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Bogleheads® 2022 Conference – Bogleheads Hall of Fame Induction of Taylor Larimore


Okay, now we're going to show a short video of our next guest, Taylor Laramore. >> Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce Taylor Laramore. Oh, you can see everyone. One more time. Give it up for Taylor Laramore. Hey. All right. Taylor, it's a real honor and pleasure to have you with us tonight.

And we have a little surprise for you, okay? So I'm going to bring up to the stage now Andrew Bogle. Andrew, as you know, is Jack's son. And Andrew has some words for you. So here you go, Andrew. >> Thank you. >> How are you doing, Taylor? Oh, okay.

Good, good, good. So Taylor, it is my honor and privilege to welcome you to the Bogleheads Hall of Fame. While Taylor has been, as you've heard, one of the founders of the Vanguard Diehards and then the Bogleheads, what impresses me most is that Taylor is a lifelong teacher and lives a life embodying my dad's deeply held belief to serve honest-to-God, down-to-earth human beings who have their own hopes, fears, and financial goals.

Taylor has likely assisted hundreds of thousands of people and two generations through his advice, guidance, online posts, and books. You could argue that Taylor was essentially a founding crew member in Vanguard's personal advisor services, and he did it in a way that always respected the human values of the investors and prospective investors, and he did it for no fee.

As my dad has quoted Helen Keller so wisely, he wrote, "The world has moved along not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." As my dad said in his speech, "The main thing that I've tried to do was to create a working environment based on integrity, service, and ethical values, a place where each of us," after Lincoln said, "are touched by the better angels of our nature." That was his inaugural address in 1861.

And as you have heard, Taylor has been deemed the king of the bogleheads, and I would like to add one other title for Taylor, and that is the angel of investors. Thank you, Taylor. I'm so thrilled to meet one of Jack's sons. I'm blessed with a wonderful son. He'll be guiding me tonight.

But your dad just changed my life. I'll give you one example. One time I was having dinner at his house. Your mother was in the kitchen. Jack and I were in the patio just outside. And I used a profanity. Well, you already know the answer. Your dad said, "Please, please.

My wife might be listening." I've never used a profanity, I ever have. Well, Taylor, welcome as the first person in the new Bogleheads Hall of Fame. Congratulations, you are just like the boglehead number one. You are now the first introductee into the Bogleheads Hall of Fame. Are we all going to make mistakes?

I don't think so. Not this time. Well deserved. We're going to turn you around so you can see everyone as we give you a big round of applause and a standing ovation. All right. Thank you so much. Okay, Taylor, it's been great seeing you. We'll see you again next year.

I hope so. We'll see you next year. You're going to live to 100. That's the last thing you said to me a couple of weeks ago was you're going to live to 100. Well, I remember. I remember on my -- I think it was my birthday, you flew into Miami to wish me well.

And it did work. I'm not coming back to 100, so you've got to live to 100. Okay, we're going to sign off now. Great seeing you. You look great. And best to you and your family. So take care, Taylor. Bye-bye.