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Apple looking to OUTSOURCE iPhone AI to Google or OpenAI!? #apple #business #investing #chatgpt #ai


big questions emerged this week as Bloomberg reported that Apple was speaking to both Google and open AI about powering certain AI features on iOS specifically, according to the article, this deal between Apple and Google seems much more likely than the open AI one and could happen this year. This is the most consequential new development in technology and compute in probably 20 years, 30 years, and to not have enough allocated to this so that you have a legitimate path forward to do it yourself, I think is a little inexcusable actually, who would look at the launch of Google Gemini and say, I want that that launch was a total fiasco.

Another woke company. I think it fits the Apple philosophy pretty well. How woke would Tim Cook have to be to look at the launch of Gemini and say, Oh, yeah, I don't see anything wrong there. You got that. I want that. Yeah, apparently Tim Cook is the only person on earth who's impressed with the launch of Google Gemini.

I mean, I can't believe the story is true. It can't be