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Exclusions apply. See website for details. Welcome to the show, Radicals. Today's episode is supported by Paladin Registry. Make 2017 the year that you follow through and start your search for your great financial advisor. You need one. Start your search at P-A-L-A-D-I-N. Today's episode is also supported by YNAB.

Y-N-A-B. You need a budget. The world's best budgeting software and the budgeting software that I use. Each and every day. for a free 34-day trial. Today we tackle credit, credit reporting, and some simple annual maintenance items that you need to take care of to make sure that you keep your good name.

Welcome to Radical Personal Finance, the show dedicated to giving you all of the knowledge and education and ideas and reminders that you need to live a rich life now while also making sure that you stay on track to the top of your game. I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Adam Sandler.

And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Adam Sandler. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden.

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And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden.

And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden.

And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden. And I'm your host, Michael McCrudden.

So once a year I change my oil. I have all this checklist of little things that I do at each June and in January. And one of those things is to check the credit reports. So I just got done checking mine, pulling them down, going through them. This really only needs to take a couple of minutes.

Meaning if you have a clean and simple credit report, you just look at any open accounts, any inquiries, make sure you recognize everything, make sure nothing's going on, and make sure everything's okay. It takes a few minutes. But you want to be able to make sure that people are not making applications for credit in your name and making sure that people are not opening accounts in your name.

If you catch it early, it's simple. You can dispute it. You can have it taken off. And then you'll make sure to maintain and keep your credit report clean. So make sure that on your January checklist, So make sure that on your January checklist, you have the to-do item of downloading your credit reports from the three credit reporting agencies.

Now, one thing you should consider, there are three agencies, and you should ask the question, "Should I do this all in January or should I possibly spread it out?" For the sake of simplicity, generally it's best to just do this in January or if your birthday is in September, you just do this stuff around your birthday or when the kids get out or whatever.

You pick a good time in your annual calendar. Pick a time that you do it consistently and set yourself a reminder in your Tickler files or on your calendar system. Good to do it all at once. The only exception to this would be if you knew that you were going to be applying for credit.

You're going to be applying for a mortgage or something like that. In that case, all of these reports basically report the same information. So I just got done doing mine. Download three credit reports. Take a quick look through. Yep, they all say the same thing. Everything's good. There's no new accounts I don't recognize.

Boom, boom, boom, done. Very, very simple. If I were going to apply for a mortgage or if I were going to take out loans or something like that, though, I would probably set this and do one every four months. Generally, these reports are all going to reflect the same information.

And so the reason to do it every four months would just simply be to make sure that I'm keeping current amounts. By doing it on, you can do it for free. Once a year, once out of every 365 days, you can do it for free. So that would be just one way of looking at it.

You want to do it quarterly? Great. It'll only take a minute. Do it annually. Just make sure that you do it. A couple of quick pieces of paying attention. Now, a couple of other tips for you. I want to talk about a cheap way to actually get yourself decent identity protection, which is freezing your credit report, and also how you can keep an eye on your credit scores.

Because does not give you your credit reporting scores. And your scores do matter. Before I do that, though, sponsors of today's show is Paladin Registry. As I mentioned at the beginning, Paladin Registry is a registry service for financial advisors. I've been working with them for a really long time.

Jack Waymire and his team originally contacted me, and they solved a problem that I was trying to solve, which is how do I get my credit scores to be as high as possible? And I was trying to solve, which is how do I connect many of you with great financial advisors?

I'm not a financial advisor anymore. I got rid of all my licenses, so I don't do that stuff. But I know many of you want to work with a financial advisor. Well, do I go get Edward Jones or Merrill Lynch or Vanguard? How do I do this? I don't know.

So when I got in touch with Paladin, I worked through their model. They have a rigorous screening model and a set of due diligence research on each financial advisor who desires to be listed in their registry service. They check all their records out, make sure everything is buttoned up.

If they pass those tests, then they accept the financial advisor into their registry system. So if you're working with a pool of applicants from Paladin, you know that all of them have been screened, which is a big deal. They all meet experience requirements, ethics requirements, education, and business practice requirements.

So you've got to really shop and investigate somebody that you're going to hire as a financial advisor. Now, I say this often. I can't guarantee you're going to find a great financial advisor with Paladin. And the reason is because you've got to find a great financial advisor for you.

I have no way to control who's going to be great for you. But I can at least guarantee you that you're going to start your search on a better footing than opening up the yellow pages and just finding a random financial advisor. So if you're looking for a financial advisor that you can trust, you can go to

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