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The Biggest Issue of Our Time: The US National Debt


I remain steadfast in my commitment to there being only one major issue facing this country, and that is the federal debt and the deficit. We are increasing the federal debt by a trillion dollars every hundred days. That number is not slowing down. The current budget proposal from the Biden administration calls for over $7.2 trillion to be spent next year.

That makes the U.S. federal government roughly one-third of our country's GDP. The outrageousness of the condition that the U.S. is in right now makes it so insane to me that we are talking about any other topic. If every voting citizen of the United States does not recognize the severity of the deficit and debt problem that the federal government faces, you are wasting your vote, and no candidate is speaking to what is clearly the biggest issue of our time, and we need to address this issue headlong.

So I don't care about this person or anyone else who's running for office that is talking about stuff that we cannot actually address and problems we cannot actually solve if we don't get our fiscal affairs in order.