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The LA Kings Holiday Pack is back! The perfect gift for the hockey fan in your life. A three-game pack starts at just $159 and includes a holiday blanket. Buy today and you'll receive an additional game for free. Don't miss out! Visit today. First question is one of the major questions of the world.

Why? Why should you try? Why read that many books? Why go that far? Why earn that much? Why share that much? Why learn all that? Why get up that early? Why put yourself through that much? Why try for all that? Good question. Why? One of the best answers to why is the second question.

Why not? What else are you going to do with your life? Why not see how many books you can read? How far you can go? How much you can earn? How many friends you can make? How much personality you can develop? Influence you can have? How many things you can accomplish?

How far you can go and what you can see? Why not? You got to stay here till you go. Why not? The third question is why not you? Why not you? Some people have done the most incredible things with limited start. Why not you? Some people have done so well.

They get to go, they get to see it all, they get to do it. They get to be there. They get to have it. They get to enjoy it. Why not you? Why not you watching the morning mist rise over the mountains of Scotland? Exploring the mysteries of Spain, soaking up history in London.

Why not you? You got to take a stroll through the palace of Versailles. Why not you? You got to have lunch in one of those neat little sidewalk cafes in Paris. I mean, Denny's is okay, but you got to try Paris. Someday you got to gaze directly at the Mona Lisa.

I can show you where to find the most exquisite seashells in Miami and the Bahamas. I know where they are. Why not you? You got to shop on Fifth Avenue in New York. You got to stay at the Waldorf Astoria. Have dinner at Lu Chow's, sliced roast goose on a bed of apple stew.

Why not you? You got to drink in an Arizona sunset. You got to see the world. You got to read the books. You've got to do the enterprises. You've got to be involved in commerce and love and travel and experiences. You got to do it all. Why not you?

You got to know the results that come from splendid discipline. There's nothing like a view from the top. And the last question is, why not now? Don't postpone your better future any longer. Get at it tomorrow with new vigor. Start to make changes, have conversations, make contact, and do it now.

And if you will, I have a feeling one of these days we'll be hearing your story. The LA Kings Holiday Pack is back. The perfect gift for the hockey fan in your life. A three-game pack starts at just $159 and includes a holiday blanket. Buy today and you'll receive an additional game for free.

Don't miss out. Visit today.