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E47: Facebook's week from hell, Ellen Pao on sexism in Elizabeth Holmes coverage, Newsom wins & more


0:0 Besties intro, TPB Symposium recap, rapid generations in tech
7:0 UBI, incentives for success, social safety nets
19:45 Newsom's recall victory in California, where the GOP went wrong
33:59 Facebook's week from hell, Instagram's harmful impact on teen girls
42:42 How to properly regulate social media's impact on certain groups
64:46 Pentagon admits to killing 10 Afghan civilians (including seven children) in drone strike
67:17 Ellen Pao on sexism around the Elizabeth Holmes trial; Juicero, JUUL, and other male-led failures/frauds
85:54 Mailchimp sells for $12B, employees got no equity
89:43 AOC at the Met Gala


where were you on thursday were you here in l.a i was at home i i got i got family to do well family have you met him what were they like are they everything you expected i had to meet i had to meet the new kid he's 19. what's his major let your winners ride brain man david and instead we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy hey everybody welcome to another episode of the all in podcast yes we made it to episode 47 in three episodes it'll be episode 50.

no plans to do anything other than just try to record this every week for you the loyal audience with us again coming off an amazing event a live event on monday uh tuesday and i don't know if it went into wednesday but david freberg's the production board event we recorded our first live all in it seems like it went uh well on an av basis and the audience seemed to enjoy it what was the feedback freberg so you know half the room were scientists and they'd never heard of this podcast before and they were like what the hell did we just show up to it's like these who are these four guys on stage drinking this wine talking about politics for an hour and a half um but and dropping f-bombs and dropping f-bombs and uh there was a little bit of kind of seasoning we had to do afterwards to get everyone kind of comfortable but no actually it was fantastic people loved it you guys were the highlight um and i thought it was super fun to do that in person i don't know what you guys thought it's cool energy it's super cool it was great and with us again of course uh david sax the rain man himself and the dictator chamath palihapitiya and with us again of course uh david sax the rain man himself and the dictator chamath palihapitiya and with us again of course uh david sax the rain man himself and the dictator chamath palihapitiya and with us again of course uh david sax the rain man himself and the dictator chamath palihapitiya and with us again of course uh david sax the rain man himself and the dictator chamath palihapitiya what did you think uh uh sax of the live event format uh obviously half the audience were fans of the show half warrant which is i better than putting people randomly into it but i i'm glad that the people who are not fans of or have never heard of the show didn't walk out we didn't have walkouts so that was good yeah i mean look we were slightly more palatable to them than andrew dice clay or something like that but uh it was a good change of pace i mean i think some people commented that the lighting the production it was a good change of pace i mean i think some people commented that the lighting the production values weren't that great they seemed fine to us at the time but i think it was a good change of pace i mean i think some people commented that the lighting the production values weren't that great they seemed fine to us at the time but i think it was a good change of pace i mean i think some weren't that great.

They seemed fine to us at the time. But so we're gonna have to do better on that next time. And other people speculated that we took we're easier on each other in terms of debating topics because we were in person. I didn't feel that while sitting there. But you guys tell me if you think that was true.

I thought we got a better read on each other in person, and we had more dialogue than we normally would over resume. I don't know if you guys felt the same. I think so. And then I kind of liked the evening podcast, the glass of wine. There's something about it.

Like you're just like a little landing. Yeah, coming in for a nice evening the pale little cards after it could be a thing it could definitely good. I could definitely make Harlan 2012 a regular part of taping this pod. The problem is we taped too early on a Friday, right?

If we could change the taping to like, happy hour or something like that, it might work better. Oh my god, Harlan 2012. What is that's a good bottle of wine. Oh, even Jake out knows that look at him. Pretending that one pretending to be that's the it's the one with the round label.

I know it. I know I'm looking at it right now. Oh my lord. Some of those go up in value. Those things are us looks like as high as you guys think we could do a pod where we like record after playing poker for two hours. So you're too into the wine and poker and then you record wouldn't work.

No way. There'd be two I think the wine. Yes, poker. No. Yeah. I think for a first time, the audio was great. So that's you know, job one is to get the sound of the radio. 99% of consumption happens that way. To do like a line of light in Friedberg space.

For all comment, you know, it was my going blind actually got up and fix that like no one else of the crew, you know, the dozens of people working there did anything about it. My wife stood up and fixed the curtain. Dude without out you would be nowhere. Be nowhere in life.

She's she's a great person. What was the empty seat about between me and Chamath? I mean, there was an event that was if we wanted to bring up a guest. So people's names that were written on that. piece of paper are quote unquote besties did not show up on time.

Yeah, right. Exactly. No, Bill girl. They all showed up at like nine o'clock. Yeah, there may be a reason for that. Yeah. The back channel was sky Dayton and somebody else waited outside because they knew they might get pulled up. I got that from I got you're gonna have to beep his name out.

Yeah, it's your first time seeing his name on the no, he's not gonna want his name mentioned. Are you kidding me? But on my pocket, but on this week, it starts as well. Yeah, I guess. That was the last press appearance he did was 11 years ago. He literally does not I mean, everybody knows who sky Dean is Earthling founder, Boingo founder, everybody of our generation, but it's amazing how, you know, quickly, the tech, the tech crowd, you know, moves on.

So true. There's a there's a famous story actually, when when Mark Andreessen met Mark Zuckerberg for the first time, the Zuckerberg didn't know that, you know, Andreessen had created Netscape. I'm not even sure he knew what Netscape was. I think he said something like I created mosaic. And he's like, what's that?

Oh, right, right. Yeah, yeah. So it's like, yeah, look in the tech industry, we're all concerned about the future. No one pays a lot of attention to history. Do you feel like last generations, entrepreneurs and investors at this point? Well, some of us are still currently creating things freebird.

I can't mention the name of the app as per We are anti-promotion rules, but I have recently launched a new product. You could download my app, be redacted! But there's not a lot of long careers in Silicon Valley. A lot of people have... Of creating products? If you have asymmetric success, you have these big bursts, and then it's a different life.

You don't go push again for the next hard entrepreneurial project. Typically, not everyone obviously. And then you end up seeing a generation die out. Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. And then you don't see them again. You also see the venture, right? 80% of them. I mean, some people... And venture, yeah.

I think there's a lot of truth to that. And I worry about this with my own kids that I think deprivation creates motivation. Especially to do something as hard as create a company, create a startup. Deprivation creates motivation. Welcome to David Sachs' InfoCast. - Harry Tudea: No, no. I mean, look, I think, you know-- - Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

- That leads to fornication. - You know, beep, beep, - Beep! - Our friend, beep, - Has a saying that, that sort of became famous when Elon then repeated it, which is that creating a startup is like staring into the abyss and eating glass. And it is really hard to create these companies when they're successful, and so not a lot of people want to do it again once they've reached that point.

And, you know, it does take a certain amount of, like I said, deprivation, you know, to do this stuff. - I totally agree. - Which is why giving everybody the participation trophy and trying to make people's lives as easy as possible. I mean, yes, you want, you don't want to deprive people on the one hand, but on the other hand, it does often lead to good things.

- Totally agree. - We're seeing a bit of a dry run of this. If people believe that, you know, they have UBI or the government's going to take care of them, I would be fine with that. I would be fine with UBI, you know, everybody getting a little bit of money.

And if it was a safety net, the only thing I worry about is, it seems like a little bit of money, if you're clever, means you could never work. And then what happens to those people in society, right? - Well, I think it's anti-compassionate, because what you do is you kick out the bottom rungs of the ladder of economic success when you basically pay able-bodied people not to work.

I mean, those entry-level jobs that may not pay much better than the UBI are an important stepping stone to where they get to next in their career. And I think it's demotivating. And we've already seen in California, we've been doing this. - UBI is not going to pay you to go to college, but Amazon will, as an example.

So you're absolutely right. There's the GI Bill. You know, there's all kinds of examples where in history, we've used, you know, entry-level jobs as exactly as they're meant to be, an entry-level opportunity, an on-ramp to work your ass off and to make something of yourself. If you all of a sudden let people opt out of it, then it's going to be a very, very, very difficult thing to do.

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