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Favorite Boris Pasternak Poem of Buvaisar Saitiev | Joe Rogan Experience


- If I saw a satire, I would read Boris Barstynak, which is a famous Russian poet, won the Nobel Prize before every match, and he kind of captures that ethic. So this is the poem. I'll say it in Russian. - Okay. - And then in English. - Please. - Okay.

(speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) I know there's a bunch of Russian people that would appreciate that. The translation a bit crappy. It's very difficult to translate the Russian language, but it's, "The others, step by step, will follow, "the living imprint of your feet, "but you yourself must not distinguish "your victory from your defeat.

"And never for a single moment betray your credo or pretend, "but be alive, only this matters, "alive and burning to the end." So this is the end of a poem that represents the fact that fame, most of the poem says that fame, recognition, money, none of that matters. The winning and losing, none of that matters.

What matters is the purity of the art, just giving yourself completely over to the art. So like, others will write your story, others will tell whether you did good or bad, others will inspire using your story, but as the artist, so in the case of Pasternak, he's a poet, writer, wrote Dr.

Zhivago, is the art, you should only think about the art and the purity of it and the love of it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)