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Language Learning Hacks: Ditch Perfectionism & Speak Now


Are there any hacks or tips you've developed or helped people with to kind of get over those nerves and get over the need to be a perfectionist? You have to speak your target language from day one. So I think one big mental barrier people have is they decide I'm going to study the language for a certain amount of time.

I'm going to learn Spanish. So one year from now, I will have reached that magic moment when I can finally walk up to a native speaker and speak Spanish to them. And I think that is a fool's errand because this creates a new situation in your head where you have to wait until you're ready and then you can make all the excuses in the world that you're not ready yet because you will never be at 100% perfectionism in Spanish, even when you reach the very high levels I've talked about.

So to throw that out the window, you have to decide I'm going to speak it right away, even though I only know ten words. I'm still going to try and use it.