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Adjust Your Mindset to Achieve Your Ideal Life | #shorts


Knowing that anything is possible, anything is possible. It's like your mom said, when you were a little kid, you can do anything if you try. It's totally true. You can make millions in real estate. You could build a tech company. You could be a digital nomad and live on points and 500 bucks a month or whatever.

You could do whatever you want. Start with the feeling of life you want to have. Define your ideal day. I love that practice. We're just like, what does the ideal perfect day look like? And then jot that down. And now, you know, where you're headed. Now you can find the strategy that's going to get you there.

But the mindset of this, like I want an ideal life and an ideal life is possible for me, so I'm going to pursue it with every ounce of my being. And almost everybody I know who is incredibly happy and incredibly successful, not just from money, but from anything. People I know who have an amazing marriage, it's because they know that having an amazing marriage is possible and they work for it and they fight for it because they know it's possible.

And so that's the thing I think a lot of people in general miss is they never take time to envision what's possible. And they just do whatever in front of them.