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What's Your Advice For A Master's Student Choosing a Thesis Topic?


0:0 Cal's intro
0:19 Cal reads the question about a master's student choosing a thesis
0:38 Cal explains difference between master's and doctorate
1:5 What you need to do
1:36 Topic matters


All right, I think we have time for one more question. Let's do one from Linda. Linda asks, do you have any general advice for a master student in the sciences choosing a thesis topic? Is the topic more, less, or as important as location, people, the lab, nature of work, topic relevance?

Does it really matter in the long run what the topic is? Yeah, it's a good question. I'm looking at the elaboration here because the fact you said master's degree and not PhD gives a very different answer. So if we were talking about a dissertation, especially if you wanted to do an academic job, there's a lot of things that really matter there.

I mean, so if you wanted an academic job and this was a PhD dissertation, I would say you want to choose an advisor who lots of universities wish they could hire, but they can't because that advisor is already at this really good school and is very happy. And what you want to then do is basically become the low-cost alternative for that advisor by mastering whatever she does or whatever he does, that approach that you are their protege, that if they can't hire her, well, at least they can hire you because you're younger and on the market.

That's the best way to open up your options in a PhD environment. Master's degree is a little bit different. In your elaboration, you say that you don't want to go into doctoral graduate school after this, you want to go into industry. So then I would say topic really matters from a what skill is valuable in the industry right now.

Master's degrees are short, couple years. So you don't have to worry like with a PhD what's going to be popular six years from now. You can just say what type of job do I want? I want a job in one of these type of organizations. What is the thing they're looking for right now?

Let me find a way to do a master's degree that would force me to learn that skill and show I'm good at it. Very simple. It's a skill that's going to be on your resume that an employer in the next year or two is going to look at. Think ahead what skill you want them to see.

So I would see that almost entirely as an exercise in skill, useful skill acquisition. All right. Oh. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)