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(Stop Complaining) — The Life-Changing Rule You Have to Adopt NOW | Sahil Bloom & Chris Hutchins


My most important rule for life, don't complain about anything. Because when you complain about something, you are just giving too much energy to it. You're giving too much power to that thing. And the way to reassume that power is to not allow it to command your mind. If you can affect the thing, if you have the power to actually change it, go do something about it.

And if not, you're just giving too much energy spending time thinking about it. So move on to something that you can actually affect. Since hearing that, I have tried to adopt it and catch myself anytime I complain like, "Why? Can I fix this? If I can't fix it, why complain?" And it's stress.

I mean, it's like, it's the same thing, right? If I'm not, if I can't change it, I can't impact it in any way, I'm not going to stress about it. And like everything else, I'm not saying I'm perfect about this. And I constantly need the reminder in my own head.

But not complaining really will change your life.