We kill each other because we disagree on something that happened 2,000 years ago. The Crusaders and the Shia and the Muslims. And because of that, we kill each other. And oh, a piece of land, we also disagree on the name of a piece of land, and I'm willing to literally end your life because this land is mine and it's not yours.
A lot of these things for an alien sound ridiculous. And for us, it's daily life. And I think my mission statement in life is to recognize what needs to change on planet Earth and spend the rest of my life contributing to that. And so that's why my mission statement is bring people together.
I'm from Israel and Palestine, and that's a crazy thing. So I'd like to help in that regard. I'd like to help get people to spend less time wearing ropes around their neck. I'd like people to stop killing each other because they're a different color or shade over an eye or whatever.
That's my life statement.