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ACBC Counseling Exam 7 - Concluding a Counseling Case


1:12 Exam Question
8:20 The Final Meeting
9:57 Questions To Ask Is the Counselling Truly a Christian
12:15 Have You Been Focusing on the Wrong Problem
15:29 How To Conclude a Counseling Relationship
16:38 When To Stop Counseling
17:6 Concluding a Counseling Case
19:10 When To End Counseling
23:44 Learn To Give Shorter Homework Assignments
27:30 Reasons Why Formal Counseling Is Limited
29:17 Targeted Discipleship
31:4 The Discipleship River
41:14 Stuart Scott's Counseling Progression Suggestions
43:0 Stewardship Issue
43:56 Concluding a Counseling Session due to Success
44:55 Factors That Demonstrate Success
47:8 When the Counseling Becomes Comfortable with the New Response Patterns
48:1 Four When the Counseling Has Failed and Can Diagnose the Reason for the Failure
53:30 Concluding a Counseling Session
56:43 Concluding a Counseling Session due to Negative Reasons
57:35 Self-Assessment
60:54 Genuine Hard-Heartedness
62:34 Balancing Warning with Encouragement


this online format and to continue our study of God's Word. I want to thank you for your faithfulness to our time together. It's been a joy to study God's Word with you. Tonight, we're looking at a very practical subject as it relates to counseling ministry, and we're looking at the subject of concluding a counseling case.

And so, this question is very practical. It's actually related to some of the training I go through when I orient new counselors to the phase three ACBC training, the 50 hours of supervised counseling training. And it's helpful to do some of that material here as we prepare to write counseling exam number seven.

So, thank you for joining us tonight. I trust you'll be blessed by our time together, and I hope this will be a practical look at how we structure counseling sessions and how do we bring those sessions to a conclusion. Let me go ahead and read the exam question for tonight, and then we'll dive into some foundational material.

The question for counseling exam number seven lists several reasons for concluding a counseling case. For each, describe how you would go about ending the counseling. In order to address this question, what I want to do is, first of all, give you a big picture overview of why we as biblical counselors aim to conclude a counseling relationship, at least in a formal sense.

We desire in the biblical counseling ministry that our formal counseling sessions do move to a conclusion. We want to bring people to a place where they can transition back into the fellowship of the local church, where they can transition into the general discipleship ministries of the local church. I often say to our counselors that counseling ministry is like urgent care or emergency care, and the ministry of the local church is like primary care.

We don't want our counselees to live in the emergency room. We don't want them to live in urgent care. We want them to go back to normal life and be at a place where they can see a primary care doctor as opposed to an emergency care doctor. And so we are always seeking to bring our formal counseling sessions to a conclusion or at least to a place where we can transition people into the fellowship of the local church.

We don't want our formal counseling sessions to be going for years. Now, you will note that this is a contrast to how most secular therapists run their practices. It's not uncommon for many people to say when they're seeing a secular therapist that I've been seeing my therapist for years or I have an ongoing relationship with my therapist that has been going for an extended period of time and is just sort of an ongoing relationship.

In the biblical counseling ministry of a local church, we don't want our formal counseling sessions to go on for years. We ideally would want them to go on for anywhere between two to six months. But beyond that, we really don't want to see the sessions to go on for an indefinite period of time.

And the reason for that is our ecclesiology. It's our understanding of the local church that a counseling ministry is just one branch or one expression of the wider ministry of the local church. A counseling ministry is never to replace the local church. A counseling ministry is never to be the only expression of grace in a counselee's life, that they're only seeing a counselor, but they're not engaging in the wider practice of the ministry of the local church.

And because of our ecclesiology, we don't want to see counseling relationships, at least in a formal sense, be ongoing for years and years. We do want to bring those formal counseling sessions to a conclusion and to a transition. And so this question hits on a practical topic, but a topic that does touch on our wider perspective on how counseling is to function in the local church.

We don't want our counselees to become overly dependent upon the counselor. We want our counselees to be dependent on the Lord. We want our counselees to be dependent on the word. We want them to be dependent on the ministry of the local church. And so we're always seeking to strike that balance of being available, but also wanting to transition our counselees into the broader ministry of the church.

So we want to talk through some big picture issues as we look at this topic, and then practically look at some positive reasons to conclude a counseling relationships, reasons that are related to success in counseling ministry, which is always a joy. And then we want to look at some negative reasons to conclude a counseling relationships, just to prepare you for some of what may be up ahead.

So a good topic for tonight. Let me pray for us, and then we'll get into our study for tonight. Let me pray. Father, thank you for the ministry of the local church. We thank you for the promise that Christ will build his church. The gates of Hades shall not stand against it.

We thank you that counseling ministry is one expression of the ministry of the church, and we pray that we would learn to steward that responsibility and that ministry wisely. Bless us as we look at this practical topic. May it be of help to the students who are working through these essays, and as we put pen to paper and articulate our views on these issues, bring clarity to our understanding of how counseling ministry is to operate, and we commit our time to you, and we pray this in Jesus' name.

Amen. Amen. Well, I'd like for you to look at page one of your handout, and as I usually do, I'd like to give you a few works that will be helpful to you as you think through the subject related to counseling exam number seven. First of all, I want to recommend to you, if you haven't gotten this already, Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Raju's book, "The Pastor and Counseling." That's a book that is very readable.

It is very summarized and concise information. If you wanted one book that summarized the basic principles of biblical counseling in an easy-to-read format, this would be the book to place into the hands of someone who is interested in this topic. Maybe there is a busy pastor. I think this is the intended audience, that you have a busy pastor who doesn't have time to go through an entire three-year training program as it relates to counseling, but needs to have the basic principles of biblical counseling understood, and this is a helpful read that can be placed into someone's hands.

Dr. Pierre and Dr. Raju have a great chapter in that book, chapter six, that's called "The Final Meeting." It is a very practical look on how to conclude a counseling case, and I would highly recommend that you read that in preparation for writing counseling exam number seven. There are a few blog posts that are listed there that will be helpful to you, and I've sought to place the PDFs of these blog posts in your Dropbox folder.

You should be able to access them, but if you want to look up the links, you can do that as well. Jay Adams has a very helpful list that's entitled "50 Failure Factors." Now, that's a good list of questions to ask. If you find that you are meeting with a counselee for a number of weeks, and you're just not making the progress that you hoped you would, or you feel stuck, or the counselee doesn't seem to be changing, that's a good list of questions to ask yourself just to evaluate what's going on in your counseling ministry.

It's not that all 50 factors are going to be involved in any counseling relationship, but if you feel stuck, check out this list and ask yourself some simple questions. I'm going to put some examples of these questions on the screen here. These are just helpful questions to ask. If you feel like I've met with this counselee for six to eight times, we're not seeming to make any progress, we seem to be stuck, here's some good questions to ask.

Is the counselee truly a Christian? There have been times when I've gotten into counseling ministry and gotten into session number eight or session number 10, and I realize we're not making any progress, and I've realized I never really did my due diligence in finding out the counselee's salvation testimony, their understanding of the gospel, and I have to ask myself this question.

Am I dealing with a genuine born-again Christian? There's nothing more frustrating than trying to pull non-Christian behavior or Christian behavior out of an unregenerate heart. And so just going back and asking yourself, is the counselee truly a Christian? Do you have all of the necessary data? Have you done your due diligence in terms of data gathering?

This is just a basic rule that I try to follow. If I feel stuck in a counseling relationship or my counseling sessions aren't going anywhere, then sometimes I'll ask myself, did I do my due diligence in getting all the data necessary? And going back to doing data gathering is helpful to working through the counselee's issues and moving forward in that relationship.

Would a medical examination be in order? Is there a physical issue that is contributing to the counselee's problems that we haven't gotten a physical diagnosis? Are you regularly assigning concrete homework? Matt Shackelford, who is an ACBC fellow, and I've worked with him in counseling ministry, he's often said that when you feel stuck in a counseling relationship, then get more specific about your homework assignments.

Get more specific with application. Perhaps your homework assignments are too general. Perhaps they are not specific enough. And so are your homework assignments concrete and specific enough to lead to life change? Have you been focusing on the wrong problem? Sometimes in working with counselors, you will find that they're trying to address five different issues in the counselee's life when they really need to focus on one.

You can't address everything in a counselee's life. And sometimes they're working through the wrong issue, or at least not the issue that is most prominent in the counselee's life. So that's just a question to ask yourself if you feel stuck in the counseling relationship. Have you stressed the put off to the exclusion of the put on?

We can emphasize so much not being angry that we do not emphasize being kind and forgiving. We can emphasize so much not being self-centered that we don't emphasize how to serve others in ministry. And so biblical change, biblical sanctification, as we've learned, is put off and put on. Put off anger, put on kindness.

Put off selfishness and put on service and selflessness towards others. Just a helpful question to ask as you're evaluating your ministry. Do you really believe there's hope? Are you trying to impart hope when you yourself don't have a lot of hope for the counselee? And that's some hard work that the counselor needs to do on his own, and this is a helpful question to ask yourself if you feel stuck.

Have you been assuming wrongly that this case is similar to a previous case? So you may be counseling someone with anxiety, and you're trying to counsel this person, and you're remembering someone you counseled last year who was struggling with anxiety, and you're giving the exact same homework, and you're giving the exact same scripture assignments, and these are two completely different people who have two different circumstances who may even be at different maturity levels.

And so the homework that may be used to help one counselee is not appropriate to another counselee. And so as you work through this list, this is just an example of the 50 failure factors, but it's a good list just to prompt your thinking. I don't want you to get discouraged already as you look through this list, but I do want you to have as a resource some questions to ask yourself if you get to the place where you just feel like the counseling is not going well or that you're not making the progress that you had hoped to see.

If you look back on page one of your handout moving forward, you have a few good blog posts on the subject on how to conclude a counseling relationship. There's one by Jay Adams called "How Can I Know When to Terminate Counseling," one by Deepak Raju, "When Do You Stop Counseling?" That blog post is essentially the same material found in chapter six of "The Pastor and Counseling," so if you don't want to buy the book, you can get that material in a blog post.

Just some very helpful material on this subject. And then Rick Thomas has a blog post that's entitled "What to Do When Counseling is Not Going Anywhere." That's some good material to think through on ending a counseling relationship due to negative reasons. We'll talk through some positive reasons in our time together, but sometimes there are negative reasons where you want to bring the counseling relationship to a conclusion.

And then I would recommend to you the audio teaching by Jim Neuhauser and Bob Goodsward. They go through a list that's called "When to Stop Counseling," and we'll go through some of that material in our session tonight. But if you want to get the full treatment of that list, check out the audio teaching on "When to Stop Counseling" by Bob Goodsward and Jim Neuhauser.

Some very helpful thoughts on this subject. With that said, let's move to page two of your course handout, and let's look at the topic "Concluding a Counseling Case." This is some of the introductory thoughts that I want to bring to your attention as we look at the topic of concluding a counseling case.

We want to ask the question, "Why do we conclude counseling relationships? Why is it in a biblical counseling ministry we want to bring formal counseling to an end?" Now, I mentioned the contrast between the secular therapist and the biblical counselor. Admittedly, there's some financial considerations there. It's not in the secular therapist's best financial interest to bring all of those relationships with clients to an end.

That may put the therapist out of business, and I don't want to assign motives where I don't know motives. I don't believe that all secular therapists are just trying to make money in terms of their engagement in helping people. But there is a financial element there that has to be considered.

In our counseling ministry here at the church, we don't charge for counseling. We don't have a financial motive to keep people coming back for counseling, and so that does help us work through our ecclesiology of what we're trying to do with our counselees. We want them to move from the counseling room into the general discipleship ministries of the church.

And so we're very clear with our counselors, and we're very clear with our counselees that this formal counseling relationship is not meant to go on indefinitely. And so when do we bring that relationship or that formal aspect of ministry to an end? At the top of your handout, a good quote by Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju.

They write, "When to end counseling is always a judgment call that requires wisdom. It's best to frame the decision with some clear criteria." That's a good statement. Ultimately, there's not any hard and fast rules on when to bring this formal relationship to an end. It requires good judgment. It depends on the person.

It depends on the counseling issue. How much progress has been made? You have to factor in your own resources, your own schedule into the decision. We want to be good stewards of the time and the energy that the Lord has given to us. And there are some cases where it's just not good stewardship to continue meeting with a counselee.

Let's say if you've met with this counselee for 10 to 12 weeks, and the counselee's not doing his or her homework, not being motivated to pursue life change, there may be a point in that formal counseling relationship where you just determine it's not good stewardship of my time and resources to continue meeting with this counselee when there are other people on a waiting list who would be highly motivated to pursue life change and to be diligent with their homework.

You have to be careful with that and be balanced with that. You have to ask God for wisdom depending on the situation and the counselee. But stewardship is one of the factors that you have to consider. You only have so much time. You only have so much, a limited amount of energy.

And you want to invest it in the place where there's going to be the most fruitfulness. Now there are places where you just need to persevere without counselee. And God is going to give you wisdom to determine that, that I just need to persevere and be patient. And my counselee is going to make a change.

But there have been times when I've told my counselees that when you finish your next homework assignment, make an appointment to come see me again. In other words, the ball is in your court to take the next step, to be faithful, to complete a homework assignment. And until you complete that assignment, then we're not going to continue meeting if you're not going to follow through with some of the material.

That's one way where you can keep the door open. You can allow the counselee to know that there is ministry available, but you can also hold the counselee accountable to be responsible to follow through with life change. Because we don't want the counseling sessions merely to become a vent session or a time to complain about problems.

We want to be working constructively towards biblical solutions. And that involves the counselee doing his part or her part to complete homework and to follow through with assignments. The ACBC standards of conduct say this, it may at times be wise to end a formal counseling relationship when counseling has become counterproductive to the counselee.

When further meetings are no longer wise or possible, reasonable effort is made to connect a counselee with someone who will continue biblical care. You might be saying, can a counseling relationship actually become counterproductive to the counselee? And it can be. It can actually be a substitute for the counselee doing the hard work of pursuing life change to the glory of God.

If the counselor becomes a substitute for relying upon Christ, if the counselor becomes a substitute for relying upon God's word, then a counseling relationship can actually be counterproductive to the change that you are trying to move people towards. And so the standards of conduct just acknowledge that you have to apply that in your own counseling ministry.

Again, be wise, be patient and gracious, believe the best about your counselees. Those are the general rules to persevere with people. Learn to give shorter homework assignments. If you feel like your counselee is just struggling to complete the homework assignments, perhaps you've assigned too much homework. And you need to learn to adjust your homework assignments.

Sometimes you need to go to baby steps and give the counselee one page or five pages to read and then work upwards to 10 or 20 pages as you move along. But you want to be patient and gracious and give the counselee the benefit of the doubt. But you also want to hold the counselee accountable to pursuing life change.

Rick Thomas says this at times, the best thing you can do is let them go. In my line of work, that is biblical counseling. Many people are pressing in on me asking for help. I cannot help them all. My general working rule of thumbs to help those who put forth a measurable effort.

If they are not willing to put forth the effort, I'll move on to the person who wants to change. The person who wants to change will be motivated to change. As evidenced by their observable. Work ethic. Now as a caveat, please. Keep in mind that you want to keep the long view.

In mind when you're working with counselees and I haven't put this in my notes. I don't think, but I'll just throw this in there because it comes to mind. There may be some people in your life. Who will seem to not be motivated to change. They will not seem to want to do their homework.

They will not seem particularly open to your counsel. And you might be tempted to bring that counseling relationship too. And end, and there might be cases where you should do that, but I want you to keep the long view in mind. Perhaps it is not the right timing. Perhaps the Lord is doing something in the counselee's life.

That requires time to carry through to completion. I have had counseling relationships that I have felt. Boy, this. Counseling relationship really didn't go that great. And I've had a couple of people in my life. Who I've had to find out one year later or two years later, the counselee comes back to me.

And says what you shared with me. Really has helped, or I remember how you met with me and how you cared for me and how you prayed for me. And there can be fruit long-term. And I've had people come back to me. And say, you know, those conversations really didn't go that great, but God uses that in his timing.

For his glory and for the blessing in. The counselee's life. So just don't be quick to judge in the immediate, learn to take the long look. You know, I've been counseling for many years and as my supervisor, Wayne Johnston said to me. There've been times when he felt that counseling relationships really.

Weren't that productive only to find years later that God does a work in softening. The counselee's heart. And the person comes back and thanks you for their ministry. And, you know, I've been doing our best to keep the doors open for ministry. So some big picture reasons why formal counseling is.

Limited. Why are we trying to move people to. Conclusions. Number one, we remember from our year one training that counseling is targeted. Discipleship. We are focused on a specific issue and trying to disciple the counselee. As it relates to a specific life issue. This is some review of the year one material counseling ministries, discipleship counseling.

And then we have general discipleship and the local church, how to pray. How to read the Bible, how to evangelize, how to worship. Understanding the Bible, old Testament and new Testament, understanding topics such as the Trinity, the attributes of God. The doctrine of salvation, the place of the local church.

And then we have general discipleship. We want to hear the preaching of God's word in the believers life. Those are topics related to general discipleship that are imparted to believers in the general ministry of the local church. And so we want our counselees to be. In Sunday morning worship.

We want to hear the preaching of God's word in the local church. And then we have the general discipleship. And then we have the small group setting in the local church. That's all part of. The general discipleship of. The local church, but what we do in counseling ministry is targeted discipleship.

We are building upon the general discipleship ministries of the local church. We want to hear the preaching of God's word in the local church. We want to hear the preaching of God's word in the general church. We want to hear the preaching of God's word in the local church.

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