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Turn Your Brain Into Your Best Friend (Not Your Worst Enemy) – You Only Need To Know THIS


memory is never a retrieval. Often we think about memory as I'm going to go into the file cabinets of my brain and I'm going to grab this memory. I'm going to pull it out and I'm going to look at it. That's not how memory is. Memory is what they call a reconstruction.

I'm always reconstructing my memory from the present. But there's one other really important part. So there's the whole framing of it, the big picture, the story, but there's also the filtering of it. That's the focus. So as an example, if I'm looking back on the last five months, as I gave an example, or the last even five weeks, I can look for the ways in which I've been a loser, right?

I can look for all the ways in which I've failed over the last five weeks. And that's me filtering for and searching for certain things. And that's often what people do is they'll look for the ways in which things are going wrong. Instead, you can proactively look for the ways that things are going right.

I can look for the ways in which I've made progress in ways, you know, and I've learned things that my past self didn't know. It's just ultimately up to your control.