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I'm Most Proud of Trying - Eric Weinstein | AI Podcast Clips


- Do you think about your own mortality, death? - Sure. - Are you afraid of death? - I released a theory during something that can kill older people, sure. - Oh, is there a little bit of a parallel there? - Of course, of course, I don't want it to die with me.

- What do you hope your legacy is? - Oh, I hope my legacy is accurate. (laughs) I'd like to write on my accomplishments rather than how my community decided to ding me while I was alive, that would be great. - What about if it was significantly exaggerated? - I don't want it.

- You want it to be accurate? - I've got some pretty terrific stuff and whether it works out or doesn't, I would like it to reflect what I actually was. I'll settle for accurate. - What would you say, what is the greatest element of Eric Weinstein accomplishment in life?

In terms of being accurate, what are you most proud of? - Trying. The idea that we were stalled out in the hardest field at the most difficult juncture and that I didn't listen to that voice ever that said, stop, you're hurting yourself, you're hurting your family, you're hurting everybody, you're embarrassing yourself, you're screwing up, you can't do this, you're a failure, you're a fraud, turn back, save yourself.

Like that voice, I didn't ultimately listen to it and it was going for 35, 37 years. Very hard. - And I hope you never listen to that voice. - Well-- - That's why you're an inspiration. - Thank you, I appreciate that. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)