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What Is Your Updated Advice About Temporary Plans?


0:0 Cal's intro
0:25 Cal reads a question about temporary plans
0:40 Cal has his temporary plans live on his weekly plan


All right. Let's do one more question here. What are we at? We're rolling along here. Let's do one more deep work question. This one is from Sparky. Sparky says, in a 2014 blog post, you talked about temporary plans. As I am a professor as well, these longer two to three week plans seem more useful than a purely weekly plan for occasions like end of the semester or a period before spring break or a big conference travel.

Do you have any updated tips or advice for these? I do, Sparky. So when I used to talk about temporary plans, these were either habits you were temporarily trying out or work heuristics or plans that apply to a time delimited period, like the next month or the next two or three weeks.

And I used to email these to myself. They'd be in my inbox, temporary plans, and so I could see them in there. The main change I've made, Sparky, is I don't do that anymore. I just have the temporary plans live on my weekly plan. And when I redo my weekly plan, I'm like, yeah, this temporary plan is still in effect, so I'll just keep it there.

And I used to email my weekly plans to myself. Now I print them out. Now I just keep-- I don't want to have to look in my inbox at any occasion when I don't have to. So that's my one change, is just have that live on your weekly plan.

At the top of your weekly plan, you can even label them as ongoing or temporary plans. And I just have a Word document where my last weekly plan exists, and I just update it. When I update it, there's a lot of these bigger picture temporary plan or heuristic type things that I just keep there.

So that'd be my only change. (upbeat music)