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Georges St-Pierre vs Lex Fridman in Jiu Jitsu and MMA


0:0 Lex and GSP training
1:12 Wrestling
2:54 Khabib and MMA
7:50 Fighting on the ground
11:11 Training with Elon


I'm here training with George St. Pierre, probably the greatest fighter of all time and also one of the nicest guys of all time. Not the nicest guy, not today. Not today, Nex. You came on the wrong day, my friend. He's breathing hard. Sorry. Hit, hit. Hit, hit. Advice shot.

He dies, he dies. He dies, he dies. Any advice? Well, it's actually pretty good. Standing position, I think, sometimes you reach a little bit too much. So, if you reach out to me, it's easy for me to take a good position. Or, reach out to me, I can probably like, climb back on you.

So, what I would suggest is, don't reach, get closer with your feet before you seek contact with me. Don't go here, go closer to each other. Yeah. Yes. Hit. Hit, hit. Hit. Hit. Hit, hit, hit. Hit, hit. Hit, hit. So, how is it different if you do MMA? Well, there's a lot of difference because in grappling, you set up, for example, your takedown from hand fighting.

In MMA, there's different styles. I like to be using proactive and reactive takedown. Very often, I use one of my longest weapon as a decoy to get in your leg. Use my jab to create a distraction, then I can get in. Other guys, for example, like Khabib, are more like chain wrestler.

They shoot sometimes, but they're very good at using, for example, the defense as, like, pushing you to defense. And then from there, they're using their wrestling from there. So, I'm more of a dynamic. Yeah, I like to explode. So, that's one of my strengths. Which Khabib is very good at, for example, at very good technically and he's very strong in isometric strength, I heard.

So, he's very good with this style of wrestling. Do you think you can take Khabib down? I think I could, yeah. I think he could take me down as well, but... So, how do I defend against this? So, there's many ways. First, you need to be aware of the distance control.

That's one of the things that was the best step. To master the distance control, you need to master the footwork. To be always in balance and ready to explode. A lot of guys, they don't know how to manage distance control. Also, because they don't have good footwork. They cross their leg, they go all over the place.

So, when you move, it's important when... If I go left, I push off with my right. If I go right, I push off with my left. I go back, I push with my lead. I go forward, I push with my back. This is the basic. Thereafter, you can use different illusion.

So, if I'm here, I look like I'm more of a threat to you than if I'm here. But I'm at the same distance. So, one of my favorite way to set up a takedown, a single or double, I use my jab. Which is one of my longest weapon. Of course, my legs are longer, but I like the jab to create the distraction.

So, if I'm here, you see me coming. So, I use a distraction. I'm here, like a cobra, like a snake who launch itself on its prey. I'm using my body to... So, you have a false feeling of security now. Because you think I can't touch you, but because of my leg...

- Oh, you're shifting your weight. - Yes. - And now you can explode off it. - And my jab start outside of your field of vision. So, I'm not doing this. I'm doing purpose, I'm putting it down, and I'm here. And I'm attracting your attention here, because I'm moving my hand.

Boom! Once I tag you once or twice, now I have a perfect set up. Because in fighting, you have a short-term memory. You always remember what hurts you the last. And if it's my jab, then I can... I plant a seed in your mind, then I can go hop and get in easier.

- And you finish how? You drop? - There is many ways. The best, highest percentile move is the elbow deep double leg. So, when I get in, I try to look across when I step across. So, I get in, I go elbow deep. The reason why I don't only go with my legs is because if you're stronger and bigger than me, and you sprawl from there, I can have a hard time.

But if I go elbow deep, because of the leverage, you can't sprawl. Once I'm in, I look across and I drive across. To put you down. Sometimes you'll fight a guy, like for example, Bisping was very strong. And I couldn't drive across. So, when that happens, if you can't drive across, you turn the corner.

- Nice. - Because, that's... they open up on the other side. Would you like to try? - Sure. - Yeah. - So, I'm here. - Yes. Go with your elbow deep here. And now you're going to drive across. Yes. Step across with you. Yes. If you do it again, jab.

Set it up, jab. Now go ahead, go for it. Up. Yes. Yes. Exactly. And if I give you resistance, once you get in, I'm struggling and I'm sprawling my leg, you turn the corner. So, jab, set it up if you're fine. Jab. I'm sprawling. Yes. Very nice. You feel the difference?

- Yeah. - So, if he's too strong, you go on the other side. Don't force or don't waste your energy for nothing. Try to be as economic as you can, as possibly you could be. - What about on the ground, what's the difference in Jiu-Jitsu for you and not in MMA?

- Well, there's a lot of difference. I believe in Jiu-Jitsu, especially in the guard, you can't stay mid-range. I don't want to cover like this, like if I'm in a standing position. I want to cover like this. My head is on the ground, my muscles of my abdominal are contracted.

So, it's possible for you to do damage here, but because I'm contracted, it's less likely. So, I want to focus all the protection on my head. - You're okay with this? - Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. But I want to be here. So, there's a gap where I can see you here.

If I'm here, it's not as efficient because you can go on the side. And it's easy for you to grab my wrist, put it down, and hit. If I'm here, it's harder for you to control my arm. If you want to grab, it's hard for you to grab. So, that's the first thing.

Another thing, if your hand is over here, I want to take away your hand on me. I want to pull you to me. I want to control your head and your arm. And from there, there's many options. I like to take the clamp because it controls your elevation and you can't hit me.

It's either I'm very close to you or I'm very far. - Can you try to get up? - I'm very far. Yeah, if I can't get up, no problem. I'm using my leg to push you away or I can use the tip of my feet to create distance. So, you need to be aware that I can kick you in the head too.

So, it's either very close or very far. - Or go on top. - On top, yeah. So, if I'm on top, the best position for me to be, ultimately, is not even mount, is to have your back, let you to the floor from this position. Because now you cannot hit me, I can hit you and I can either knock you out or submit you.

This is the worst. Mount is the second best because I'm having a lot of control. Mount and also with my knees under your armpit. The worst would be in your guard. It's not as bad as if you would be in a jiu-jitsu competition because I have the gravity on my side.

But if I'm here, I need to respect three rules. I never want you to put my hands on the floor and go submission, all kinds of things. You can very easily wrap my arm and wrap my head, close the distance. And now it's a thing for me. So, no hands on the floor.

I don't want you to have your head higher than my head. Because if your head is higher than my head, you have a guillotine. It's very hard for me to control and do anything to you if my head is lower than your head. And another thing, the third thing, is I don't want to let you take an angle of me.

So if you take an angle, you do a jujitsu kata on me, you see, you need to take an angle. So if I take away that angle, I kill your offense. So, my hands always on you, never on the floor. - Are you trying to hit a little bit?

- Yeah, I can hit at the same time. If you try to raise your head up, I don't accept that you have my head high. If you try to take an angle, I put you back in line. So if I respect these three rules, as I'm respecting these three rules, I can cause damage.

Even if I'm in the guard. My goal is always, eventually, to pass the guard, get to a more dominant position. - I love it. - In a nutshell, that's what it's about. - Well, thank you, Jurek. - No, man. You guys got a chance to train with Elon, to watch him train, take steps on his martial arts journey.

- What do you think? - I think he's very strong. Much stronger than the average man. He's got a lot of heart. He's very tough. So, I've always found that by far and away the most important thing, when two people get into a clash, skill level trumps everything else in terms of what's going to turn the outcome.

- Skill beats heart. - Skill beats everything. That's not to say other things aren't relevant, but skill is more relevant. From what I understand, his proposed opponent has almost two years of training experience. That's a big advantage. So it will be an uphill battle. I will say, however, though, that I'm deeply impressed with both George and myself, with his overall ability to watch the subject from a very good angle.

He's extremely intelligent and sees what is the crux of the problem, identifies what would need to be done. But I also believe that he's probably one of the busiest human beings on the planet. That said, these guys doing martial arts, training martial arts is pretty damn awesome. I think, ultimately, the deepest lesson is that both of these guys have had an amazing impact on 21st century society and both still have a lot of work to do.

I think they're two people who have put themselves in a position where they can create greater benefits for humanity than almost anyone else can afford. And so there's a sense in which I wish they would focus more on that than fighting each other. All right, so one more round.

This is for everything. It's a submission. Yes, sir! This is for the greatest fighter of all time. Yes, sir! Yes, sir! - Thank you, Lex.