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Apple should launch a CLOUD and compete with AWS #stockmarket #technology #apple #allinpodcast


- They've squeezed as much revenue as they can out of the iPhone. Services seems like the best place for them to make money, but as we see, the App Store is under assault. - It's a little bit of a head scratcher what's going on over there. They should launch a huge competitor to AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Every developer that Apple has theoretically could have been running not just on Apple's SDK and APIs, but they should be running in an Apple Cloud. That would have been an incredible way to defend a 30% rev share. Okay, listen, I'm taking 30%, but here's a bunch of subsidized access to hardware.

And the market would have loved it. And in this AI shift, they can still do that. The most valuable thing they could do would be to launch a big cloud. - They have all the app developers on test flight ready to go. - They have all of them. - They just email them and say, "Hey, here's your free storage." I mean, they could just slowly add features.