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E4: Politicizing the pandemic, Police reform, Twitter vs Facebook with David Sacks & David Friedberg


0:0 Jason checks in on Chamath, Sacks & Friedberg, opening up their social circles, outdoor activities & more
9:31 Issues with politicizing matters of public health, deaths decreasing while new cases spike, masks, lockdowns & more
20:56 Viral videos, doxxing bad behavior & cancel culture
25:39 Reforming law enforcement, separating police from the military, changing police incentives
36:42 Are public unions too powerful? How a lack of leadership has led us here
41:49 Facebook vs. Twitter on free speech, Zuckerberg's relationship with Peter Thiel, valuing comfort over freedom of expression
59:24 John Bolton's book controversy
63:14 Movements in the COVID vaccine space
67:38 Trump vs. Biden: Who has the upper hand?
74:24 Who should Biden pick as VP?0:01 Jason checks in on Chamath, Sacks & Friedberg, opening up their social circles, outdoor activities & more


All right, everybody, welcome back to the All In podcast. We're here with Chamath Palihapitiya, David Friedberg, and David Sachs. Our usual foursome as we chop up the business news and what's going on. And just as a point of order, the frequency of the show is, well, don't ask me to advertise on the podcast because Chamath banned advertising.

And do not ask me when the next one is. The next one is when Chamath decides he wants to go on a rant. But how are you holding up, Bestie C? Bestie C is doing pretty well. Yeah. And the family, everything? Have you come out of quarantine in any way?

That's the first question I have for people is, has your behavior changed now as we go into, I think, what most people are calling phase two? Any change in what you're doing? Any changes in what you're doing and the risk you're willing to take? Chamath? It's a really good question.

You know, I've kind of ventured out a little bit. But I just kind of put on a mask. The only place I don't wear a mask is when I walk around my house. Just because it's, you know, I live in the suburbs. And so there's just so much space between people that you don't really run into anybody.

But if I have to go to Walgreens or CVS or whatever, I always bring a mask and gloves. So I've ventured out a little bit. But, you know, nothing meaningful, to be quite honest. And Sax, you're still out of the country in an undisclosed location. How are you feeling about what risks you're willing to take?

You know, small groups of people? Are you going out to a restaurant? Are you seeing other people? How do you look at the risk you're willing to take personally? I've adjusted my risk profile. I think quite a bit. So I mean, the learning over the past few months was just that relatively that the fatality rate for, say, relatively healthy people under 50 without risk factors is, you know, 50 times lower than, say, you know, someone under over 60 or someone who has risk factors.

And so I'm not being reckless, but I'm willing to kind of reengage in social behavior among groups of friends. And on the theory that, you know, all of my friends have been locked down. I was in total lockdown for two months. So have my friends. And so, you know.

I have several questions. The first is, I mean, how old are you? You look like 90, roughly. How old are you exactly? So how does how did the risk factors apply to you? Second, you have friends. Well, we know there's three on this call. Oh, Saxy Poo, I love you.

I miss you. Yeah, no, I mean, you raise a good point. I mean, my physical age might be 90, but my lungs are only 48 years old. And so my, my, hopefully my my lungs are, you know, qualify in that under 50 category. So, you know, I've been playing golf with friends.

You know, I've, I've kind of widened the circle of people I'm willing to let into my quarantine, basically. So by a dozen by 100? How would you buy about I've actually let in at not all at once, but at different times, probably about 20 people. Got it. So you feel comfortable and those people you do ask them, have you quarantined?

Have you been wearing masks? Have you been tested? Or you're just like, I you kind of, I mean, I generally know that people have, I mean, now, this may change over the next few months, but everyone's been kind of under shelter in place. And so if you were going to start to socializing with your friends, this would be the safest time to do it because everybody has been sort of locked down to some degree.

And, you know, most places have been closed. And so, you know, if your friends haven't gotten it, they're probably pretty safe. All right, swing over to you, Dave Friedberg. Tell me what you think of Saxo. Yeah, so I think, you know, Saxo's position, obviously, Chamath's still in quarantine, you know, venturing off to the store once in a while.

Sax opening up to, you know, 20 people or whatever in small groups playing golf outdoors, but I'm assuming he's not having like an indoor party for 50, obviously. How would you look at the risk he's taking? And what risk are you taking, Friedberg, personally in your life? I'm not too dissimilar.

I've got about eight buddies coming over to the pool this afternoon. We're going to do kind of like a Father's Day hang session. But we're going to be outside. And I've done a lot of hiking without masks and going outside without masks. I'm not really too concerned about outdoor behavior.

There was a good analysis done that showed in tracing cases where they actually found the origin of where transmission occurred, 97% occurred indoors. So generally speaking, like outdoor activity to me is like, pretty reasonable to do. So I'm pretty free with like doing stuff outside meeting friends. I'm not going to be outside hanging out by the pool.

And I've had a bunch of people come by and hang out. And then indoor stuff I try and avoid. So if I'm going to go into a supermarket, I'll wear a grocery store, I'll wear a mask, and I'll be in there as short a time period as I need to be.

And I'm certainly not going into restaurants and stuff like that. But you would sit outdoors at a restaurant, I would assume if the tables were six feet apart, would you go to a restaurant and sit in a restaurant? Yeah, I'm not rushing to do that just yet. There's just something a little bit weird about the way some of those are configured.

But generally, yes, like outdoor seems fine. You know, but like the way they set it up, it's almost like you're exposing yourself to a bunch of people around you, because they're pretty confined spaces that they're setting up these tables at. And that, but yeah, sunlight and wind effectively will, you know, break apart the protein that is the virus and you will not have this kind of infectious viral particle.

And so that's a pretty, you know, that's a pretty good idea. Well understood thing at this point. And, you know, but it's not spoken about as much by public health officials, because they don't want to kind of mitigate the concern. And they don't want people to start taking off masks and, you know, taking on very risky behavior.

But yeah, generally speaking, I think kind of like outdoor behavior is pretty, pretty safe and non non transmissible. The risky stuff I'm doing is, you know, we had a, you know, just having like folks come back to the house. And that's where I kind of still try and draw the line.

Which is having people in the house, and you don't know where they've been. And so that's a little bit concerning. Inside the house, the spittle particles with COVID-19 in of them, if they did, would be lingering. That is what I'm sorry to be graphic, but that is the concern, correct, Freeberg?

Yeah. Is that when you're outdoors, the spittle would blow away. It vaporizes, right? I mean, it really does evaporate. So the liquid that holds the protein, because the protein needs to be in a liquid to kind of maintain its integrity, when that evaporates, and it'll evaporate from wind or from sun, and that protein will degrade, it becomes kind of a non infectious particle at that point.

And so when you're inside, and you don't have those mechanisms, that particle can just float around in the air. And that's how it gets spread. And that's why in the tracing work that was done, it shows like 97% of cases happen in an indoor environment just like this. And I don't believe in the six foot thing.

I think it's bullshit. But it's a good thing. Like if you're six foot away from someone in a room, people are coughing, and that room gets filled with those particles over a one hour period. It doesn't matter if you're fucking six feet away or 20 feet away, that stuff's in the air.

So this whole notion about like, hey, distance yourself in a restaurant and indoor space. It's like, no, that's actually not going to necessarily solve a problem. Maybe if someone immediately sneezed, you'll avoid it. But I mean, certainly, Sats is advocacy for masks. Hey, Freeburgers, is that an Oura ring you're wearing?

Yeah. Have you tried it? Yeah, I actually just bought it a few weeks ago. And I've been using it to monitor my sleep. But there was an article that said that, you know, I think that all the NBA players are going to be given these Oura rings as well, because it can apparently detect coronavirus three days ahead of other ways, because it can see a change in your basal sort of body temperature.

Yeah, so UCSF ran this beta with them, and they developed this algorithm that they think is pretty predictive. So we'll see if it works in production. But yeah, that's the theory. Well, there's also this connected thermometer that if you use it, I forgot the name of it, it sends all the data to a central repository, and they've been able to predict it as well.

And this just, when we look at how the government... I think it's called rectotemp. Rectotemp? It has to go in your rectum? Yeah, just whatever's going on in your rectum, it goes right to the government. No, but this is an interesting thing when you think about low cost ways to deal with this.

The amount of money we poured into the system, Chamath, is so great that if we just sent every single person in America an Oura ring or one of these thermometers and said, just take your temperature all the day, we would know where the outbreaks were, and that would be a lot less expensive than a lot of the stimulus we're doing to try to cure what's going on.

Do you agree that we should maybe include that in some sort of approach? Look, I think the basic issue is that... Something really odd has happened in the United States, and we were talking about this in our group chat, which is that we have managed to find a way to politicize absolutely everything.

And some things, for example, like universal basic income, or what is our national policy towards China, those are political issues. But things of public health, when they get sort of distorted and viewed through a political lens or just idiotic... We view masks as a... As a political statement. We would view these Oura rings as people being afraid that the government was going to track them.

So we'll find every good... We'll find a lot of excuses in order to blow up any good idea at this point, because we can politicize anything, and we do it better than any other country in the world. It's an interesting point you make there, and I'm going to go to you in a second, Sax.

If you pull up my computer for a second, Nick. One thing I cannot understand when I watch the media... When I watch this discussion, and we haven't seen Dr. Fauci in about 60 days. I don't know where they buried him, but he's been put in a bunker somewhere. But the number of deaths in the United States continues to go down massively.

Now, I know New York was a big outbreak, and that contributes to it. But at the same time, if you look and you compare deaths to new cases, the new cases has increased in some regions, and testing has gone way up. So in trying to interpret... I don't understand why there's not somebody saying, "Listen, here's the good news.

Deaths are going way down. Testing is going way up. And here's what we should take from that." Sax, I think you and I might be slightly different sides of the aisle when it comes to politics. How do you look at this in terms of leadership at a federal level and then the media and how, you know, to Chamath's point, we politicize this?

Yeah. Well, I agree that things get overly politicized, and masks is a really good example. It's just a really common sense, easy solution. You know, I wrote a blog that we covered on this pod two and a half months ago saying that I thought masks should be... Public masks wearing should be policy.

It should be the law. Little did I know that I was taking a left-wing position. Yeah. Oops. Did you lose any friends over that? Right. Right. I know. I mean, I know you guys have me on the show as the token right winger, but actually I just appeared at CNN, just asked me to be on the show today to explain why masks should be policy.

So I just thought that was a common sense thing. You know, I'm normally very receptive to libertarian arguments, but, you know, like we talked about, the boundaries of libertarianism are, you know, you only have the freedom to wave your arms until your fist hits my nose, you know? Yeah.

Yeah. And I think that's something similar is true about when your infectious particles hit my nose. You know, there are reasonable boundaries to freedom there in the interest of other people's health. And, you know, that blog, a lot of public pronouncements about COVID have not aged very well over the last couple of months.

I think that blog actually has aged pretty well by comparison. And because you just look at all the countries that have been successful at fighting COVID, I mean, Japan has 135 million people. Yeah. Yeah. It's an old population and they've had under a thousand deaths. South Korea, 51 million people, under 300 deaths.

You take a Western European nation like Czech Republic, they had a huge COVID outbreak, a spike just like the rest of Europe. They went all in on mask wearing and they've completely controlled the virus. It's knocked out. And so it's really crazy to me that we just can't get on the same page as a country about something as obvious and easy.

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All right. On that- Biden win free. Biden win free. I love you guys. Love you. Let's play poker outside. We'll see you all next time on the All In Podcast. Bye-bye.