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When Does Cal Newport Listen To Podcasts? | Deep Questions With Cal Newport


0:0 Cal's intro
0:28 Cal explains when he listens to podcasts


All right. Quick question. Christine asks, when do you listen to podcast? For me, chores is a big one. Cleaning dishes, cleaning the house, mowing the yard. Great time to listen to either podcast or books on tape. I go back and forth. I treat those interchangeably. Driving. So driving will be another time I'll do that.

The walk home from my kid's bus stop. So I take my older two boys to the bus stop in the morning, about 15 minutes away. So that walk home, I would consistently listen to things. And then sometimes I would add onto that walk. So I'd make it a little bit longer than 15 minutes on the way home.

So that's when I'm listening to the podcast. Not all the time, but during times when my mind would otherwise be bored. The exception to that, of course, is listening to deep questions. That you want to listen to as soon as it comes out as many times as you can fit into your week.

(upbeat music)