you, my brother. My English not so nice. No, it's pretty good. Spanish. Thank you. Good? Spanish. Hola, Colombia. Arriba Colombia. How are you, Colombia? How are you? All good? Hello, friends. I recently traveled to the West Bank and spoke with many Palestinian people there. From all walks of life.

There was anger and there was hope. In their voice, in their eyes, in their stories. In ways that I probably can't express with words. But I wanted to begin to experience directly. Most conversations were offline, but a few were on camera. And I include those latter ones here in this video.

I'm not a journalist nor a documentary filmmaker. Just a fellow human being. Trying to understand the struggles and the beauty of other people. And I just sometimes may bring a camera along. So I ask for your forgiveness if I fall short of what I could have done with this opportunity.

I will work hard to improve. And I will do many more videos like these. I love you all. So I think a lot of people would be surprised to see a Palestinian who's a Christian. Yes. Is there a tension in that? Can you explain what it's like to be you?

Yes. Actually, because I've been to America once when I was there. And I said that I'm a Palestinian Christian. And they asked, "How come you are a Palestinian Christian?" They don't know that in Palestine there are Christian people. Palestinian Christians have existed since Jesus was born. The house that I live in, it's 200 years old.

And it was my grand-grandfather who lived in this. And my grandfather and my father and me in the same house. In this area, in Palestine especially, you can see Christians and Muslims together. Living side by side. And as neighbors. As we go to the universities together. We work together.

We do everything together. What aspects of life has made it difficult here because of the tension between Israel and Palestine? Yes. Actually, since Jesus was born, it was occupied by many. Till now, occupation after occupation. We passed Palestine through the Turkish, the British, Egyptian, Jordanian. And that was the last is Israel.

So there's quite a bit of tension between the various religions here. Yes. What gives you hope for the future? That's right. Yes. Because, you know, Christianity, Muslims, and Judaism. And which means that all praise the Lord. This makes me feel very happy. Because I'm not a judge to judge the other religions.

I'm just praying. And God will judge everyone as what he believes. But the most important thing between the three major religions is just to have most important, to have love. First of all, how long have you lived here? My father was a second generation refugee. I'm a third generation.

My grandfather first lived in 1948. What does it mean to be a refugee? Refugee, that's a long story. You know, Palestinians, they became refugees in 1948 when, you know, they lost their homeland. They became refugees. A lot of them live in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and everywhere in Palestine. You know, Palestine is getting divided.

West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, Jordan Valley. Do you have hope for peace in the region? Of course, I do have hope because nothing lasts forever. You know, you know what that means? Nothing lasts forever. We are not alone. We have a lot of solidarity from the Jewish community, from the Christian community, from the whole world.

But that's something to do with the governments and politicians. They are, you know, trying to control over. One state, equal rights, equal citizens, because Jews, Christians, and Muslims, they have always lived together, during the British Mandate, during the Ottoman's time, for decades. The only hope for people to live peacefully together, it's related to one word, which is occupation.

If occupation ends, there's no reason for Palestinians to fight. There's no reason for Palestinians to throw rockets. But people, I think they have a legitimate right to resist. Palestinian people, in general, they are nice people, not what the media says about us. You know, it's crazy, when you resist, they call you a terrorist.

It's a crazy world that we live in. We are in the 21st century and we're still occupied. So one day, that's why, again, like I started saying... Nothing lasts forever? Exactly. Eventually, this occupation will end. And I do believe that history is repeating itself, but it seems to me, people, they didn't learn from the history, you know?

Right? People who get the power, they want to just keep going on, you know? But at least we are not alone in this damn world. How long have you lived here? I lived in this city, I was born in this city, since I was born until now, I grew up in this town.

There are a lot of people that have anger towards Israel, hate towards Israel. I will give you an example. Like, if someone comes to fight your family, and to enter your home, you will stand closing your hand. If someone killed your brother, killed your father, you will be as sober as crazy.

This is what's happened to Palestine. A lot of Palestinians were killed for no reason. What gives you hope about the future here? Look, let me tell you something. The situation is getting worse and worse and worse. Today, they close all over around Bethlehem because something happened. There's a fight between Palestine and Israel.

And if you go all over around the city, all the entrance of the city is closed. Second thing I want to tell you is something. I don't like politics so much. Because, you know, in the end we are all human. It doesn't matter if you are Palestinian or Israeli or Russian or American.

It doesn't matter what your religion is, Christian, Muslim, Jew. In the end, we are all human. What we want, we want just peace. We want to live in peace. We don't want any more fight. We want to have our freedom to travel, to go wherever we want. And that's it.

Palestinian scarf. Speed me. It looks good. What's... tell us about the coffee. I make very good coffee and very good tea. I make the tea with mint, cinnamon, sage, thyme, ginger, coriander, rosemary, lemon, two seeds of cardamom and rose. This is for me. This is for his job. This is very good for working in the night.

You know what does it mean? Yes, yes I know what it means. King of the jungle. Again.