Spend time with the right people in the right way. And as we discussed last week in the annual review episode, we talked about people that are boat anchors in your life and bring you down, and it just really highlights how important it is to spend time with the right people.
Time is such a limited resource. Sahil had this great blog post where he showed all these charts about how we spend time and how that changes. And if you look at the time you spend with family, by the time you hit your mid-20s, that's kind of gone. If you look at time you spend with friends, surprisingly, it also diminishes usually as you have kids.
Time with your partner is actually relatively consistent, but your time with children chart was the really interesting one, where it peaks for most people in their mid to late 30s, and then it kind of falls off a cliff. And the amount of time you spend with your kids really goes down, which makes sense.
You know, we probably can all imagine how much less time we spent with our parents as we went to college, as we moved out on our own. So the summary is to be mindful of who you spend your time with this year and prioritize relationships that energize you and distance yourself from negativity.