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How the Death of a 9-Year-Old Changed the World


there's a famous donor story where there was a nine-year-old girl named Rachel Beckwith, and she saw me talk. And at the time, I would ask everyone in the audience to donate their next birthday to Charity Water. And Rachel took me seriously at this, and she donates her ninth birthday, and she sets a goal of $300, which was gonna help the time 10 people get access to water.

And she cancels her birthday party, won't accept gifts, and she raises $220. So she falls short in her goal, and she tells her mom she feels like she's failed, and she's gonna try harder next year. And her mom's like, "Hey, I think you're pretty awesome." Well, right after her birthday, she dies in a car crash.

Her mom was driving, her sister was in the front, she was smashed in the backseat. Her pastor had emailed me to let me know, and he asked me, "Could we reopen her campaign?" It spreads to the New York Times, it spreads to the morning shows. People in Africa start donating $9 in Rachel's name.

She goes from $220 to $1.3 million in donations.