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Leaked tapes: Sacks vs. Jason origins | All-In After Party on Callin


What did you guys think of yesterday's all-in episode? I was just astonished to hear you guys fight about us for the first 15 minutes of the pod. And I haven't listened to the rest, frankly. Wait a second. I'll drop it at midnight. Well, since Jason won't talk, I'm going to jump in.

I was super dissatisfied with Jason's performance as moderator with that last episode. He's back to his old ways of constant annoying interruptions, but it's not done in an even-handed way. You know, like I said, Jason, you missed it, so I'm going to repeat it. Chamath gets to go on and on, you know, casually talking.

You know, he's wearing his linen Italian shirt with no buttons. And he's got all the time in the world to make his points. And then I speak for, like, five seconds, and I can't even – I said, look, I've got three points to make about everything. I couldn't even get through number two without you interrupting me.

And so then, you know, Freebird complains that I'm, like, getting reduced to soundbite – soundbites. Well, the reason I'm reduced to fucking soundbites is you won't let me talk. So it's like I have to figure out what I'm going to say in the shortest possible burst just to, like, get my points in edgewise, you know.

And then, by the way – I feel that way. When you're speaking on the podcast, when any of us – when you're speaking on the podcast, I personally also feel like there's, like, a bear trap, and you're waiting for the bear trap to close. It's Jason's mouth. And it's about what the next thing is going to – you know.

Yeah, I can see you – you don't normally talk that fast in real life. I can see you speeding up your word speed because, you know, you've got this idiot moderator who's going to cut you off. Yeah, it makes me anxious. Yeah. Why can't I bottle on? Yeah, guys, go start your own fucking podcast and be solo.

There he is. Yes. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Cal, we're the stars. We're the stars of the podcast. You're just the moderator. Oh, okay. You're just the moderator. All right, all right. Listen, you go and you guys start the 2AI podcast, and you moderate each other, and you can just monologue.

You can just sketch G-E-T-G-E-3. Guess what? Guess what? I started a whole podcasting app. It's called Call In. Yeah, okay. Whoa. I am – It's a fucking call. It's crashed seven times on the first fucking call. Who's coding this shit? Yeah, well, we're on – It's called Test Flight.

We're in beta. It's called Test Flight. You're our guinea pig. You're our guinea pig. Let's do it. I'll tell you what. You want to talk shit? Listen, I'm going to set up two GPT-3s, and I'm going to have one David 1 and one David 2, and then I'm going to have them talk to each other.

And then I'll make sure it doesn't interrupt each other, and we'll see if it gets higher ratings than the two of you guys complaining about me moderating. I am playing the role of the audience. When I interrupt you, it's because you're being fabulously boring, or there's an opportunity to make a joke.

So does that mean – One of those two. Is Chamath – I don't agree with that. I mean, honestly, I don't agree with that because you're not even handling your interruptions. Okay, Dylan, it's above your pay grade. Put yourself on mute, please. Thank you. Take it easy, Dylan. We want you to try – Pay grade is $0, by the way.

Yeah, $0. I think Saks is paying you through Bitcoin or Ethereum or something. I know he's sending you Doge to influence your edits. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why you don't respect Saks' points, but Chamath can ramble on for hours on end. Wow. You know, actually, I think Chamath is falling behind, and I think because of the – my theory is the all-in stats account is now resulting, it's gotten inside Chamath's head that he's a ball hog, and now he's just backed off 20% every episode, so now it's in his head.

And this is also happening with the two Davids. Oh, my God. They're all in their own heads about – Chamath was a total ball hog last episode. I mean – Oh, there it goes. No, it was true. Okay, so the top issue on the pod was Eric Adams. You talk, he talks like three times, and then you guys move on without even giving me or Freeberg the chance to add.

Because we know your opinion. Your opinion is more cops. More guns. Yeehaw. We get your opinion. We know it. We don't have to ask you. No, you know, you moved on without even giving me a chance to weigh in. How's that good moderation? How's that good moderation? And by the way – You don't lie.

By the way – hold on a second. By the way, the fact that Eric Adams won – We're the number one pod. You could not have predicted that. You could not have predicted that. Nobody else in the pod would have predicted it. I predicted it because for six months I've been saying that's the number one political issue in America.

I deserved a victory lap on that point. You didn't. You just moved – you just blew right past it without even giving me a chance to weigh in on my signature issue. Pump the brakes, Tucker. Pump the brakes, Tucker. That's my signature issue. Why wouldn't you give me a chance to weigh in?

All right. Okay. Okay, Ringo. We'll let you sing a song. Okay? Take it easy. Listen. We're the number one tech podcast when we drop an episode. It's working. My moderation is working. Your contribution is working. Your moderation is spotty. It's spotty. Oh, okay. How much better than number one do you need us to be?

Okay? No, I'm saying that some episodes is good. I'm saying some episodes is good. I think the last episode sucked in terms of your moderation. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. Thanks, Coach. The fact is – By the way, the reason why we need Henry Belcaster is – no, from my standpoint, Henry Belcaster and Dylan are a necessity.

Why? Because we can put together my takes editing out your interruptions. So, in other words, we can – We can reconstruct. We can reconstruct what I wanted to say. They do a repair job. It's a repair job around your city moderation. Sacks, it is a little suspicious how many times you have to say my full name.

It's under the contract. Under the contract, you have to say his full name. I don't know. It's like you're trying – All right. Listen. David, I'm sorry that you're hurt that I interrupt you or make fun of you. I just want to say you look great. Your plant diet is working.

And I am right now on a 14-hour fast. And I look at that bacon. I'm looking at the bacon and eggs and the toast my kids are having this morning. And you know what I said? I got to drop at least two pounds by the next all-in podcast. So, it's working.

So, congratulations. I shamed you into stopping. All right. Well, thank you. And by the way, by the way, I mean, wait. This is another thing that didn't get – we didn't really unpackage this. But you're a 10-pounder. You're a 10-pounder. You're a 10 pounds heavier than me. Are you not?

That's not a lie. You said you're – Yeah, I am. I am. I don't know why I look better. I can't understand it either. I look so much better than you. You're half an inch shorter and 10 pounds heavier. Yet, I still look better. It's crazy. I agree. Henry, that's a soundbite you should turn into a little clip.

If only this app allowed you to have high-quality, high-fidelity sound, you could actually work with these clips. J.K.L., aren't you a big investor in this app? Yeah, I'm a minor investor. I'm a minor investor, but I'm happy to be along for the ride. And I will promote the shit out of this app once it's out there since Clubhouse blocked me from investing.

So anything to kill Clubhouse and help tax. Hey, speaking – I'll do. Speaking of weight, are any of you investors in this tonal machine thing? I'm not, but I own one, and it's great. It's great. I love it. It's nuts. I use it all the time. Hey, we got to talk about this censorship because we made a clip for David Sachs.

All right. All right. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. Once again, Dylan. What's your opinion? We're going to throw it to you. Mute yourself. You're not the moderator here. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion. Jason, Jason. Jason, what's your height and weight? I think we might have to have a boxing match.

All right, Dylan. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Once again, Dylan and Henry, stay in your lane. Both of you put yourself on mute. This is our episode. Then I'm gone. What's beautiful – Bye, guys. Nice seeing you. Mute yourself or else I leave. Okay. Three, two – It's a takeover.

It's a takeover. It's a takeover. Thank you. Thank you, boys. Jesus Christ. Now, besties, back to the topic at hand. Don't empower these two guys too much, okay? Dylan and Henry, you do a great job, but you're not besties. You're not moderators. You're not on the show, okay? You're the whack pack.

You're talented. J. Kel, you're the whack pack. Your 16-hour fast is making you a little cranky. Fucking Baba Booey's over here. That high-pitched Eric. Brutal. Baba Booey. Baba Booey. Baba Booey. You guys think they're running the show all of a sudden. Jesus Christ. This is what happens when you mention them by name at the top of the show.

Listen, guys. Collect all of the money from the other podcasters. Just double your fees every three months and ride on David's praising you and me praising you. We're happy to watch you price gouge the other podcasts. But they do good work. I agree. They do good work. All right.

Is there anything you want to talk about, David? Other than criticizing my moderation, which people love and we make people laugh. If I didn't interrupt you and laugh, there wouldn't be that tension on the show. People are waiting for me to interrupt and make a joke. I think there should be a clock where I'm allowed a certain amount of time before you interrupt.

Just tell me what it is. 30 seconds. You know? Seven seconds. Yeah. Seven seconds. Ten seconds. Just tell me what it is so I know. Yeah, but I don't know when you're going to give me an opening to make.