stocks are super easy to get into. Stock investing takes very little time other than the minor hassle of opening a brokerage account, which today is like as simple as downloading an app and pressing a few buttons on your phone and connecting your bank account. I mean, that's really it.
But once you've opened a brokerage account, you can buy and sell stocks in a few seconds and boom, you're done. Real estate though, it seems like it could be expensive, right? There are greater barriers to entry, I think, for real estate investing because it tends to be a more capital intensive asset class.
You can't just open an app and buy rental properties for $10, although there are some funds and some modern crowdfunding platforms that do allow you to do that. I think of real estate investing as more entrepreneurial than buying equities and buying stock. In addition to those things that, you know, credit, income, down payment, you also need this expertise that can be a real investment of time that is probably not needed, especially for like index fund or other stock investing approaches here.