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How To Achieve Financial Independence (Despite Obstacles)


If you look at what would be the ideal setting for somebody to achieve FIRE, right? It would be a married couple, no kids, very high salaries, professional salaries, live in a low cost area and have no student loan debt. And somebody who would have a very challenging time would be single, income family, lots of kids, high cost of living area.

Yeah, I was in a very high paying industry and a very high paying job in finance. I had little to no student loan debt. We had a single income family, so my wife didn't work once we had our daughter. And we lived in a high cost of living area.

I think even if you are somewhere in between, between the ideal and the not so ideal extreme, you can still make it. I mean, I did it. And there are lots of people who achieved FIRE without ever earning six figures. I understand there are some challenges, but I think also a lot of the criticism, it's a little bit of coping, right?

It's easier to make excuses than to get your act together and do it.