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Dr. Andrew Huberman Learns From Ido Portal


Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting the one and only Ido Portal on the Huberman Lab Podcast. Ido Portal is credited with being the world expert in all things movement, and the person who coined the term movement culture, which is the gathering in and around movement practices. Ido and his colleagues have essentially combined all the different forms of movement that exist out there and expanded upon them to create patterns of movement that utilize all aspects of the nervous system and that can be incorporated not just into sport and dance, et cetera, but also into daily life.

Needless to say, it was a very special experience for me to get direct movement instruction from the luminary of movement, Ido Portal. I became not hyper-conscious of every movement, but certainly far more aware of my posture in the various movements that I make and has led me to start to incorporate some of those same movement practices into my daily routine.