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Unwrap the holiday savings at Citadel Outlets. Shop the early access Black Friday sales for the best deals of the season. The all night shopping party starts Thanksgiving night at 8 p.m. Visit for more information. - Welcome to the Radical Personal Finance Podcast for today, Wednesday, February 11, 2015.

My name is Joshua Sheets, I'm your host. Very quick show today, just a very short announcement for you. I apologize, but I need to actually preempt today's show, which was planned to be part two of the master class on 529 plans. Forgive me, but I've decided last minute to go ahead and fly out to Dallas, Texas tomorrow morning for the Technology Tools for Today conference.

So I will be out in Dallas on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday returning home on Saturday evening. So if the reason I'm announcing on the show is A, there may not be a show while I am out there. There may not, I will do my best to get some shows out while I'm out there, but no promises.

It'll depend on what the logistics wind up being. I've got a few reasons why I need to be out there at this conference, and I'll share them with you on the show in the future. So don't be worried if there's no shows the next couple of days. But number two, if you are in Dallas and you are a listener, I would love to connect with you.

I would love to host a meetup of some kind, and so I will probably do that. No details yet, but if you are a listener in Dallas, please reach out to me and let me know. You may feel free to email me,, although the best way to coordinate this will probably be on Twitter.

So connect with me personally on Twitter @joshuasheats. And I will be, this conference will be at the Hilton, what is this, the Hilton Anatoly, I guess, in Dallas, Texas, in downtown Dallas. And I'd love to connect with any of you who would like to meet up. I'll figure out details, but keep an eye on Twitter.

Let me know that you're in town or that you would like to connect, and we'll probably set something up once I know more details on my schedule. And we'll keep an eye on Twitter for that. That'll be the best way to connect. So forgive me, no show in the next couple of days, but I will be back with you as soon as possible.

And again, if I can release some episodes while I'm there, I'll do that. And this will be good for the show. I plan to be doing a bunch of interviews while I'm out there, which I'll be able to bring you on the show. That's one reason among many why I've decided last minute to fly out there.

The rest of you, if you would like, by the way, it's not just for you who are in Dallas. I invite you to connect on, if you're interested in seeing what's going on or interested in updates on what a financial advisor conference is like, connect on Twitter @joshuasheats. So is where you can find my personal Twitter handle.

And also, just a quick note on that. How I generally use social media, I use the @radicalpf handle. That's just me. There's no team of people. That's always me on both of them at the moment. But I use the @radicalpf handle for specifically show stuff and episode announcements and topics that are specific to financial planning.

And then @joshuasheats is my own personal Twitter handle, and I usually would just keep that. I don't know, I do some financial stuff every now and then. Sometimes I'll retweet something that I tweet for myself on Radical Personal Finance. I make the little loop. But I usually do keep those things separate.

So feel free to follow me on both. If you're interested in the personal side of my life, @joshuasheats, I'd love to have you there. And also, feel free to connect. If you'd like to see pictures from the conference, things like that, connect with me on Facebook, my personal Facebook.

You can find that at And just, yeah, request a friend over there, and I'd love to be friends with all of you on there. If any of you would be interested. Same thing on Facebook, I use the Facebook fan page for the show to do the show info.

And I don't know, I probably should be better at self-promotion, but I don't like to clutter up my own personal stuff with too much, with too much show stuff. I probably should do better every now and then I do, so I've been announcing the Patreon campaign there. I should probably do more of that.

But feel free to connect with me on and then connect with the show, And all that stuff, you can connect anywhere. So if you are in Dallas, I would like to meet you, no matter who you are, I would love to connect with you, and we'll work out a time that would work.

So shoot a note to me on either Twitter or email me joshuatradicalpersonalfinance and we will connect. And then also, thank you for those of you who have been supporting the Patreon page. We are doing extremely well with that so far. As I record this right now on February 11th at 8.43 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time, we have a current number of 26 patrons at $338 per month. And I thank each and every one of you. And I hope you don't mind, I don't wanna read through the whole list on the show. I think that would be repetitive for many people. But know that I read carefully your names and I thank you for your contributions.

I really do. And I especially thank even those of you, trust me, a dollar a month is meaningful. If every member of this audience contributed $2 a month to the show, then we would be at the $6,000 to keep the show ad-free forever. If every member, just $2 a month to the show, we're at $6,000 and then we're done and I'll announce it every now and then.

But I won't kind of make this, do this public radio pledge drive thing that I seem to be doing right now. And if you are, forgive me, I'm working hard to kind of get those awards sent out and get everything processed and streamlined to connect on Facebook and give you, those of you who are at the irregulars level, give you access to the irregulars page where I've been spending a lot of time answering questions.

And so we're working those out. I'll have those done to you in just as soon as I can. So thank you to each and every one of you. If you would like to contribute and you haven't yet, what we're doing is we're running a crowdfunding campaign to try to keep the show ad-free.

I would love to do that for you all. is where you can find all of those details. And that's it, I gotta go and pack. And I fly out at 5 a.m. tomorrow. Love to see any of you who are in Dallas tomorrow or the next couple of days.

Reach out and let me know. Cheers, y'all, have a great night. - Unwrap the holiday savings at Citadel Outlets. Shop the early access Black Friday sales for the best deals of the season. The all-night shopping party starts Thanksgiving night at 8 p.m. Visit for more information. you