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Will Your Time-Block Planner Have a Spiral Binding?


0:0 Cal's Intro
0:8 Cal plays a question about the Time-Block Planner
0:50 Cal talks about the next generation of the Planner
1:30 The caveat
2:20 The system of managing your time
2:51 Keep using the planner


Hi Kel, my name is Taimoor. I am a software engineer by profession and I've been following your books for quite a long time now. My question is regarding your time block planner. I was wondering if you were to update, you are going to update to a new version with a spiral binding because I read a lot of reviews on Amazon that the spiral binding would make it even more easy to use.

Do you have more updates coming to your time block planner soon? Please keep me updated. Thank you. Good question, timely question. So we have a collection of changes that we are preparing for the next generation of time block planners. Full life flat or significantly improved life flat is part of it.

There's some changes I'm doing to the actual configuration of the pages inside the planner. That's going to give us more days worth of planning without having to actually make the planner much thicker. There's a few other things too that are on this list I've been working with my publisher on to get ready for the next generation of time block planners.

Here is the main thing that stands between us right now and generation two of the time block planners is that we printed a lot of the first generation. We printed tens of thousands of copies of this planner. Now we've also sold tens of thousands of copies of the planner so it's good.

We're catching up to the supply, but we can't put out a new generation of the planner until we basically have moved through the first generation that we've already printed. So what I want to try to tell people who are using a time block planner now, this thing will continually be updated.

The slowest update is going to be this first one because the first printing of anything is going to be the biggest. After this first printing, printings will probably be smaller so we can get changes into the pipeline quicker. But you are not investing when you buy this planner, when you start doing time block planning, you're not investing in the exact version of the planner you receive in the mail as being what you will be using from here on out.

Over time, this planner will evolve based on feedback. So you're investing in a system. You're investing in an approach to managing your time, not just a physical product. Because once you fill that one planner, you get another one, and then you get another one. And then the next one might be different because we're going to continue to evolve.

So I do like to tell people that, you know, every three months you're done with one. Pretty soon the next one you get might be different. So this seems very self-serving, but it's true. The best thing you can do to help introduce or accelerate improvements to the planner is actually to keep using the planner.

So if you're using time block planning, and maybe there's some changes you want to see, keep using time block planning because if everyone bought one more, we get through six months more, and everyone's bought two more, that's going to get us all the more quicker to the printing selling out so we can get the new changes into the pipeline.

So again, I know that sounds really self-serving, but this is the bigger point I want to make is when you buy the time block planner, it's not the one thing you get. It is an investment in a new philosophy of scheduling. And if you don't know what we're talking about, we do have that website,, which explains what time blocking is.

We have a really nice video there that actually shows the planner in action, etc. So yes, changes are coming. After those changes, there'll be more, and after those, there will, I'm sure, be more. This will continue to evolve. Keep your feedback on this planner coming to me, and together we are going to make the tools we use for this really effective mode of time management increasingly polished and increasingly useful.