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The 15% Rule for Stock Investing


How do you generally think about this as someone who probably advocates for stock investing more than the average person? A lot of people talking about personal finance advocate for just index funds. But how do you think about concentration and diversification in that way? My personal rule of thumb that I use for my portfolio is 15%.

I would not be comfortable having more than 15% of my net worth into an individual stock. But I will throw out the caveat there that the way that I personally invest is I am a long-term buy and hold investor. So for a company to become 15% of my portfolio, it would have had to earn its way in there.

I would never put 15% from the get-go. I would probably stick to under 5% of my capital. And then if it just so happened to triple from there and become 15%, I would be personally comfortable with doing that. My personal, I call this my sleep well at night number, is 15%, but it's different for everybody.