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Should You Worry About Fraud When Buying Gift Cards?


Should I be worried if I'm buying gift cards that five other people might have seen the code? And is there a lot of fraud in this industry? The amount of fraud that we experience among our members is very low, because our members tend to be somewhat professional. They're doing this as some kind of business.

And we we have know your customer requirements, there's a delay to get paid. So that creates some security that if people upload completely bunk card information, they won't get paid, the user gets a refund, I think that the risk is similar to if you were to buy one in a store, because there's also fraud that can take place with physical cards, where people will swap out a card, they'll write down the card information, the card you activate at the register won't be the one that you're actually buying, because they've done a swap, there is a risk of fraud, I don't think the risk is substantial, though.

And I think that if you buy from a reputable place, they'll make you whole. And so it's just not not a major worry.