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Dan Severn on Beating a Man He Couldn't Beat | Take It Uneasy Podcast


There are times that you are going to step into a on the mat or in a cage or in a ring With someone that you know who is better than what you are And that's where you have to rise to the occasion and you will have to impose Your will upon them.

Yes. Now. I only believe in I always hear all these coaches. You gotta give me 110. You gotta give me 150 That is bullshit There's only 100 and that's when you give your maximum effort and there's 101 when you went beyond your capabilities. Yes Who was The toughest guy you've ever faced in amateur wrestling Tell you right now.

Uh, his name was uh, larry habiloff four-time world champion It wasn't russian. Yeah, it wasn't uh wasn't uh, I think he only won one or two at that point in time And I knew I was walking into a match That he's better than me And I only have one thing that I can do to him is that I have to wear him out Because the moment I can wear him out I will be able to start scoring points.

So so literally in the match I knew that I was going to be losing for how long at this match I did not know how I was going to be losing but he had me probably I don't know five six seven eight points to nothing Yes by the time Fatigue each time we went out of bounds.

I'm the guy that's hustling back to center Referees and again, that's kind of that psychological aspect because the referee sees who's world champions kind of move a little slow back right there Getting on getting out of it And now i'm the first guy to advance across his match and I score the first point And it's firing the fuel into me then score the second point and they're getting closer and closer and the fact that I I tie him and then i'm ahead of him and just just Not only did I beat him once I beat him a couple times and the toughest one is to beat him In his own home country and his hometown in front of his people because you've heard the expression of being over You think I was being screwed over by points like this being in russia being in his hometown?

I said that I didn't just beat him. I beat him and three referees Because you have your your main referee is on the mat and you have two side judges and half the time and the crowd Things are taking place. They don't even look because they don't want to acknowledge and have to score me points So that's what I said.

I beat him. I beat him. I imposed my will upon him and I beat him because Technically could I beat him? Nope I imposed my will I rose to occasion. I gave 101 percent you beat a man you couldn't beat exactly You You (soft music) You