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If You Want To Become Free (And Less Stressful) – You Have To Do THIS


I'll take it off because it's true that once you get used to this feeling of not having the pull, it's like there's been a rope around your neck that's gone. It's a feeling of freedom. First, it's stressful. It's like stressful to think like, what am I missing? And so I do have this pretty solid bedrock knowledge that you can survive.

Like you can be an effective person without having access to your email or Slack or the internet or whatever, like at any moment of the day. Like the world can operate. They created the iPhone without an iPhone. It's possible to do all kinds of wonderful things, but that feeling at first is stressful.

And then maybe the next feeling is boredom. Another manifestation of boredom is that time slows down. You actually get more lifetime because your time is going a little bit slower. I found that it slows down in a really good way when we create barriers.