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Good morning, Radicals. This is Joshua Sheets, September 21, 2016, early on Wednesday morning here, working in my home office. I'm getting on an airplane later today. Today's actually my son's third birthday, so I'm taking the day off and we're taking him to the zoo to celebrate his third birthday, having a small birthday party.

And then this afternoon, I'm getting on an airplane and flying out to San Diego for FinCon 2016. So quick update. One, I apologize for the lack of shows last week and this week. I have not intentionally taken the time off. I've just been a little bit overwhelmed, and so I apologize.

I feel like that's kind of been the theme of the last year, and I'm making progress toward that regard. Some people have said, "Hey, Joshua, where are all the shows?" And some people have said, "Wow, it's great. I can finally keep up with you." So no matter what I do, I guess I please some people and don't please others.

So I haven't intentionally pulled back to the very small number of shows. Last week, I published two. This week, I had intended to have five or six out, but my apologies. I'm still working and learning, and I'm doing the best that I can. But I'm behind as far as flying out of town.

So first, just want to let you know that, and I apologize for that. Number two, if you're going to be in San Diego, I would love to meet up with you. Or if you are in San Diego, even if you're not planning to come to the FinCon, Financial Bloggers usually formally knows the Financial Bloggers Conference, but it's probably the big premier conference for my little industry here, financial media, and new financial media especially.

Even if you're not in FinCon, just want to let you know and give you a heads up that I will be in San Diego. And my entire purpose for coming to FinCon is to hang out with all of y'all, listeners of this show. So I will be extremely available.

Please reach out to me on Twitter would be the best way. Reach out to me on Twitter @JoshuaSheets. Remember my name is spelled S-H-E-A-T-S. So my Twitter username is @JoshuaSheets. But if you're in the San Diego area, or if you will be at FinCon, please know that I am coming to FinCon to hang out with you.

I'll be completely flexible. I have very few scheduled appointments, and I'll be very available. So reach out to me on Twitter and set something up. If you see me in the hallway, make sure to come and see me, and please introduce yourself I'm coming for the purpose of hanging out with all of you who are listeners.

One of the best things about doing a podcast is I can create lots of content and share it with other people. One of the worst things is that it's often one-way content. So when I go to events like this, I like to do that so I can just listen to you and hear your story.

So I won't be interested in much in talking about me. I'll be interested in listening to you. So please, if you're in the San Diego area, I will be in San Diego for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Saturday night, I'm taking the Red Eye back to West Palm Beach. So Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in the San Diego area, reach out to me on Twitter.

If you want to have breakfast with me, lunch with me, dinner with me, I have a couple of scheduled things, but I will make myself extremely available, and I'll put out announcements on social media about where I'm going to be. So I would love to meet up with you, and I will get shows published as I am able.

And my sincere apologies for the lack of shows this week. continue to improve things here at Radical Personal Finance HQ and make them better in