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The Biden Hoax Revealed


What's so striking is how long mainstream media and leadership in the Democratic Party have tried to tell an alternative story that was so obviously revealed to be not true last night. And that is the thing that I think makes me say America is losing because there are a few people that are in charge of controlling the narrative.

There are a few people in charge who decide who gets to be the candidate. And those few people are keeping democracy from working effectively because the raw data, the direct data, the media content that has come out of Biden over quite some period of time made it so obvious that he was not in full capacity.

You're saying the media and the Democratic Party leadership are lying to America. Yeah, we've seen the videos, we've seen the interviews. And every time a video or an interview comes out, it has been excused away as Oh, well, he tripped or Oh, it wasn't well edited. And then when it's fully exposed, the fact that they all flipped so quickly is what's so shocking, because this was there.

And if you're on Twitter, you can see these clips being talked about by millions of people, but then media and democratic leadership won't