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Radicals, I've got a quick meetup announcement for you. I will be in Louisville, Kentucky this coming Tuesday, March 10. So again, Tuesday, March 10, and I will be hosting a Radical Personal Finance meetup in the evening. We'll get together at a Louisville restaurant. You're welcome to come for dinner.

You're welcome to come before dinner. You're welcome to come after dinner. I'll make myself available for the entire evening of Tuesday, March 10 in Louisville, Kentucky in the United States if you would like to come and get together with me and meet up with me there. So here's how you get the details.

Email me, and say, "Joshua, I'm interested in the details on the meetup," and I will respond with the location, the restaurant, and all of those details. Again, Louisville, Kentucky meetup on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in the evening after work. So email me, if you would like to come to that meetup.