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Jason Explains What Happened to Those "Day in My Life in Tech" Videos


You may remember a couple of years ago during peak Zerp, everybody was doing these day in the life of a tech worker, and they would show you what it's like to work at LinkedIn or Microsoft or Google. These companies provided perks because they recognize that their employees were working on important things and they were sacrificing.

If you have an employee who is that dedicated, the least you can do is buy them lunch or dinner. Another generation came into these companies and cluelessly thought that they were entitled to these perks simply for having a business card that had the name Google on it. They showed that they were overpaid and underworking.

It infuriated management at these companies, they realized that they had created a culture of entitlement. All those people got laid off hard problems created strong team members at these companies and those strong team members solve those problems and created wildly profitable companies. Those wild profits created massive entitlement. And now with the layoffs, we're back to strong team members solving important problems in the world and the cycle starts anew.