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Why Warren Buffett is SELLING APPLE! #stockmarket #technology #apple #allinpodcast #investing


you can tell when Buffett has gotten disengaged with a company based on the number of times he mentions it in his annual letter. This is the number of times Apple was mentioned. He went from basically saying Apple was the absolute end all and be all and it's gone from basically a bunch of times to almost none.

What's interesting about that is the last time that that happened was with drumroll Wells Fargo over 15 and 20 years Buffett built up a huge position until he realized that that company was not really one of his forever stocks. And the number of times it was mentioned in his letter went to zero.

So I think this Buffett index is a really important one for Apple, which is it went from a forever holding that he said he would own forever to barely getting mentioned. Unfortunately, it speaks for a very bad next five to 10 years for this company, unless they figure something out.