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Lex Fridman plays Red Dead Redemption 2


0:0 Introduction
4:45 Braveheart
13:28 Snow
23:24 Bank robbery
26:0 Cyborgs
33:25 BBQ
43:11 Chocolate
48:36 Cocaine Bear
54:25 Meaning of life


We're playing Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that my good friend Ng has recommended. We met in Austin, but she's now in Boston, Cambridge, working on exoskeletons. And robotic limbs. And robotic limbs, which in the future I guess would be cyborgs. We started playing it a little bit ago, and it's way better than I imagined.

So the dialogue is great. But just even the dynamics of horses, because I thought it was just going to be Grant that has to odd on a horse. But there's so much more to this game. Well, right now we're in story mode. If we played free play, we could find a random horse and train it.

Yeah, but it's cool that the horse gets tired. You have to take care of it. Just the harsh conditions of snow as a start of the story is incredible. You ever ridden a horse? Yeah. You're laughing because there's a picture of me on the internet on a horse. Okay, I'm not sure this is going to be a lot of shooting.

Is it Y to take out the gun? I don't think we have a gun. I picked up where you left off. No, why did I get off the horse? Okay, check your pockets. Oh, you've got your binoculars. I know you have in your pocket. But the gun, I don't know.

I don't know if you have any weapons. What happened? What happened to our weapon? I don't know. I wasn't here for that. All I did is I played it for like five more minutes and I shot the wolves that were attacking. Oh, the wolves? The wolves? That's how you wasted all of your ammo?

There's like five of them. It was as difficult as you don't. How long did it take? You said it took you five minutes? No, I did. Yeah, it was five minutes because it's just one little chase. But it took me like three attempts because I was trying to get better at aiming.

Dude, I kept killing the other guy. Oh, there's a bit of a fight. Looks like we're about to go into combat. Anyway, I mentioned Austin. Do you remember how we met? How long ago was this? It was like a year and a half ago, I think. In the summer, right?

I came to visit some friends and that was at a coffee shop and we ran into each other. Yeah. And that was... And since then... And when did you go to MIT? That was recent, right? Very recent. That was in September. It's been fun. The winter is very cold, though.

So this is your first cold place, right? Yeah, and I love the heat. Like, the Texas heat was great. 96 degrees, walking on the trail. Yeah, it's nice. I love it. How do I pull out a gun? I don't know if you have a gun. Hold LB. Oh, you have a gun.

Nice. Okay, so how do you do the... You know, like you can swap through the different guns you have? How do you think you could flip through it? No. I don't need guns. I use fists, bro. Okay. But the revolver might be enough. Okay. Approach our horse. I think it's more entertaining when you play this.

Because I'm so bad at it. It's just so great to watch. I mean, it's just an incredibly gorgeous game. Just like the snow, the sound of it. I also put it on cinematic mode. Which does what? It just... the views of it. It's not really first person. It's not as pleasant for playing the game, but it's pleasant for watching someone else play.

Okay. Is this not my horse? Just for the record, we're both noobs at this game. But it's more fun this way. Yeah. Okay, horse weapons. I saw that you can skin animals. There's a lot of really interesting stuff. RT to cycle. Oh, there we go. Yeah, there you go.

I told you. How do you swipe? RT to cycle? RT. RT. Cool. Okay. Why do I need to go... Why do I still need to do this? I remember like it was yesterday. All the wolves I killed with that. Our needs right now are supplies. Nice twirl. Everything else, including comb, can wait.

Okay. This guy walks really slow. with as it is. Now come on. I don't think these guys are in touch with their feminine side. Why don't you think that? Just everything they're doing is like the most masculine. Their coats are pretty long. That's true. It's pretty feminine. Look, three-year kilt.

Probably not a skirt. I guess a kilt isn't. What do you think about kilts? I think they're pretty awesome. I mean, it's pretty aggressive to buy one, but... Yeah, if you're not Scottish. Just in general. Just sport a kilt. It's just like an aggressive move, but if you have one, rock it.

Just walk around Boston in a kilt. A giant coat and a kilt. I mean, I don't wear a skirt in the winter. You think I can go to the gym in a kilt? Just work out. Just do curls. Like you've got to sink in. Would I get kicked out of like Planet Fitness if I wore a kilt?

I mean, well, you have to think about it this way. Like would I get kicked out of Planet Fitness if I wore a skirt? To the gym? I don't think they think of it that way. They'll just see me in a kilt. It's like, "Excuse me, sir. You're scaring." You're scaring everyone.

And you're making all kinds of sounds. You would make sounds while you're wearing a kilt? Yeah, you have to. You have to make the sounds? Like William Wallace. I'll paint my face blue, whatever, and stripes. Like Braveheart? Mm-hmm. Wow. Wow. It's cheesy as hell, but it's epic. It's a great speech.

Is it? It's a good monologue? No, he does a speech where they're the underdogs and they have to fight the British. And he basically says, "We can run and keep our lives, or we can stand here and fight for our freedom." And the question is, you have to imagine years from now when you're in your deathbed and you're looking back, would you come back here for just one more chance to fight instead of fleeing?

It's a good speech. Gotta be brave. Yeah. Sometimes you have to put your life on the line. Bravery is important. I was talking to my nephew about this recently. So he plays, I think it's called Minecraft. Yeah. And there's zombies in the game. And he knows a way of escaping whatever conflict he's in so that he doesn't have to face it.

And I told him that in life, it's really important to be brave because you can't always run away from your problems. So I think bravery is super important. What are they saying? Should I take the lead or should I send the gang? What do you mean? You have those options?

I have those options. No, take the lead, send the gang, send the gang. Oh. Lead from the back. All right. Should we just... Oh shoot. Where is... Where are the people? Oh, that's right. I didn't see the dot. This screen is humongous. Yeah, it's ridiculous. Should I bring the thing closer?

No, it's good. Oh shoot. I keep on getting shot. How do I hide? Oh, this is getting real. Hold on. How do I crouch again? Sometimes you have to put... Just like you said, you have to put your life on the line. That's worth it. That was worth it at the end.

Retry checkpoint. Don't restart the mission. Is that an A? A. Oh, you have to hold it. Yeah, because restarting the mission, we're going to go through that whole walking thing. So what is it? Is it Y to shoot? No. To take out the gun? This is really hard. I know.

It's hard to like chat and do this. Yeah. You try it. Okay. Oh. Oh shit. That was me. That wasn't you. That was me. Yeah, that was you. Me was animating your death shot. Yeah, I did so good. Nice. Oh, there's no one there. All right, where are the people?

Oh. Nice. Oh, where are the... Who is it? I don't think there's anybody behind you. I think you're imagining things. Nice. Oh no. But I figured it out now. Okay. All right. What are we doing, Dutch? By the minute, becoming more and more of a cowboy. Thank god we're in Texas.

Oh. Where's the set? Do you know? I don't know. I could look it up. Oh, my phone's charging somewhere over there. Kill these sons of bitches. I don't go down that easy. Did you hear what he said? I don't go down that easy and you just shot him twice.

Just to prove a point. Sounds like your claim was false. You need to eat. Oh, oh, oh. I need to eat. Oh, yeah, all right, cool. Hold on. What am I eating? Apples? I think that's salt. How do I switch over? Oh, I see. Okay. That thing. LB to use.

Okay. Did that help? I want to eat. Oh, shoot. No, no, no, no, no. Everything is fine. All right. I'll just keep dying. Oh. What? I restarted the mission. Yeah, just restarting the mission. We're going to go through that whole walking thing. That's good. Gives us a chance to relive the incredible graphics of this video game.

Going faster. Were you pressing A while you were on the horse? Yeah, but not enough. I haven't figured out if you can just hold it or if you have to keep pressing it. It's complicated. I don't think I'm controlling it anymore. Yeah. This is gorgeous. Yeah, it's really beautiful.

Have you ridden horses? Yeah, I used to go to a horseback riding camp. You like it? Loved it. I like horses a lot. They're very gentle. They're kind of like... Well, they're better than dogs in a way. Like, they're more loyal and they don't realize how large they are.

Yeah. And they're really just sweet. I love horses. There's so many cliche things and this is great. This is like a mix of Grand Theft Auto and Skyrim. Because the nature scenes are beautiful. It's not always winter, right? Well, I think that I remember a version where it was winter.

Someone played it in the off. I'm sure the seasons change in the game. Winter is brutal. It's crazy. So you're not enjoying the craziness of it? At least a little bit? I mean, I think it's bonding for the people that live there. Because you get to complain. Yeah, because they get to complain together.

And you get to appreciate it deeper when it's actually warmer. When it's a different season, yeah. Yeah, when the seasons change. It is beautiful when it snows. It was a weekend where it was like -11 degrees or something. It's crazy. You ever build a snowman? Once, but when I was younger.

Have you? Yeah, all the time. All the time? Yeah, I used to really enjoy eating snow. And then people would tell me you shouldn't do that. And I would still do it. Why did you keep doing it? Just a rebellion and you couldn't live with it? I think it tastes good.

I see. It tastes good? I don't know. Do you chew on ice too? No. No, it's like, it's refreshing. But I think it's probably horrible for you. Because all kinds of stuff could be in the snow. I don't think I was so much concerned about my health or immune system when I was young.

Probably made it stronger. Yeah, probably. Because these days. They're not eating enough snow. They don't know what it was like. What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Scariest? Skydiving? Did you skydive? I've gone skydiving. I think probably scuba diving. Because I didn't take a class or anything and I was scuba diving.

And we went under the water and there were stingrays. And it was like this really weird feeling of like, this may go very wrong. But I feel like the people around me are very competent. So they'll take care of me if something happens. Yeah, the same thing for skydiving for me.

Yeah. Have you ever killed a man? No, have you? Yeah. Lost count. I'm really taking this game in. Just the spirit of this game. Just killed many cowboys in my day. If you had the opportunity to live in this time for like a year, would you? Oh yeah, probably.

Like a vacation? But the opposite of a vacation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you know, you have to stay for a whole year though. Whole year I would do it. Okay. Yeah. My lab, they do this thing where they go to Africa. And they help people and you stay for a month.

But it's like these really harsh conditions. I think two of the girls that recently went, they got really sick while they were there. But you're helping these people who don't have access to these limbs. Yeah, probably also helps you appreciate. Yeah, everything that you have access to readily. You guys are suspiciously close together.

I know. We're like, hey. What do you think about John? All right, let's go. Wait, wait, why isn't it letting me? All right. Oh, that's what it was. I only had my fist. Oh, shoot. Nice. I really want to get this guy. Okay. All right, come on. Obviously, we're not very good at this game.

Oh. It's kind of fun. We just keep. We just keep dying the same. But. Hey, how about this? What? Yeah. A, restart checkpoint. Okay. Hey. Hey. I'm the one that pointed that out. I clicked the restart mission by accident. That's true. What do you think about cyborgs? Do you think that in 100 years, we'll all be partially robot?

Yeah, I think we have to merge with technology in order to like. In order to evolve with it, because it's evolving so quickly. If we don't evolve with it, it's like we lose a step in evolution. Yeah. Like it's the logical next step. Including brain. Yeah. BCIs and BMIs are the future.

So you like the Neuralink stuff? Love it. Love it. There's a lot of awesome Neuralink people here in Austin. Are there? They're saying they want to give me a tour and meet them and stuff. I really want to meet them. And the surgeon, I talked to a few surgeons.

They're just incredible people. I love it. Yeah. And the cool thing about Neuralink is they have all these like different. How do I stop crouching? I don't know. Oh. That's fine. Crouching is good. It's a good look. I feel like you should be crouching. You're definitely safer. Yeah. But you look less gangster, but it's fine.

The cool thing is they got like all kinds of, they got materials, engineering people. They got electrical robotics, obviously software engineering. They have like, they have to take care of the animals. That's a whole thing. Yeah. That's tough. I mean, I deal with a lot of animal stuff in our lab too.

Like with the rats. The rats are a lot nicer than the mice. Oh. But I think they're dealing with monkeys, right? Yeah. No, they're doing everything. They do mice too, I think. But they're monkeys. And they make them super happy. And pigs too. Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah. I did Gigafactory opening.

There's like an animal zoo you can rent. You can rent folks that, like they'll bring a bunch of animals and you get to play with them. They're petting, like it's a cool thing for a party. If you just order a bunch of animals, you get to pet them like a goat and a bunny.

You're talking about petting zoos? Yeah. But they're portable. Like you can bring it to your party. Yeah. Those exist. They usually come to like children's parties. Yeah, it was awesome. Yeah, they're great. I will forever be a child. Do you see any bad guys? Because... Nobody hears someone shooting.

Where? I don't know. Out there? They're shooting at someone. I feel like they're just shooting. They're just shooting at some of the things. Like... Is it aiming at them? Trying to look cool. They're shooting for the gram. I don't know. It's like you're going to the gun range. It's like me wearing the...

The kilt. At the gym. I think I might eat the protein bar that's in your fridge. It's not... Can I just have a bite of it? Because I feel like my blood sugar is really low. Okay. It's not that good. Is it? Does this have sugar in it? No.

Sadly not. Maybe I'll drink some of that. Maybe it'll help me. I killed the last of them. The last of what? Of the Powerade things? No, no. The last guy. You did? Yeah. Okay, let me just see. I think they actually... The AI in this game is pretty shitty because it couldn't...

It didn't pick up? They were just shooting around. They couldn't figure out what the enemy is. And the enemy couldn't figure out what the good guys are. And kill without thought. You're in. Whoa. Why did you buy that one? What do you mean? That protein bar. Because I went out yesterday and it was past midnight.

And I wasn't sure where to get food. So that's when you decided to eat? Yeah. I was ambitious. I got a different flavor and it was pretty good. What are they shooting at? Oh, there you go. There you go. Am I still shooting at somebody? Oh. Advance or defend?

Advance. All men die. I think you should mount a horse. Not all men truly live. I shouldn't... You should mount a horse? What? I think it would be more fun and quicker. But you don't look as cool. Look how I'm walking. No cover. Not crouching anymore. Not crouching. Yeah.

You've made me angry. When I get angry, I don't crouch. You ever play shooters like Call of Duty? I'm not as into it. I like when there's a story. No, with Call of Duty, I think there's a story mode, like single player. There is. There is. But it's more like...

It's a lot of like this, but not as... Scenic. Yeah. It's also a little bit more military oriented. So if you're into that kind of thing. I don't know which direction I'm being shot from. It doesn't show you on the map. Oh, I guess not. They're running away. Yeah.

I took care of everything. Thank you. What would I do without you? I don't know. I don't know. Oh, I need to just chill with the guys, I think. Oh, we're going into different buildings. Nice. Okay. I like that we're delegating duties here. That's great. I mean, if there's anything I love to do in a game, it is forage.

Forage stuff. And gather. That's great. Fun. You can do all of the fighting. I'm not good at fighting in this either. We're learning. I like the "we" in that. It feels like a team. This is great. I really thought this game would be way worse. Well, you didn't like Zelda, so I think that's why.

Yeah, we should mention we played Zelda for a little bit before. And it was too fun. It was too adventure. It was too shallow. You like the accents in this game better? Yeah, this game is gritty. It's like... It feels like a movie I'd want to watch. Do you think you were a cowboy in a past life?

What made you decide to live in Texas? What guy would answer no to that? No, I was... I was more of a carrot farmer. Like some very insignificant vegetable. Of course I was a... No, you know what? Not a cowboy. Because the cowboys are the good guys usually, right?

I think so. Or I mean... I was a bank robber. Bank robber? Do you... So you think that being a criminal would be a lot of fun? Yeah, I like the challenge of it. Yeah. I don't like the murder, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get the job done.

It's like a puzzle. I'm just speaking like a cowboy would. No. No, I think it actually would be, in this context, super challenging to... Without hurting anybody to steal money. But you're going to hurt a lot of people. It's also very stressful. If you rob a bank in a small town at that time, you're probably hurting a lot of people.

You think so? You think you have to kill someone? No, I mean like financially. Oh, yeah. That town is probably dependent on the bank. Although like... It's a really good show, Yellowstone. Oh, that's a great show. It's a great show. I've seen it. You've seen it? Yeah. Good job.

There's cowboys. It's more like a modern... I mean, it's, you know... Without going into cowboy sounding cliches, there's a certain kind of ethic and value system you live under that I think is in part admirable. Oh, I clicked the wrong thing. What happened? Oh, we didn't get there in time.

Oh. I'm sorry. We were chatting too much. I got this. Yeah, whatever. It's just beautiful. I like kind of chilling and walking around this world. Does it make you sad that we'll have cyborgs and robots and AI? No, I think if we merge with it, we have a really optimistic looking future.

But you're gonna lose some of the... This kind of cowboy humanness, you know? Well, I think that your humanness will be enhanced. Like the same way that, you know, money makes you rich, sure. But it just amplifies whatever type of person you are. I think it'll be the same thing with AI.

Like it's just a current... It's amplifying whatever interests you have. So if you're very interested in, I don't know, art, you're going to be able to download all of art history and have access to it at any time that you need it. Yeah. Was that the guy that I was supposed to shoot?

No. Oh. Oh, I think so. Don't hurt me. I'll be. Just... Is don't hurt me... Is he dying or...? Is that like a reverse psychology or what? I think he has to die. Was I not supposed to kill him? Damn it. Oh no. You weren't supposed to kill him.

Oh no. I think we're not paying attention to the mission and I think it's better that way. I think it's more entertaining. Yeah. I thought for sure he was trying to trick you. Yeah, I'm definitely excited about AI, but you have to be... You definitely have to be cautious.

Especially about which companies get the control of it. I like the more companies, the more people have control. Supervisor control of AI systems is better. Distributed. That's the cool thing about ChadGBT is like it's pretty easy to build. Relatively speaking. So a lot of companies will be doing it.

I just lassoed him. How did you know that? Wait, did you do that? Yeah, I did. What? What did you...? Oh wait, wait, wait. What did I do? Hold on. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? Hold on. Why is it going this way?

Okay, that started so nice. I know, that really went well. Don't hurt me. Okay, hold on. Why is the horse... LT ready to lasso. Throw the lasso. RT. Cool. All right. Now you're just flirting with him. And then dismount. Oh, did you kill him? I think you killed him.

Press B near... Oh, hog tying him. Oh, nice. He's really playing dead for you. Yeah. He's done. Hold X near and just kind of pick him up. All right. Are we kidnapping him? I think so. Approach the back of your horse and hold X to stow him? Yeah. Okay.

I don't really think it's kidnapping. He's like broken, dying in the middle of the wilderness. I think you're saving him, honestly. All right, let's get back on the horse, I guess. Wow, this winter is brutal. Do you think people will have relationships with AI systems? Yeah. Because the AI system will be able to, I think, guess your needs very quickly.

But I think it'll get boring. I think it'll be... It'll be too perfect? Yeah. Would you date a robot? Maybe. Maybe for a little bit. I don't think it would be as fun as dating a human, though. Especially if humans merge with technology. Sure. Fun. That's an interesting word.

Yeah, I suspect that robots would be too perfect. But if it's... I think the human merging with the AI would be a very interesting combo. Yeah, I agree. Because then you wouldn't have this laggy brain that's like forgetting things. You would have more interesting conversations and you would have like all of your passions.

You would be able to dive in deep to them and then come up with really great ideas on how to explore those ideas and research would become more intuitive, I think. Yeah, it's a tricky thing because you want some... Like life should still have some challenge. It feels like a lot of our development happens in the face of challenge.

But we just find new challenges with the... Even though we gain extra abilities, we'll still find stuff that's challenging. This guy does not sound nice. Oh no, now all we'll get is lies. Uncle, Mr. Williamson, tie this maggot up someplace safe. We get him hungry first. I got a saying, my friend.

You shoot fellas as need shooting, save fellas as need saving, and feed 'em as need feeding. We are gonna find out what you need. I can't believe it! An O'Driscoll in my camp! I ain't an O'Driscoll, missus! Is that how you dress in Boston? Pretty much. Pretty much. It's too cold.

I would always underdress. Did you? Yeah. Were you driving a lot? No, I didn't have a car. You do a threadline and bus. I love it. I love taking the T. But I do bus much more. And I'll stand at the bus stop freezing. There's an intimacy, there's a romance to the bus.

There is some romance to standing outside while it's cold out. Like you're bearing this cold, but why? Like what is it that you're doing that's so important that you need to be facing these elements? But you're also together with other people that are just standing there and suffering. And all pretending like we're not suffering, but we're suffering.

Yeah. But then we're not really suffering because it's just cold. It's just temporary too. No, I never understood the romance of like people would always post like "winter in Miami" and then post a picture of them on the beach. Oh, I see. They're trolling. Yeah. Wait, didn't you do that?

I've never done that in my life. I feel like you sent me a picture of- I probably recently did that. Like "winter in Miami". Oh, because you're now a boss. You feel like you've earned the right to- Yeah. Yeah. I got you. We're going to starve to death up here, Mr.

Morgan. We're okay. We have a few cans of food and a rabbit. For what? 10, 12 people? When I was in the Navy, I do not- I was thinking about the barbecue. What about it? That was so good. Should we go back? Should. I think so. I'm very up for that.

For the record, we went to Tara Black's barbecue. It was really good. It's really, really good. Oh, it's so great. I don't- it's funny. You take it for granted because I haven't- just haven't gone in a while. It's so delicious. Where do you usually go? I just go to like restaurants or just eat at home.

Because it like- I don't know why it's almost like too delicious, but- It's like a treat. Yeah, it should be like a treat, but it's not really. It is really special though when you do have it. Like because I feel like it takes a while to prepare that kind of food.

Yeah. Like they're smoking it all day, right? And I like it because like when visitors come and you- go to like Tara Black's and you do the barbecue and you- It's crazy. It's so good. And because there's so many like- the bar is so high and then they still deliver.

Yeah. That's cool. And it's consistently great. Like every time you go, it's amazing. You know, one time my dad and I went. My dad used to do his residency here. And he was so excited. He was like, "I can't wait to go have barbecue. I'm so excited you're going to live in Texas." All this stuff.

We ate way too much and we got so sick afterwards. That's the challenge. There's a few tech- tech folks here. They're really cool. They- we went out with them. But we got trashed. Like whiskey. Just so drunk. And what I didn't realize is when I'm that drunk, the- whatever module in my brain that says don't stop eating was off.

Off. Yeah, because your body is so relaxed. And I'm having fun. And then all of a sudden it's a good idea to order like 10 pounds of meat. And then you're just- Eat all of it? Well, not just me. Like everybody together. And we're just eating and just- And it's- it's so hard to stop because it's so freaking delicious.

And then you're drunk. Wait. That's happiness. It's delicious. Yeah, it's great. It's great while you're eating it. You know what I've noticed about unhealthy foods or like treats? It's always really fun while you're eating it. But before and after, there's always this feeling of like regret. Yeah. Or like- like before you eat a cupcake or something, I always feel this feeling of like, I'm really gonna regret this after I eat it, but I really want it.

And then while I'm eating it, I'm like enjoying it. I'm like, oh, this is so good. I want like another one. And then afterwards, I'm like, why did I do that? Yeah. I have to really work on that to walk away. Walk away while you really want a thing and you say, nope, no more.

God, that looks beautiful. Look at that. Do you ski? I have. Yeah, I did like grew up cross-country skiing. Like I'm, you know, not downhill. I don't know what that is. I was born in the- You were born- On the mountains with the goats. No, I don't really- With goats?

Why goats? Because they're really good with the mountains. You don't know a lot of things. Oh, yeah. Aren't they the ones that they stand on the edges of? I have an inner goat. Oh, yeah. What's your best? What's your favorite really bad meal that you shouldn't be eating? My favorite really bad meal that I shouldn't be eating?

Cheap meal. Like something naughty. Probably like fried chicken. I love fried chicken. Like what kind? I don't think I've had much fried chicken. So talking about like KFC like- No, so there's this grocery store in Miami. It's called Publix and they have the best fried chicken. Like it's so good.

Or like in like the little spot that keeps it warm. Yes, yep. And it's so good. And they have like chicken tenders. It's gonna be super crispy and all that. Oh, it's so good. It's great. With sauce of some kind? No sauce. I'm not a sauce person. Okay. Are you saucy?

No respect. Are you saucy? No, I'm not. No, I'm not saucy at all. I'm just giving you respect. The people that cover themselves with sauce are the people that- You scare everything around. Are you being the saucist? 100%. The people that I'll have people here in Texas who are like legit barbecue like aficionados or whatever you call that.

The selectable. They will put sauce on their barbecue. They'll like dip it and stuff. They'll have like different sauces, right? I did that the last time I think. You did? I put a little bit of sauce on my barbecue. It's not cool. It's disrespecting the meat. It's just not cool.

It's like putting ketchup on a steak, on an aged steak. I don't judge people for putting sauce, but for certain things I don't need sauce. I don't judge people. It sounds like you're very emotionally charged for this. For anything except- Putting sauce. Except putting sauce on their barbecue. It's the one thing I judge them on.

No, I don't care. But it is- I like- I like- What am I looking for? Great basic ingredients. Why is it all slow motion? Because I activated eagle eye. I just don't know what I'm looking for. That's the problem is I keep chatting with you. And forgetting what we're doing.

Oh shoot. All right, check it out. Oh, it's there. Okay. Oh cool. It has a- What is that? It's like a scent. What is it? You're making too much noise. It's easier in the snow, but once you get your eye in it, you'll be able to track Amelia as well in grass and woods.

Okay. So we're looking for an animal. Okay, so then we focus on the track. And then- So all you have to do is press RB while focusing on the track. I just don't know where the track went. Oh, there we go. So you see how it's like- Do you know- How do you know we're hunting for an animal?

Stop. Oh, stop tracking. I see. It's a giant TV and the text is blurry. I'm pretty sure my vision doesn't suck that bad. No, it's definitely- I think it's just too much stimuli. Like it's like just a giant screen. You don't know where to look. Giant screen and low resolution or something.

I don't know what it is. It's just the quality. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Is there any other ones? Go get them. Go get the meat. I don't know how to uncrouch. Press this button. Oh, okay. Let a man handle it. I like how you did the hunting and I'm now doing the- The gathering.

The gathering. Oh, hey. Hey. What the- Wouldn't it tell me to do stuff with it? No, you have to look for more deer. Okay. Why is he crouching? It looks like he's really trying to be stealth. Anyway, besides fried chicken, what else? I love sweets. So I love chocolate.

Dark? Dark? Mm, I'm a milk chocolate girl. But I love dark chocolate. Yeah, me too. I'm a milk chocolate girl. Because it was- Yeah. So much creamier. Yeah, yeah. It's more delicious. But then like the sophisticated people- How do I run? Dark chocolate's not bad. That's great. I'll have dark chocolate with some nut butter in it.

But people will judge you because the real- If you're a real chocolate person, you're going to do dark chocolate because it's the more sophisticated, complicated flavor, right? That's fake. That's like someone going to, I don't know, some restaurant and being like, "If you don't order this, then you didn't really go to that place." I don't think that really matters.

I think it's all subjective. Say we're like coffee. I still drink instant coffee. I still drink instant coffee. Do you like instant coffee? Yeah. I don't think I've ever had instant coffee. I don't like to admit it because- Why? People say that- Because they don't consider instant coffee real coffee.

But I'm like, it's- It's coffee. And it's like reliable. Like it's- I can count on it. I know the flavor. It's good. I know the amount. The aroma. Like the whole point of- Not the whole point. Can you make it with hot water? Yeah, with hot water. Or just water?

Hot water. Hot water. I'm just running around. Not that way. What are you doing? How do you know? I just asked you. Oh, so I should follow this guy? But he's just crouching. Well, you have to use your eagle eye. What's the eagle eye thing? It's these two. You click them down at the same time.

And you got to look around because you're going to run out of eagle eye. How do I? I think we lost the animal. Hold on. Cancel it. Okay. Wait. Don't do it yet. Just go back to where that animal was and then look for the- Right. Then look for the scent.

Chocolate. What are your favorites? Like something naughty though. Because you eat very clean. I don't think I use the word naughty to describe- With describing food, it makes me uncomfortable. Does it? Such a weird word to use. I'm feeling naughty. I don't think I feel naughty. I think that's just not in my vocabulary.

The thought. Yeah. Is this back? Is this where it is? Wherever the animal is. He's following you like that. I think he likes the view. I don't know. Oh, okay. So the animal's over there. So get close to it and then just look around and I'm sure you'll find the scent.

I love baking, by the way. Actually baking? Yeah. Yeah. So cookies like oatmeal raisin. That's the best cookies, oatmeal raisin. I've got a lot of trouble over this. Not chocolate chip? Yeah. I went to war on Twitter over this. You're a chocolate chip girl? Yeah. All right. So I'm doing oatmeal raisin for me.

Warm oatmeal raisin. So one of my nephews really loves oatmeal raisin. The other one loves chocolate chip. One of my following is that? Yeah. That's a scent. Anyway, oatmeal raisin cookie, like a thick oatmeal raisin cookie. Thick? Yeah. No, the thin ones are like, it makes no sense. Cause it's not enough cookie?

Yeah. There's not enough like meat. It's substance to the cookie. Good job. Just like a warm, thick oatmeal raisin cookie with some milk. It's your jam. With almond milk, actually. Almond milk? Yeah. With a cookie. The creamy almond milk or like real almond milk? I don't know what real almond milk is.

Yeah. Real, but not sweetened. Not sweet. Unsweetened. Who's whistling? Looking for the horse. Got to take this deer on the horse. Oh, there it is. Nice. This horse is great. What's your favorite cookie? Chocolate chip. Yeah. I love a chocolate chip cookie because there's so many different ways of making it.

I'm sure there's the same thing for... You're just going to leave the animal? No, I'm going to grab it. I had to move the horse. So I had the option to grab it. So you can make like cakey chocolate chip cookies. Sure. You can make like a gooey chocolate chip cookie.

You can make a chewy one. Maybe chewy gooey. Chewy gooey. It depends on what, like you can add molasses. Do you want it to crumble or do you want it to be chewy? I don't like a crispy. I like chewy. Yeah, good. Job's off. There's a, you know, growing up in, I think it's like in the Soviet Union that had, I think there's a kind of cake.

I don't know how they call it in English, but it's a muravina kucha, which is an ant hill cake. I think. Is it like an angel? No, it's a condensed milk. Oh, well, the bunch of, you know, condensed milk is. Yes, of course. Of course. I'm Cuban. Oh, let's check on this.

Uh, I don't do Cubans do this kind of thing. What do they use it for? You use it for a lot of different things, but desserts, desserts. Yes. You can also, yeah, you can make a lot of different things with it. It's delicious. Yeah, it's amazing. It's like very sweet and gooey.

Okay. It's a cake with, I don't know, it's called ant hill. People can look it up. It's great. And it was just a source of happiness because my mom would make it every year for my birthday. So. Oh, that's delicious. But then you like, as you grow up, you realize like, oh, this is probably really bad for you.

Yeah, it's not great. And I'm the only one that eats it. So when she makes it, it's like. Entire cake for you. Am I going to do like this 20,000 calorie contraption? Am I really going to take this on? And I do because I can't do a slice of it.

No, you just keep going. The gods of cake. So your mom likes to bake too? Yeah. What else does she bake? What else does your, like, what is your favorite thing? Like a home cooked meal? You know, it's like, I don't, I think it's just being with family is the favorite thing versus like a specific meal.

Probably like barbecuing. Like, you know, I'll usually grill. I'll make meat. So just getting together around a grill. And then enjoying the meal with family. And then just drink like whiskey, vodka. Yeah. I feel that way about traveling. Like people romanticize going to different places, but I think it's really about the company that you keep.

It almost feels like we're having a conversation, but we're actually on a horse having a conversation. It does feel like we're on a horse. Which one am I and which one are you? I think they look the same. Look how big that deer is. I'm backing my horse. Yeah.

It's kind of incredible. This game just looks beautiful. Yeah. It's like realistic. Wait, did you say bear? Yeah. What do we do with that? Oh, I got to get on my horse. It's a bear. What are we going to do about the bear? Aim weapon? RT? All right. I guess we won't shoot it.

Could be cocaine bear. It looks like cocaine bear. Look how big it is. Actually, in the trailer for cocaine bear, the cocaine bear doesn't look big. He doesn't? He looked kind of skinny. Well, he's a CGI now. Yeah. I understand this, but I think they realized they can't make the cocaine bear fat because then...

Because then he would be lazy. Yeah. It would be slow moving. You have to have like a skinny agile bear. Yeah. Like just woke up from hibernation. Yeah. Took some cocaine. Accidentally. Took some cocaine and just go nuts. I really want to see that movie just to see... Like how far they take it?

Like how can you have a movie for two hours on a premise that feels like it should not last longer? It feels like a joke that you say amongst friends for like 10 minutes. And like maximum 10 minutes. Like you have like this weird banter about it and it gets weird after like three minutes.

So literally... This is based on a true story, right? So literally they're going to... I love the movie. It is. There was some cocaine in the woods, dropped off in the woods. All right. So they're going to do that and they're going to say, "Oh, it looks like some bear ate into it." Okay.

That takes like two minutes to introduce. What else is there? Maybe half the movie is just like the cocaine story. Yeah, could be. Or maybe like looking at how the cocaine changes the relationship the bear has with his family and other bears going like the Lion King way. Yeah, I don't know.

It's a very silly movie. It could be like a cool action film. Maybe they're going like... I think it might be hilarious. Kills a bunch of... Like the bear kills a bunch of people. I almost hope that it's really dumb because I think it would be funnier that way.

I hope Liam Nielsen is in it. Who's not? Liam Nielsen. He made a giant mistake. For stealing my daughter. He would call it a bear. Is that the guy from Taken? Yeah, Taken. I am a sucker for those movies. For Taken? I am taking all of them. He's in a bunch of...

He plays the same exact guy and he is such a badass. Those movies freaked me out. I think it was probably a good thing. I'd love to talk to him on the podcast. He's a really, really interesting dude. And he like... Same with... What's the guy from Breaking Bad?

I don't know his name but I know who you're talking about. Aaron something? No, no. The other guy. The older guy. I don't know what his name is. Bryan Cranston, I want to say. He's like a badass in real life too. I like it when you're like... When you don't just play the part.

Like it's part of who you are. I feel like playing the part made him more of a badass. Interesting. And he embraced it. The part changed him and that's really cool. I mean when you play a meth dealer for like 10 seasons, whatever it is, that's gonna change you.

Yeah, definitely. I mean it's part of you now. It's like when you do any job, it becomes... It consumes you. Yeah. You've been working like crazy, right? I work a lot, yeah. I work like 60 or 70 hours a week. That's good. I love it. Hard work is good.

Yeah, it's important. Dark. It's interesting, you know, when you spend 60 or 70 hours a week doing something. Because before that I wasn't working. It's like become my entire life. It's all that I think about. To the point that sometimes when I'll go to a restaurant, I'll see an elderly person, a person who's having a hard time walking.

And I'm like, "I should be in the lab working." Like, "What am I doing? Why am I here?" That's really good. That means you really care about it. I mean you were talking about it when I met you, about prosthetics and all that kind of stuff. That was a passion.

Yeah. It's cool that you like found that passion in this work. It's great. Yeah. I'm skinning a deer. There we go. I'm kidding. Did you have to press something? Just why? Did you do any animal work ever? Yeah, dissecting in high school and college. Yeah, for anatomy and physiology.

Yeah, it's funny. I miss high school for the educational aspects. Were you funny in high school? What were you like in high school? Very stoic. Very read a lot. And wrestling and sports. And just that. Was there any book that really shaped you in high school? Yeah, like a lot.

A lot. First it was "The Stranger," which is probably by Albert Camus. He... It's like I just re-read it recently and it's not nearly as good. As when you read it in those formative years? I've read other books that I've read it and they're much better. Or is it not as good in comparison to books that you've read after that?

See, there's other books like "Dusty Eskett Gets Better and Better as I Get Older," and I read that in high school. But "The Stranger" was like, "Meh." But it's the first time I had this feeling of existentialism of like... It's the first time I really intensely felt like, "What's the meaning of it all?" I felt it.

And I just... Like an existential... Yeah. Interesting. And then, of course, you take it way too seriously. Yeah, and you get really depressed and nervous. Yeah. You know the one that really hit me is "Animal Farm." Oh, that's a great book. Can I tell you which character I like the most and then you tell me which one you like the most?

Sure, let's go. Can you guess? Uh, well, it's not the pigs. Is it the... Molly, the horse that likes pretty... How dare you? Uh, Benjamin the donkey. Nope. Who's cynical about everything. Nope. I feel like it's obvious. It's Boxer. Oh, yeah. Now you're just... You're working harder. Yep. Yeah, obviously it's mine too.

Just doing my best, my vibe. Yeah. Yeah, I will work harder. But... I think hard work is a lot more important than... Because human intelligence doesn't vary all that much. Like, when you're smart, I mean, there's only... Like, you can't get much smarter. So you think hard work beats the cliche of talent?

Yeah. I think like a combination of the two probably. Or like even just being passionate. Yeah. And putting in the work. Because you could be passionate and lazy. I agree. And I think sometimes if you think you're really smart, it kind of holds you back. To where you feel like you don't have to try as hard.

But then it leads to like a very, I think, boring life. But who knows? For some people, they enjoy that. This is straight up a movie. Yeah, it's beautiful. What do you think is the meaning of life? What do I think is the meaning of life? I feel like it's a good thing to ask while we're listening...

We're watching a bunch of cowboys ride through the woods. I think nothing in life matters except for love and human connection. Like nothing else is really all that important. Like, I think when you look back on life, you look back on the moments that you shared with other people.

How deeply you loved them. How deeply you felt things. I think all of that is important. Everything else is just noise. Yeah. I agree. This is really beautiful. The seasons are changing. Yeah, before our eyes. What do you think is the meaning of life? I think it's about how good you can ride a horse.

And how pretty you look in a cowboy hat. That's probably it. So it's not wearing shorts barefoot on a beach on a horse. When the feeling strikes you. Aang is referring to a ridiculous photo of me barefoot on a horse. It's my favorite photo I've ever seen of a person.

Yeah. It's a fabulous photo. The funny thing is there's a bunch of shirtless versions of that. There's shirtless versions? It was like, you know, almost like ridiculous. Because I rode the horse shirtless, but then I put on a shirt. This is like too ridiculous to take a picture of.

Like, what are you doing? It was cool. Like riding a horse on sand is a different experience. It's like looking out over the ocean. It's cool. It's an incredible feeling. Why did you just shoot a gun? I had binoculars. Sorry. This is how all bad things happen. This is why we can't have nice things.

I think this is a good place to end it. Yeah, I think so too. What game should we play next time? Do you have ideas? Maybe we'll play GTA. Could be. Good thought. What's your big takeaway from this journey we took together? Do you like the game? I love the game.

I love it too. But it's also like, it's almost nostalgic. Yeah. Nostalgic like personally for you? Like, a different life? Oh, I see. You used to play this. I thought you meant like, it takes me back. It takes me back to my old days when I used to ride horses at summer camp.

Me too. Your shirtless Mexico trip. I don't talk about that time. You don't talk about the times. The things I've seen. The things these eyes have seen.